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SW: The Old Republic - Episode VI (The Old Menace)


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It's probably an unfortunate necessity. I find it hard to imagine unless something drastic happens and all of a sudden the demand for it goes way up that EA's going to release another updated physical package for it.


At the very least, it saved me about 1/6th of my monthly limit here. Plus the 1 month subscription, 500 cartel coins and preferred status after the subscription was well worth the $15 I paid for it.

You see, ever since the whole Doritos Locos Tacos thing, Taco Bell thinks they can do whatever they want.

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>.> I totally just reinstalled this.


On shadowlands with no idea wtf is going on or how to play anymore.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Back after almost a month of absence. Cursing the injustice of classic commendations. One character has 500+ coms and nothing to use them for. Another character could easily use them all, but has to do all the grind now to get the artifice schematics I want for him :(


Dear Bioware,


How about letting stuff purchased with Classic Commendations be bound to legacy?


Best regards,



PS: Managed to catch a bit of the Rakghoul event. Too similar to the Gree thing in structure to feel "new". Nice tunnels though and the infections are a bit funny to watch on Alderaan ;)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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You can get the comms out, put them in legacy gear (widely available by now) and send them over.

Sure, it's a bit more costly than just having the classics themselves bound to legacy, but not by much.


Played yesterday with zbyl on Quesh. He Guardian, I smuggler.

We cleared a base for him... then moved to my quest.

Exact. Same. Base.



Talk about lazy design. They could atleast used another re-usable on a tiny planet like Quesh, no?




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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You can get the comms out, put them in legacy gear (widely available by now) and send them over.

Sure, it's a bit more costly than just having the classics themselves bound to legacy, but not by much.


Played yesterday with zbyl on Quesh. He Guardian, I smuggler.

We cleared a base for him... then moved to my quest.

Exact. Same. Base.



Talk about lazy design. They could atleast used another re-usable on a tiny planet like Quesh, no?

The legacy armour work around doesn't work for crystal schematics :)


Don't really mind Quesh as it's generally too short to get boring. I think the WB there is bugged though. I helped kill it with my Sith Sorcerer just before Christmas, but didn't get credited in my achievement list. And it was such a fun fight when you are only level forty something (a level 55 Juggernaut was doing the lions share of the fighting, I just tagged along in the group, zapping it and doing some "off healing")... it did count for my weekly though. Not that I run around killing WB's left and right at those levels.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I feel lost on my 50, and have no idea what I'm supposed to do. I have god knows how many planetary commendations but very few classic/dailies (go figure). and I feel like I'm permanently behind the leveling curve.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I feel lost on my 50, and have no idea what I'm supposed to do. I have god knows how many planetary commendations but very few classic/dailies (go figure). and I feel like I'm permanently behind the leveling curve.


How about some HM Flashpoints (the level 50 ones)?


Gives you plenty of XP and some classic coms for upgrading gear. Also, the Black Hole on Corellia is a good source of xp/coms. When reaching level 53, you can do the GSI missions (need to pick up the macrobinocular and seeker droid missions on fleet to start on the GSI stuff) for lots of basic coms (the level above classic coms) and XP. Heroics space missions can be done from level 50 and gives basic coms, xp and credits.


edit: I think you can also start on Makeb at level 50. When reaching level 55, there is Oricon, CZ-198 and level 55 HM flashpoints to do :)


Edit2: There is also Section X, but I can't remember from what level you can do that, nor if it's still "sold separately" or part of the main game now.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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If you're free to play, you probably need to buy authorization for section x, but not sure.


You can do Makeb at level 47 even, along with ilum dailies and belsavis dailies which are both good xp, good credits and awards classic coms.


Your planetary comms are best spent on the Makeb commendations vendor on the fleet. Start with upgrading your weapons and whatever armors you can afford after that and you should be geared enough for all content mentioned here.


But since you're feeling under leveled, are you already on Makeb then?

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I feel lost on my 50, and have no idea what I'm supposed to do. I have god knows how many planetary commendations but very few classic/dailies (go figure). and I feel like I'm permanently behind the leveling curve.


If you can stomach it (I personally can't) go to Makeb. Learn the dailies there and find the most efficient way to do a few of them that are in the same mesa. Some GSI dailies are really quick once you know it and they net good XP and cash. Since you'll be fighting tons of trash mobs (especially Rep side), you'll hit the cap in no time. In addition, Makeb rewards basic comms, and finishing the planetary arc rewards a few elite comms too.


Other than the fancy +41 crystals and the Gormak thingamajig schematics, there is literally zero reason to bother with classic comms at this point. Spend your planetary comms as per Spider's advice, and hit CZ-198 as soon as you feel confident to get the necessary reputation with Czerka to buy a 69 mainhand from there, provided you can't craft the hilt/barrel yourself. You could also try heading over to Oricon directly as completion of the quests there rewards you with almost a full set of 66 armor for your class, but Oricon can be tough.


Level 50HMs have been rendered stupid easy by power creep, but the 55s are a different story—if you are pugging them, expect a 50/50 fail chance. Also, I would PvP as much as you can before hitting the cap, as the system is borked so that before level 55, gear is basically irrelevant, but at 55 if you are ungeared you are cannon fodder. It's also a rather fun break from grinding comms/XP/cash/rep.


edit: yay I broke the quote. Getting old here. -_-

Edited by 213374U

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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If you're free to play, you probably need to buy authorization for section x, but not sure.


You can do Makeb at level 47 even, along with ilum dailies and belsavis dailies which are both good xp, good credits and awards classic coms.


Your planetary comms are best spent on the Makeb commendations vendor on the fleet. Start with upgrading your weapons and whatever armors you can afford after that and you should be geared enough for all content mentioned here.


But since you're feeling under leveled, are you already on Makeb then?

Yeah, my Warrior is 51-52 and slowly plowing through the Makeb story (where each quest bumps a level up). I don't have a guild anymore, and have been scared to run HM's because I barely played and don't know how to make my Warrior make boom boom. Also que times are loooonnnngggggg

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Other than the fancy +41 crystals and the Gormak thingamajig schematics, there is literally zero reason to bother with classic comms at this point.

Yeah, my Artifice guy is sort of the odd fish there, since I would like all the classic coloured +41 crystal schematics for him. I like them better than all the psychedelic experiments released in the cartel market. Call me a traditionalist ;)


Both crafting and the whole commendation system could use a rewrite/fixing as the gap between level 1-50 and 55 is noticeable. It feels like playing one game up to level 50 and then there is this odd "break" (not sure how to describe it properly) when playing level 51-55 where most of the stuff you've gathered so far becomes obsolete.


Only thing I would use classic commendations for other than the above would be if I was short on resources to gear up a few of the less often used companions.


The problems with crafting... too many to list really. Mostly summarised as "useless" except for the token gestures of letting people create augments and augment kits.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Yeah, CM crystals are hideous. I only use the mint green one. Problem is that regular "classic" crystals require level 50 and a bunch of Corusca Gems... so I just grab one off the collections tab to slap on the offhand as soon as I hit 10 with an alt.


I guess 61 gear can be useful for companions, but I mostly don't bother—the pieces themselves are fugly and ripping the mods off is just not worth it when the difference with 58 stuff is barely noticeable.


I respect your completionist urge, though. And yeah, the crafting/comms system is all over the place. The weekly comm cap is especially jarring: "nope, that's enough progress for this week, go play outside!".

Edited by 213374U

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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The legacy armour work around doesn't work for crystal schematics :)

They are Bind on Pickup? That's... odd.

Can't say I noticed, my main being artifice too :)


Yeah, Quesh WB achievement is bugged (like many codex entries and achievements are). Has been for ages. I can't bother with WB's either. Most can be solo'd, but they're usually dead by some other 55, take 2 hours to respawn and are boring as hell. Not quite the motivationer.

Add WB's to the list of things that could use tweaking.

Actually, I probably could fill a small book on things I would change if I was in charge of TOR 0_o 

I would like all the classic coloured +41 crystal schematics for him. I like them better than all the psychedelic experiments released in the cartel market. Call me a traditionalist ;)


Another person who thinks like me. And here I thought I was unique.

But yeah, the 50 for good looking, 10 for ugly looking is odd. Personally, since I group the leveling anyway, I wont bother with the cartel crystals at all. Too costly for little benefit.

Both crafting and the whole commendation system could use a rewrite/fixing as the gap between level 1-50 and 55 is noticeable. It feels like playing one game up to level 50 and then there is this odd "break" (not sure how to describe it properly) when playing level 51-55 where most of the stuff you've gathered so far becomes obsolete.

Meet MMO expansionpacks. They already redid the comms from planet per planet to the current system (a great improvement) but yeah, crafters have gotten the shaft.

And the classic comms are indeed only useful for F2P who never subbed (or stupidly bought, like me :() to access RoHC. Since they remain at 50. For the rest, some additional money by getting gear, waiting 2 hours, then selling it.

I even looked up what item gave the best money per classic comm ratio but I lost that note :(

The problems with crafting... too many to list really. Mostly summarised as "useless" except for the token gestures of letting people create augments and augment kits.

I pretty much train it for the achievements, and to have it around 450 when I do need it (like augments). Biochem gives useful stims for HM+ operations, but... that's about it.

Edited by Hassat Hunter




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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They already have weird stuff ingame from releasing Oricon and raising gear by that...

As in, comm vendors sell 69 for basic, 72 for elite, 78 for ultimate.

The older rep vendors sell... 66 for basic, 69 for elite (the old system thus). They never got updated... and are completely and utterly useless now (not helped the worse gear is twice as expensive too. What?)




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


TSLRCM Official Forum || TSLRCM Moddb || My other KOTOR2 mods || TSLRCM (English version) on Steam || [M4-78EP on Steam

Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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Other than the fancy +41 crystals and the Gormak thingamajig schematics, there is literally zero reason to bother with classic comms at this point.

I wouldn't say zero reason. I was suggesting doing Ilum and similar dailies because if you're feeling under leveled at 50 odds are you're already doing Makeb. So doing easier content that gives good xp and comms that is better than anything before the level 53 basic gear isn't a terrible idea.


Also, the classic gear has set bonuses making it a lot better than even black market gear for some classes. The armorings that is, mods and enhancements are another thing.

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Then I assume it will be drop only (like Kell Dragon), not another move up for ultimates.




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


TSLRCM Official Forum || TSLRCM Moddb || My other KOTOR2 mods || TSLRCM (English version) on Steam || [M4-78EP on Steam

Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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From the completely irrelevant trivia department: You can get 10 crystals out of each corpse from the ghost on Ilum (if you have at least 10 glasses of shock frozen water in your inventory). Tried it with a character loaded up with 17 glasses of water and could generate 10 crystals from the corpse. Next test is going to involve distributing water to other team members and see if I can make 20, 30, 40 etc. crystals at a time. I better go moisture hunting soon.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Made some good friends on the Imperial side over time, so doing things like Oricon and CZ (without using groupfinder for the FP's) is a breeze.


Things doesn't look that rosy for my Republic toons though *sigh*.


Gave up trying to find a group for my trooper to do the last heroic on Oricon and just did it all by himself. Was surprisingly easy actually, as soon as you can find a "sniping" position. No, he's not a sniper, but he can target a single commander and engage without mobs interfering. Rinse and repeat 3 times. Got the last bit of armour (helmet), took out the medic mods and gave them to Elara.


I feel less confident in my smuggler girl trying to repeat that, as she just doesn't have the staying power in prolonged fights against guys who shoot back (a lot).


For my main (Powertech tank), I finished buying Basic Commendation gear for Mako and not sure what to use those coms for now. So, since I've got field respec, I went and bought a second armour set. Plan on putting mods into it as I keep getting basic coms every now and then. This armour ('TT-17 Hydra', 7 pieces) is going to be geared towards DPS. Then I can change on the fly, both specs and gear on a need basis.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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For the general "This is where we plan to go this year" news from Bruce Maclean



 In 2013, the team fulfilled the promise of delivering Game Updates every 8 weeks, and introduced an enormous amount of amazing quality gameplay content and new features. Star Wars: The Old Republic has really grown and changed over the last year - veterans that have been with us since launch know what I mean.


Let’s talk about some of the things coming next:

  • February 4th: Game Update 2.6 – Galactic Starfighter Digital Expansion, Free-to-Play Launch
    • Galactic Starfighter is now available to Free-to-Play players
    • SIX new Galactic Starfighter ships featuring a new ship role, the Bomber - tough support ships that deploy mines and drones on the battlefield. They can even place Hyperspace Beacons which function as mobile respawn points for their allies!
    • This update also introduces Galactic Starfighter Detailed Scoreboards with loads of new post-match information about your battle performance
    • Your personal Galactic Starfighter Battle Record with detailed lifetime battle stats, and the ability to link each stat to chat
    • Kuat Drive Yards is a vital starship construction site that is of interest to both factions, and forms the setting for a new modular type of flashpoint that contains different scenarios each time you play it. Kuat Drive Yards Tactical Flashpoint scales in difficulty with your level and is available to players starting at level 15
  • March 14th – March 17th: Double XP weekend!
  • April 8th: Game Update 2.7
    • Two new Flashpoints on Tython and Korriban where the Empire and Republic confront each other directly, initiating a new storyline that will span updates across the entire year until its galaxy-shaking finale
    • Nightmare Mode Dread Fortress Operation and a new tier of gear
    • New Huttball Warzone on Quesh
    • New Galactic Starfighter Battle Zone
  • June 10th: Game Update 2.8
    • Nightmare Mode Dread Palace Operation
    • New ships and an entirely new Ship Role for Galactic Starfighter
    • And much more… this is going to be the biggest update up to this point - we will reveal more once we are a bit closer to June

There’s a lot of stuff being worked on! The team that brought you 2013 is still here and working hard to bring you another action packed year. As I write this we are actively developing all of the above as well as PvP Seasons, new Flashpoints, new Operations, new gear, performance improvements, and changes coming to Classes. Expect to see two digital expansions in 2014 just like you did last year, with one similar to Galactic Starfighter in scope and one more closely resembling Rise of the Hutt Cartel. We reserve the right to adjust our plans based on bad reasons like Snow Days in Austin(!) or good reasons like your feedback, but our current plan is to deliver all of the above to you in 2014.


There is one change to our development cadence I would like to share: In order to increase our testing time before Game Updates, we are going to move to a 3 week cycle between minor patches, instead of two weeks. While this does mean we are moving to a 9 week cadence for the major content updates, we feel the benefit of catching pesky bugs and improving quality is worth it and we remain committed to hitting our deadlines for all of our major content updates this year.

As we get closer, we’ll have a lot more juicy details on these new features - keep your eyes glued to the forums and SWTOR.com for more information. Also join us at our Community Cantina Tours as they continue this year; we have a lot of new cities on the list and we look forward to chatting with you about what you’d like to see next.


We are excited for 2014 and hope you are as well! Thanks again for your incredible support over the past year!

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Woohoo, less bug fixes. [/sarcasm]


"Funny" also is despite my initial impression and enthusiasm for GSF I really don't play it anymore. *At all* Why?

Gunships. They suck the fun straight out of the game. If I wanted to play find and kill the pesky sniper I would play counter-strike. I want damned Star Wars-themed shipfights. Alas, it's not meant to be, and now they introduce apparently more bad stuff into it. Way to ruin everything BioWare.

Reminds me how 2.0 added Seeker Droids. A lot of fun, addicitve, and actually an alternative to doing dailies on lvl 55. Sites were crowded.


What did BW do? They ruined it. They ruined it good. NO ONE does it anymore (all sites are barren, abandoned) because really, it sucks now. Did they ever un-suck it. Nope. They figured ruining it with a few patches was a good idea.




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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I wish they had just done something like X-Wing vs. Tie-Fighter. I haven't tried it beyond that one, initial game and it wasn't my cup of tea, so no idea what damage gunships is doing to the game.
Almost finished the binocular (shrouds last stand) last night :banghead:


We got as far as the puzzle after the fight with the controller droid and security systems disabled. Found the panels inside the conveyor, the shielded panel above door to lift and the one inside the reactor (which you can vent the gas from for 30 seconds).


We couldn't get the order of button pushing quite right though. I suspect the guy at the console has to push first the green button (gas), then one guy moves into reactor and we have to do 4 things simultaneously. We just couldn't get it right :(


I think what was missing was pushing the red button back at the console in hindsight. One of the guys had generated enough aggro at home and had to do a boss fight with his missus, so we had to call it quits ofr the night. Just as well as it was 2:30am at the time. Ah well, next time...

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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