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The End of America (and Western World)


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Christopher Jordan Dorner Manifesto:



To say that this has caused quite a ****ing ****storm is an understatement. 


I don't really get why the LAPD is even reopening his case.  His actions have proved without a doubt that he was not fit to be an officer.  I'm sure there is plenty of corruption in such a large police department, but he clearly never should have been allowed to wear a badge in the first place.


While he was an officer, he was a responsible man that protected the people and tattle taled on his fellow officers when they would abuse. 



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Actually I do, there have been many debates on these forums and others that are based on intellectual discussion. I have learnt and continue to learn many new things about other peoples countries, cultures and opinions on a wide range of topics. Of course I also consult other sources but Internet forums can be a wealth of knowledge, so I am surprised you feel that forums like this offer you so little mental stimulation?

Internet forums are a good place to have a fight with text for the most part, that's stimulation, and pretty fun in any case, heh. And this isn't too bad, you should see a football fan forum :lol: Edited by Malcador

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Christopher Jordan Dorner Manifesto:



To say that this has caused quite a ****ing ****storm is an understatement. 


I don't really get why the LAPD is even reopening his case.  His actions have proved without a doubt that he was not fit to be an officer.  I'm sure there is plenty of corruption in such a large police department, but he clearly never should have been allowed to wear a badge in the first place.


While he was an officer, he was a responsible man that protected the people and tattle taled on his fellow officers when they would abuse. 


See that's you believing one side of a story.  You are better off not believing either side of the story and looking at the results, which show he was clearly a disturbed individual.


People lose jobs all the time for unfair crap, but most don't proceed to kill the family members of those they feel wronged them.

Edited by Hurlshot
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Actually I do, there have been many debates on these forums and others that are based on intellectual discussion. I have learnt and continue to learn many new things about other peoples countries, cultures and opinions on a wide range of topics. Of course I also consult other sources but Internet forums can be a wealth of knowledge, so I am surprised you feel that forums like this offer you so little mental stimulation?

Internet forums are a good place to have a fight with text for the most part, that's stimulation, and pretty fun in any case, heh. And this isn't too bad, you should see a football fan forum :lol:



I can imagine, but I will say that IMO these forums offer a superior intellectual and maturity level around debate compared to others I have frequented, of course there are similar websites but not ones I visit as regularly. It was a refreshing change compared to my previous forum when I started hanging around here :)

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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See that's you believing one side of a story.  You are better off not believing either side of the story and looking at the results, which show he was clearly a disturbed individual.


People lose jobs all the time for unfair crap, but most don't proceed to kill the family members of those they feel wronged them.

Well he wasn't murdering people while he was an officer, so doubtful he was a disturbed person back then, all you can say from the fact he's offed some relatives of cops is that he is crazy. His manifesto certainly goes off the rails the further along he goes. Then again, one could make the comment that an unstable potential murderer would fit in well with the ranks of the LAPD :p

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Christopher Jordan Dorner Manifesto:



To say that this has caused quite a ****ing ****storm is an understatement. 


I don't really get why the LAPD is even reopening his case.  His actions have proved without a doubt that he was not fit to be an officer.  I'm sure there is plenty of corruption in such a large police department, but he clearly never should have been allowed to wear a badge in the first place.


While he was an officer, he was a responsible man that protected the people and tattle taled on his fellow officers when they would abuse. 


See that's you believing one side of a story.  You are better off not believing either side of the story and looking at the results, which show he was clearly a disturbed individual.


People lose jobs all the time for unfair crap, but most don't proceed to kill the family members of those they feel wronged them.

I don't condone his alleged murder of that woman and her fiancee. But, these circumstances were created by the corrupted LAPD. This whole thing should serve as a wake call that not just the LAPD, but every cop in this country is here to protect and serve, not to punish and enslave. 

Edited by NKKKK



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I think the world is getting closer as one, there is no need for an Americanas, there is no need for Europeanas, Asianas, Africanas, Bananas, Blue, Red, Green, Pink, Black, Brown, Yellow, doesn't matter.

Say, where are you guys from? I'm from Sweden. Does that matter at all? Probably no. I feel a connection with all, I could've been from Asia, Africa and it doesn't matter. We have more connection as a planet, than separate and disconnected as corporations countries. This doesn't mean "countries" need to disappear, they can simply be landmarks, which they already are.

Bring it! Down with "Western Society" & "Eastern Society" & "Middle-East Society" and Up for "Worldwide Society". I believe it'll happen, maybe not today, tomorrow, or even in thousand years (I think in 200-300 years, might be a realistic number) but I believe that this is what humanity is going towards.

EDIT: I think War is silly and should be priority number 1 to end. How many of the worldwide society want to have a war? Governments should do a joint project, or are they lazy? They are 2 buttons away from it nowadays, Obama can talk with Putin from home nowadays. There is no distance for communication.

Back to topic: If all of the world's governments did a joint project, an Online Live Poll with "Do you want war?" with two answers "Yes" or "No". What do you think the number would be?

Edited by Osvir
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"While he was an officer, he was a responsible man that protected the
people and tattle taled on his fellow officers when they would abuse."


"Well he wasn't murdering people while he was an officer, so doubtful he
was a disturbed person back then, all you can say from the fact he's
offed some relatives of cops is that he is crazy. His manifesto
certainly goes off the rails the further along he goes. Then again, one
could make the comment that an unstable potential murderer would fit in
well with the ranks of the LAPD"


Calling him crazy is a copout. If it's true he mrudered those people, he's evil. Plain and simple. The fact is, even if he is telling truth about what happened, he is evil to the core for cold bloodedly murdering innocents. Period.


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You are taking Dorner's word on the corruption though.  I am sure that such a large police department has major issues with corruption, but Dorner's voice is the last one I would listen to on that.  


Do a quick google search, and ask people that live in LA what they think of the LAPD. Listen to other voices then.


Volourn, I have you blocked, but I saw your message anyways. Who are you to say who is evil or not? I didn't know you had the power to pass judgement on people like that. 


I hope he is caught, and given a fair trial and due process. Because we know this trial would be the biggest thing in history and expose the den of evil. 

Edited by NKKKK



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Calling him crazy is a copout. If it's true he mrudered those people, he's evil. Plain and simple. The fact is, even if he is telling truth about what happened, he is evil to the core for cold bloodedly murdering innocents. Period.


And you wonder why we have people going bonkers in schools... <shakes head> Several years ago when he was a soldier people would have used another label, "Hero". So then, how did the hero become the villain? Answering that question would be much more beneficial to society than just making the bad man go away. That lack of compassion, lack of willingness to understand that something changed this person is why we have so many screwed up people.


Eye on the TV

Cause tragedy thrills me

Whatever flavor it happens to be, like...

"Killed by the husband"

"Drowned by the ocean"

"Shot by his own son"

"She used a poison, in his tea,

and kissed him goodbye"

That's my kind of story

It's no fun until someone dies


Don't look at me like

I am a monster

Frown out your one face

But with the other

Stare like a junkie

Right at the TV

Stare like a zombie


While the mother holds her child

Watches him die

Hands to the sky crying,

"Why, oh why?"


Cause I need to watch things die, from a distance

Vicariously I live while the whole world dies

You all need it too, don't lie

Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt. - Julius Caesar


:facepalm: #define TRUE (!FALSE)

I ran across an article where the above statement was found in a release tarball. LOL! Who does something like this? Predictably, this oddity was found when the article's author tried to build said tarball and the compiler promptly went into cardiac arrest. If you're not a developer, imagine telling someone the literal meaning of up is "not down". Such nonsense makes computers, and developers... angry.

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I mean we cheer for our troops (I am one too), who have done much worse than Donner, does that mean they're evil? Or is it just morally ambiguous when it's in some village in Afghanistan Volourn? Huh? Or are you just going to give another stupid troll response? 



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That's just silly. Nobody cheers for troops (or anyone else) who shoot innocent people on purpose, even when it's an accident they still catch a lot of flak for it. That said, I don't think his horrific actions now automatically invalidate any claims of abuse he made earlier

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You are using a pretty broad brush to tar the entire LAPD, it's not very reasonable.  The LAPD is gigantic.  You could argue that it simply doesn't work as an effective law enforcement agency in its current form, and I would probably agree with you.  But a den of evil?  That's just hyperbole.  Cops are people, and there are good cops and there are bad cops.  Dorner was clearly the latter, because good cops don't go around trying to kill people.  

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Yeah good cops just go around shooting people in a panic, heh.  Pretty naive view of the cops, you have, it's a safe assumption to see them as the Mafia with badges, particularly departments like NYPD and LAPD.


In any event they have him boxed in, they won't take him alive either.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Yeah good cops just go around shooting people in a panic, heh.  Pretty naive view of the cops, you have, it's a safe assumption to see them as the Mafia with badges, particularly departments like NYPD and LAPD.


That is probably the most ridiculous thing I have even seen you post Malc.  Cops put their lives on the line to protect people on a regular basis, your lack of respect for the entire profession makes you look very bad.

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"Who are you to say who is evil or not? I didn't know you had the power to pass judgement on people like that."


I'm someone who has never murdered innocents in cold blood. That is who I am to judge. Whoa re you to judge me or anyone esle? Hypocrite.



"I mean we cheer for our troops (I am one too), who have done much
worse than Donner, does that mean they're evil? Or is it just
morally ambiguous when it's in some village in Afghanistan Volourn? Huh?
Or are you just going to give another stupid troll response? "


A. I'm not Amerikkan, you bigot.


B. I have NEVER cheered for anyone - soldier or toehrwise - who have murdered innocents.


C. It is not morally ambiguous when troops murder inooncents - be they Afghans or otherwise - so don't pretend that i do.


The only trolls are the ones defending a cold blooded mruder whose murdered two inocents. What's funny is people want to give this guy a break but won't give the LAPD a break. Or don't want two give the innocents he killed a break either. That's evil.


It's also funny that on one hand people don't want him called evil but rather lamely say he is 'crazy' yet in the very next sentence will claim the 'guy has a point' thereby stating that they agree with someone they deem as crazy.


NEWSFLASH: Just ebcause I state this guy is an evil scumbag for murdering two innocents does not mean I support the LAPD when they do evils cummy stuff.


ie. I cna bash him for his evil murder of two innocents and bash the LAP for their evil murder of those people in thatc ar they shot up.


How do you like 'em bananas?


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What did Volourn say guys? Edit: NVM, they were full of potassium Volourn, obviously. 



 Cops put their lives on the line to protect people on a regular basis, your lack of respect for the entire profession makes you look very bad.


And their lack of respect for the people they're supposed to protect makes them look bad. 

Edited by NKKKK



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Yeah good cops just go around shooting people in a panic, heh.  Pretty naive view of the cops, you have, it's a safe assumption to see them as the Mafia with badges, particularly departments like NYPD and LAPD.


That is probably the most ridiculous thing I have even seen you post Malc.  Cops put their lives on the line to protect people on a regular basis, your lack of respect for the entire profession makes you look very bad.


From things like their code of silence, attitude towards everyday people (calling us 'civilians' as if they are soldiers or something) or more locally the giant fsck up that was the G20 here, I don't feel like I'm giving cops a hard time by assuming they're all power tripping bullies with guns.   Have to remember to treat them from fear rather respect.


I do find it funny the way they're building Dorner up to be some super deadly warrior though.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Now, will there be helicopters at sunset. Hm, apparently they've used tear gas and I'm reading reports that the cabin's burning now. Odd

Edited by Malcador

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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SWAT team's found his body apparently.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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