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Red Bull Pillars of Eternity article (from E3? or not)

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First PE article from E3 is up, meaning that Red Bull broke the embargo or it's been waived.


Really nice write up. Got a little bit of new info and a couple of confirmations of other devs working on the game (such as the suspected Olivia Veras, and also Matt McLean as a Narrative Designer[!]).


edit: well actually this is not necessarily a post-E3 article as it doesn't even mention it. Perhaps Red Bull visited the studio recently.

Edited by Sensuki
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Nice writing from the journalist. Here's an excerpt:

"In Pillars' morally ambiguous world of scientific revolution, Animancy is right at the cutting edge of progress – stem cell research for wizards. For a modest fee, an Animancer will permanently bind your soul to your earthly body, tethering you to the mortal plain for the rest of time as a permanent middle finger to the reaper. All well and good, in theory. The only problem is that, after a while, your flesh starts dropping off.

From there, the repercussions of ignoring the small print only get worse. You start getting cravings for meat: a scullery maid here, a serving boy there. Who's to know? Like fantastical kelp, eating fresh bodies goes some way to halting your body's decay, but soon your mind starts to go as well.

Finally, you wind up your typical shambling corpse, schlepping around your palace until some questing hero or curious treasure hunter barges into your chambers, lops off your head and pinches all your jewelry."

*** "The words of someone who feels ever more the ent among saplings when playing CRPGs" ***


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Well, it isn't exactly new information except hearing from new folks I guess.

I don't think publishing an interview like this breaks any embargo? No new screenshots, no spoilers and no demo after all.

But it is possibly a pre-E3 interview as well, and it is was published today strategically (Red Bull knows there's gonna be a few Pillars of Eternity fans hunting the internet for E3 information). You're practically doing the marketing and driving traffic to them for them Sensuki ;)

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Well, it isn't exactly new information


Theme-wise it is. And it highlights the rivalry between the Dyrwood and Eir Glanfath as being a major-ish plot point, as many of us suspected.

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You're practically doing the marketing and driving traffic to them for them Sensuki ;)

I didn't find the article, Fruciante from RPGCodex did. But I'm relaying it around for everyone else.

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I just picked it up as well on my coffee break.

Its really easy just put "pillars of eternity" in google search with time limit on 24 hours, keep it on separate tab with news section or whatever you skim over during your breaks and forget until next time it refresh.



Overall it is a nice summary, but except few new names( you missed Jeff Hughes), it should be familiar for all.

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We don't need to shy from the depiction of sexuality, or pull our punches when it comes to the effects of violence on individuals and communities. The people of Pillars of Eternity, as in our world, are multifaceted, and prone to the same virtues and vices. They might hold superstitious or bigoted beliefs, or covet their neighbour's wealth. They might visit brothels or indulge in narcotics after a long day.



My dark paladin is very pleased by this last statement and amusingly brings his hands together, touching fingertips in villainous fashion.

Edited by ManifestedISO

All Stop. On Screen.

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"The Dyrwoodans fill the fantasy role of the trampling colonial empire. Like Skyrim's Imperials, they're a centralized power with an unshakeable faith in their mission to civilize, forever hatching secret plots and schemes to further exert their political influence in the region. The Glanfathans, meanwhile, are a mish-mash of indigenous tribes with a long, murky history, and are, as you might expect, none too happy about the prospect of being colonized. The Glanfathans are also a more conservatively religious group, and are consequently displeased with the Dyrwoodan's ungodly research into souls and the tinkering therewith."

1. Dyrwoodans the trampling colonial empire? that seem like an fitting description of Ayder Empire, who was colonizing the region and hasn't stooped its exploitation attempt in Glanfathan even after Dyrwood revolution. But Dyrwood is no empire, and we are told that they stopped Ayder practices, banned slavery of Glanfathans, and that their relations with Glanfathans has warmed up, to the point that Glanfathans cooperation led to breakthroughs in Animancy ... although that might be the prelude for the current conflict i.e. conservatism vs progress.


2. Glanfathans, murky history? their mind hunters in the war or something else from their past?


3. Interesting bit on Glanfathans attitude toward that ungodly research, even if expected. We previous learned that the consider the ruins sacred, and have been told that Glanfathans lives in Twin elms are dominated by religion and temples, but I don't think that JS has revealed who is/are their gods..

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Redbull covers games? Fascinating 


Redbull has been quite long time in esports which is probably lead that their general interest towards games has grown.


And their articles, previews and reviews are surprisingly good, often better than the ones from established gaming mass-media. ;)

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Drown enough babes in ponds (not a confirmed mechanic) and the powers that be might put a bounty on your head, but your ruthless nature could open up new, 'grey market' opportunities with Pillars' criminal fraternities.


Semi-confirmed rumour - baby drowning mechanics in PoE.

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Interesting, I don't recall anything particular that might lead to traditional infanticide in this setting, except those who born with fractured souls or without a soul at all. Though it might be some kind of sub quest investigation to learn about the rural areas.

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Redbull covers games? Fascinating 




Redbull covers games? Fascinating 


Redbull has been quite long time in esports which is probably lead that their general interest towards games has grown.



I thinks its great how the influence of gaming has spread to websites like Red Bull that 5 years ago would never have considered posting gaming reviews, it bodes well for the future. Gaming is no longer the domain of "geeks "  :geek:

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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