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SW: The Old Republic - Episode VI (The Old Menace)


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Of course, with Malgus it's all about finding the timing right to hit him with the knockback that throws him off the edge...

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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I thought they changed it so that you can just beat him down in a straight up fight instead of knocking him over the edge

It's always been possible to kill him by beating the crap out of him, just needs buff enough dps.


No idea has that been a bug all along or not though.

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Oh I don't know if they've changed it. Last time I did it was a couple of months ago. But it used to be possible to set it up so that if you had the right knockback powers and the grenades, it was possible to knock him into the chasm within about a minute of the fight starting.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Yup they changed it.

Now the fight isn't awesome, it's lame and sucks.


Such a shame.




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Sounds a bit like the end fight in 'The Foundry'. Nobody actually "dies" (just fades away) and the long monologue implies HK can be rebuilt.


Managed to get proficient in all but one heroic space mission. Still can't handle Cha Rabaat (sp?) Assault and it's republic equivalent. Slightly less exciting now, but the 4-5 minutes spent is usually decently rewarded with credits, basic coms and fleet coms (which I now use to buy grade 6-8 exotic crafting materials for, got a large stock pile of molecular stabilisers and whatstheirname purple matrix things for my cybertech crafting).


Replaced most of HK's equipment with DT-12 (and DT-13) assassin droid parts, cores etc. boosting him quite a bit over the starting gear he came with.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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What's it's name in Republic space?

I might be able to give a few pointers.


And I don't think they wanted it's ambuigity gone as well as they probably think several gamers had issue with pushing Malgus down, and thus nerfed it to serve their needs, ruining one of the most epic flashpoint fights in the progress :(




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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Oh, I know where I'm going wrong... it's just that I keep doing it :lol:


You have to fly through a minefield, chasing a Mandalorian shuttle and its escort. What kills me is a particular maneuver you have to pull off at the end, flying over an asteroid and under the next (i.e. sort of a dive). I either "belly flop" on the first rock or "hit my head" against the one straight after, as I keep getting the timing wrong. You really need hair fine precision to fit in the gap between them.


Edit: Google says the equivalent is "Thanium Disruption"

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I always shift power to lasers to take out the two merc ships quickly, shift power to shields just before you hit the first layer of minefield, dodge a lot, when you hit the second layer with the frigate in missile range I snap off missiles at the frigate and turn on the "do not get hit for 30 seconds" doohicky.  As I'm just passing the frigate I hit the EMP, then shift power to lasers so I can take out a 3rd merc ship as fast as damn possible on that turn, throw a few missiles at the frigate as you go through that curve (if you get it right the frigate should blow up then), take out the 4th merc ship on that run through, and you'll have plenty of time to hammer away at the mandalorian shuttle and it's guard. The main problem is getting distracted and bouncing off an asteroid or two.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Ah, that one. Short, which can be nice, but it's not a lot of fun to play.


I usually;

* Kill the 2 fighters

* Switch to shield, pop the no-hit power up (it's been so long I forgot names) on the second minefield.

* Pop EMP and 4 missiles (shield, whatever the circle is behind the shied, 2 engines). Should generally destroy it, or only require few blaster rounds.

* Keep shields up at all times and just spam missiles to take out my targets. You got 100, it's a short run, plenty left over, no reason to risk getting yourself destroyed with lasers. Only switch lasers if needed to finish the frigate.

Don't think I ever really had problems with the astroids. Spamming missiles doesn't require a laser-lock, so you can spend all your time on avoiding any collisions there... or maybe I just got too used to the run now, and did have issues at the start, don't remember...




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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I like that the heroic space missions are generally short. In 4 minutes you can get more rewards (credits, xp and commendations or various kinds) than in 30-60 minutes of the easy space missions.


Yeah, I worked out the first part of this one alright, damaging the frigate severely and taking out 3 merc ships plus one of the objective ships. That's when I do the french kissing with an asteroid =]


Also, completely unrelated, something had been bugging my mind for a while... if you die on board your ship, where do you respawn? Well, I found it out. My ship(s) seems to have a little med bay of its own where you respawn :)


*ticks off one item of list*

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Just got stressed out by the Revenge of the Archon mission on Makeb. I know it's pretty much the last one of the Imperial Makeb storyline, so I was thinking "hm, it's nearly going one am, this point should take me at most 10 minutes to do the boss fight".  I recognised it, pretty much the same style as the Republic version, use the same sort of tactics.


Then everything goes wrong. repeatedly. The robots that recharge him swarm, so there's a continuous 4 or 5 of them, there's never a moment they aren't there. I have him facing away from me, when the glowing lights for the insta-kill death ray show up.. I think "hah, I'm behind him, I'm safe".. and the freaking beam fires in reverse out the Archon's arse. Then when I get back, the droids don't drop the isotope you need to destroy the recharging bay, so you can't stop the big bad from getting recharged to full health. >_<  The glowing lights of area effect targets show up on the floor, so I use force speed to get out..and even though I'm a foot away from that area effect, I still get blown up and thrown across the room. My healer companion keeps getting stuck next to some pillar and stops actually healing me.


I've got a 55th level Sith Inquisitor and I spent 40 minutes being repeatedly killed anytime I made a little progress. I decided to give up for the night before I wake everybody up screaming curses at the pc.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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It's a bit of a painful figh. I found that doing it with any melee character triples the difficulty. With ranged characters I find it fairly easy, but with melee characters it's nightmarish.


You don't have to destroy the recharge chamber though, it's enough to kill all the droids that come to stop him from gaining health as far as I can recall.

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Yeah, the main trouble of that is I spend most of my time killing the continuous swarm of 4 or 5 droids that are turning up to help heal / recharge him, rather then actually fighting him. If I take time to hit him more then twice,  there's four droids respawned. 

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Kill the droids and destroy those things in the back, after a while he stops sending droids. You can hide behind stuff to avoid his laser. 


My bounty hunter just healed himself and shot him up, it took like five minutes after that phase. But you feel accomplished. 



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My healer companion keeps getting stuck next to some pillar and stops actually healing me.

Hehe, good old SWTOR. I got the much loved "cannot see target" message if I tried to shoot the boss further than 6 feet which is just great for a sniper.


I have said it before and will say it again: I doubt the game has a single boss fight that haven't ever been bugged. I'm almost ready to bet cash money on Gharj being still bugged :p

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Yup, have been several times he didn't jump, and either;

1) Could continue

2) Suddenly fall into lava out of nowhere and all die




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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I'm playing the Sith Warrior now, and I think Bioware is really pushing the "Racism is stupid" thing to ludicrous levels. Why is a human sith overseer concerned about another human sith not being of "pure blood"? It's silly. He says he's "half breed" half what? He seems 100 % human to me.


If that overseer was red sith, then it would have made sense. And then later we find out he's not really "pure" at all, whatever the hell that means. 

Edited by NKKKK



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I'm playing the Sith Warrior now, and I think Bioware is really pushing the "Racism is stupid" thing to ludicrous levels. Why is a human sith overseer concerned about another human sith not being of "pure blood"? It's silly. He says he's "half breed" half what? He seems 100 % human to me.


If that overseer was red sith, then it would have made sense. And then later we find out he's not really "pure" at all, whatever the hell that means. 


They actually explain it in game when you take the quest from the purity tester guy.  I think it has something to do with the original darkside humans and the sith race and their purity of the force.  Regardless it is less about your skin tone and more about your genetics and power within the force.  They are worried about it being diluted by weaker force members.

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I wonder what these guys were thinking. Spotted all Shrouds transmitters all over the galaxy... then bang, another Heroics 4 required. Quest came to a screeching halt with no ETA. At least I've cleared out enough old quests, so I don't need to abandon it right away. Same as with the Dread seed stuff, you now need to find another 3 level 55 guys at the same time and same place on the same quest to proceed. Awful design. Just bloody awful.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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To be fair Gorth, the game is a MMO, not a single player. I could write a looooong list on what I think they did wrong with the game, but you can't really blame them encouraging people to group up.


Though knowing your situation and the little fact that you actually need people for a group I might feel the same in your shoes  :shifty:

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The main problem with those heorics is that they come after a loooong chain of single player quests. And since the quests arrived 6 months ago, most who are interested in them have already done them. Finding 4 people to do them with was hard back then, now it's next to impossible (unless you can bully friends into helping you).

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