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Update Content Suggestions

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I have no doubt Obsidian has updates planned a few weeks in advance, with some other milestone topics down the line, but I thought I'd create a thread where the community can suggest topics, particularly for the "filler" updates.


There's probably a lot of different stuff that could be an update topic or content in an update.


We know that there will be a class update on "The Front Lines: Fighters and Barbarians" somewhere in the not too distant future (so keep that in mind, for people posting).


A good example was suggested by Brandon Adler a couple of weeks ago in one of the threads - Adam Brennecke's struggle with creating a blending system that grounds the 3D characters in the 2D scene. Whenever/if ever that solution is found and completed that would be a cool topic to hear about, particularly if the various attempted solutions were all lined out as well.


Also just a further reminder that there will be absolutely no updates on the main plot, or themes of the game. A couple of things I can think of off the top of my head:


An Area Design Update: Where one of the Area Designers runs through their various responsibilities - sort of like a process update and then gives us a run down of how to populate an area or design a quest with fake information. Any info on scripting/etc would also be cool. This might actually be a bit late now that production is over though, so it would be like a post-update, heh.


Another Production Update: I really enjoyed the first one, it would also be interesting to see what a producer has to deal with in post-production, such as liaising with the publisher, beta testing, press demos, contracting people to do Collector's Books, etc.


Gilded Vale: I'd love to see a screeny or hear about Gilded Vale, which is apparently a location in the game (like Trademeet perhaps?). We've heard about the Dyrford, Defiance Bay, Od Nua, Twin Elms - haven't heard anything about here though, perhaps with good reason?


Screenshot of the Orlan, Aumaua and Godlike avatars: Back in Update 61 and in a few screenies since (and in the Teaser) we only saw Human, Elven and Dwarven character models. We haven't seen anything from Obsdian's home grown races yet. Perhaps they are not all completely done yet as to qualify for Alpha perhaps they only needed one model in and the variants could be mechanically created.


Character Creation: If the character creation process isn't final, or the art isn't final, it would be nice to have a look at. I read recently that CharGen will be more "noob friendly" and will be presenting literally one option at a time, but I hope that the presentation of the screen harkens back to BG/IWD ones - with the progress shown vertically down the left side. Also wouldn't mind hearing about what mechanical effects Cultural Backgrounds have.


I'm sure others have more suggestions too.

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All good ideas.  This one is my favourite:

A good example was suggested by Brandon Adler a couple of weeks ago in one of the threads - Adam Brennecke's struggle with creating a blending system that grounds the 3D characters in the 2D scene. Whenever/if ever that solution is found and completed that would be a cool topic to hear about, particularly if the various attempted solutions were all lined out as well.


I also wouldn't mind a weapons update.  Not even 'special' weapons - just the basics, longswords v flails v axes etc

Possibly with some in-game screenshots and some mechanical info (do polearms get a range bonus? Which are more powerful and which are faster and how are they handling the balance between the 2? etc).  There's a bit of info lying around a few threads but it'd be nice to have an update about them.


*Casts Nature's Terror* :aiee: , *Casts Firebug* :fdevil: , *Casts Rot-Skulls* :skull: , *Casts Garden of Life* :luck: *Spirit-shifts to cat form* :cat:

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One of the reasons I think we won't have a weapons update for a while is because that the weapon balance is probably still very loose. Damage ranges, and all that stuff will probably not be semi-stable until the beta. Recently Josh posted about Arquebuses being OP (with Ciphers anyway). 


If you are interested on learning about weapons, take a look at J.E. Sawyer's recent post history (last 6 months or so) as there's a lot of info about them in there.


Assuming 0 DT, Dual wielding daggers will do the most damage out of any weapons, apparently.


The wiki has some good charts containing most of the info 




edit: Pikes currently have a reach bonus, pollaxes do not.

Edited by Sensuki
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Not saying this is the main comment on the KS page for these updates (at least for PoE, there are plenty weird comments on others), but since I'm snarky late at night, I'll say that it fills my belly with lulz as well as depresses me when I see comments such as "why are you talking about this? We want to know how you make the game".

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Eh, there are so many niche aspects of the game we have no more then a few specs of info on I hardly know where to start suggesting.

On the other hand, I DO know what kind of (reoccuring) filler update I'd like to see less of... bah.


Back on topic:

- Monsters, including the ingame model and a discriptive text for each. (Pls more than 3!)

- Our Companions, hardly any info on them and mostly Kickstarter time artwork except for Edér and Palegina.

- An example Quest rundown, skill usage, battles, choices and the consequences thereof included.

- Instead of an Artwork update, how about a screenshot update? Show the Party in battle, some dialog or the streets of a city with all it's NPCs.

- Show of some of the magic weapons, explain the possible types of enchantments and give us a taste of the flavor text and artwork.

- Races and their subraces. What boni do they get?

- Talents?



There is so much,...

It drives me mad the updates are usually so short.

Edited by Quadrone
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*shrug*... I'm fond of mechanics explanations of pretty much any kind. Of course, I know that's one of the things that's the last to get tweaked to "finality" (with specific values and such).

Should we not start with some Ipelagos, or at least some Greater Ipelagos, before tackling a named Arch Ipelago? 6_u

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Not saying this is the main comment on the KS page for these updates (at least for PoE, there are plenty weird comments on others), but since I'm snarky late at night, I'll say that it fills my belly with lulz as well as depresses me when I see comments such as "why are you talking about this? We want to know how you make the game".

Huh.  Personally, that's the kind of thing I couldn't care less about (well, that's not entirely true.  I do find it interesting, but I'd be content with an end-of-project summary type thing, as opposed to regular updates.)  I want mechanics and lore info.  I prefer to be intimately familiar with a setting before playing in it, because otherwise it seems like my character is a moron when he lacks basic knowledge about the world he lives in.  Also, I'd like to have at least a basic intended character progression before I get the game in my hands, because I want to be able to play it straightaway when it arrives.

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I'm sure others have more suggestions too.

I am mostly interested in lore. Any tidbit on the world, the surrounding areas, creatures, cultures, beliefs etc (that doesn't directly touching on the main plot or conflicts that we will be exploring) is a great update in my book.


Other than that maybe some glimpse at UI of inventory, cyclopedia, character creation or level up abilities selection? little more info on skill\talents? Sound effects update can be nice? and if there is anything on modding support it can be nice, and I suspect make some people very happy.

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I'd love to know more about factions, gods and I'd like to see more animations.

Remember: Argue the point, not the person. Remain polite and constructive. Friendly forums have friendly debate. There's no shame in being wrong. If you don't have something to add, don't post for the sake of it. And don't be afraid to post thoughts you are uncertain about, that's what discussion is for.
Pet threads, everyone has them. I love imagining Gods, Monsters, Factions and Weapons.

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