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I Want Real Treasure in the Game

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Regarding treasure-like weapons and equipment, maybe leaving them at your stronghold allows them to be used in times of need by the people defending it (your hirelings/out-of-party companions, etc.). You know... the "man the battlestations" bell sounds, and everyone runs to the armory. They sure are glad you put those +2 swords in the armory, instead of selling them. The invaders were dispatched with much more ease.


Of course, if it's as simple as that, you run into that whole "OMG, do I dare sell ANYthing instead of placing it in my armory?" dilemma. And you end up with 1,000 things in your armory, at the end of the game, when really they started providing little-to-no added benefit past 100 or so, simply because this information was unknown to you, and you erred on the side of caution.

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Should we not start with some Ipelagos, or at least some Greater Ipelagos, before tackling a named Arch Ipelago? 6_u

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What I had in mind was not vendor trash, but more along the lines of priceless items that you couldn't sell to a vendor.


It just annoys me to kill a dragon who was guarding a huge pile of treasure on the ground, and then when I click on the treasure it's just a few thousand gold coins, a few potions, and then some wonder weapon or wonder armour.


I just like the idea that if I see a painting on the treasure pile, or some pottery, or some other priceless piece of art that I could pick it up and add it to my stronghold. That's how treasure is collected in the real world.


Either rich people hoard the treasure or the treasure is donated to museums. If you don't wan't some treasure you find then donate it to a museum in the game. Don't have the ability to sell a priceless item for a few gold coins.


Someone found King Tuts treasure and they didn''t just sell it to buy new equipment, instead the treasure ended up in a museum and the person who found it became famous.



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I used to hoard gemstones in the IE games for no other reason than I liked to imagine just having a huge vault of gems. And don't even get me started on the contents of my car boot in Fallout 2.





I certainly hope precious stones, rings and the like will make it in, and while some sort of collection or wealth representation system would be nice, I don't mind roleplaying their inclusion by just keeping them in the stronghold.

With a fully modded BG game, I ended up running around with several bookbags, gem bags, and potion bags all filled with their respective items.

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First reaction is, nah. There is stuff like that in cRPG's, and most players sell it as soon as they can to be able to buy stuff that actually does something, or in the case of unique but unsalable items, hang onto them under the (usually correct) assumption that it's a quest item that'll disappear once it no longer matters. I honestly don't see the point of hauling pixel junk into your treasure vault, even if the pixels are colored golden. But then I don't larp much in cRPG's, and didn't care for Elder Scrolls post Morrowind (which I loved because of the wack setting, not the larpy features). And while I'm sure scattering random pick-uppable objects around isn't a huge investment, it's still an investment and I'd rather have that effort spent on something that delivers gameplay value.


However, it would make sense if it's tied in with actual game mechanics. There's been some hints about the stronghold gameplay. If hauling shiny to your stronghold increases its prestige which has gameplay effects – fun quests? better hirelings? cleverer burglars? something else? – then sure, that sounds pretty cool.

I have a project. It's a tabletop RPG. It's free. It's a work in progress. Find it here: www.brikoleur.com

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I'm for this idea. Let us show our vanity. If there's already a functioning economy, I would love to see a market for treasury. For example a parlour where one could trade historical paintings and such. Just writing this makes me think it's ludicrous but still, I'd like it.


Also, if you have your gems on some pedestals, you'd have to install security stuff, because being a filthy rich son of a bitch attracts thiefs...

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This is a great idea. I especially would like some of these treasures to lead to some potential quests. Some with individual items, and some when the set is completed itself.  For example the modron doll you bought in PS: Torment which led you to some strange place is a good example of this : ) 

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My first mission over all others will be to find El Dorado and place it in my stronghold. Wholely. Not an ich of gold should be spared...


After that I will wait until the end boss wants to rob me of my riches and crush this envy bastard with hired defenders.

Edited by Morgulon the Wise
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My first mission over all others will be to find El Dorado and place it in my stronghold. Wholely. Not an ich of gold should be spared...


After that I will wait until the end boss wants to rob me of my riches and crush this envy bastard with hired defenders.

Morgulon the Wise has spoken

Remember: Argue the point, not the person. Remain polite and constructive. Friendly forums have friendly debate. There's no shame in being wrong. If you don't have something to add, don't post for the sake of it. And don't be afraid to post thoughts you are uncertain about, that's what discussion is for.
Pet threads, everyone has them. I love imagining Gods, Monsters, Factions and Weapons.

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However, it would make sense if it's tied in with actual game mechanics. There's been some hints about the stronghold gameplay. If hauling shiny to your stronghold increases its prestige which has gameplay effects – fun quests? better hirelings? cleverer burglars? something else? – then sure, that sounds pretty cool.

I thought about that. It makes sense, but it's still ass backwards sense.


Basically, with this system, players will be motivated to collect shinies in the hopes that they get robbed by better burglers. LOL

Edited by Stun
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Basically, with this system, players will be motivated to collect shinies in the hopes that they get robbed by better burglers. LOL

There's tons of different ways treasure could lead to more/different content, it doesn't all have to be antagonistic.
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Remember: Argue the point, not the person. Remain polite and constructive. Friendly forums have friendly debate. There's no shame in being wrong. If you don't have something to add, don't post for the sake of it. And don't be afraid to post thoughts you are uncertain about, that's what discussion is for.
Pet threads, everyone has them. I love imagining Gods, Monsters, Factions and Weapons.

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I don't know if this would work very well in a isometric game like PE. I do like the idea of loot that is more than "pretty diamond" or whatever though. Perhaps there could be options on what to do with such things? For example, if the PC finds a painting of a famous person, they can sell it on the Black Market, sell it to the family or organization the person belonged to, or give it to a rival family or faction to desecrate. Tie it into to faction reputation and I think that it would be a nice break.

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