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USA and EU: Masks dropped!


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Yet long before the WWII ended the Brits and Americans were plotting to redirect their energy against the Soviets, a déjà vu of the 1918 invasion that the west mounted against the Bolsheviks and certainly the most unknown major event of modern history. To this end the British and US rescued the most murderous Nazi war criminals being sought by investigators of the same governments and mingled them into British and US apparatus of terror.





At the same time as the west was planning its covert actions against its WWII ally, it also created the formation of NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Almost in its entirety it was a Nazi enterprise. Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen, for example, who had headed the Russia Desk in the Oberkommando der Wermacht (OKW - Hitler’s Supreme Headquarters) and a consultant on the Final Solution, was secretly brought to the United States where he would deliver his vast storehouse of previously hidden files on the Soviet Union and then set up the Russia Desk for the soon-to-be-formed CIA.


Gehlen would then be returned to postwar Germany where he was put in position as head of Germany’s new Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), the German Secret Intelligence Service. In essence, two Russia desks (at least) now functioned instead of just one; both with the same ultimate aim: destroy the Soviet Union and communism.


West Germany, now being run by ex-Nazis under Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, joined NATO in 1954 and Gehlen liaised with his pro-Nazi mentor Allen Dulles who would become head of the CIA, with brother John Foster as Secretary of State. Soon NATO began appointing the old tried and true Nazis into high positions within the organization.


General Hans Speidel, for example, became commander-in-chief in 1957 of AFCENT (Allied Forces Central Europe). Nazi Admiral Friedrich Guggenberger joined the highly important NATO military committee in Washington and General Adolf Heusinger (Gehlen’s old chief at Hitler’s OKW), became its chairman. At Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers in Europe (SHAPE), Gehlen managed to install several Nazi collaborators into vital positions. Amongst these was Col. Hennig Strumpell, who became deputy to British Maj. Gen. Charles Traver, the Assistant Chief of Staff (Intelligence) at SHAPE. Col. Heinz Koller-Kraus was made head of logistics at Speidel’s AFCENT. Many other Gehlen men would soon join NATO to define its policies.


With the same Nazis well integrated into NATO and the CIA becoming an extension of Gehlen’s old Nazi intelligence agency, the Nieue World Ordnung was essentially relocated from the Reichstag in Berlin and dropped into the Pentagon and CIA Langley, Virginia.


Added to the anti-Soviet battle plans, US elites recognized the value of Goebbel’s Ministry of Truth and turned the lessons learned into the world’s most sophisticated propaganda network ever created. All western wars would now be given illusionary titles, such as: "wars for democracy", "wars for peace", "wars for justice", "wars for humanitarianism" and on and on. The corporate funded elites that run the UK and Canada were quick to adopt the same essential elements.


Dr. Eberhardt Taubert joined the Nazi party in 1931 and was soon promoted to the rank of Sturmführer, following Goebbels to the Ministry of Propaganda. After the war Taubert slid down to South Africa where he found comfort among the neo-Nazis in power in Johannesburg busy designing the apartheid system. In 1950 he returned to Germany and joined his old Nazi pal Reinhard Gehlen, becoming a member of the BND. In his new BND/CIA post, Taubert became chairman of the CIA-backed "National Association for Peace and Freedom" becoming also an adviser to German Minister of Defense, ex-Nazi Franz Josef Strauss and was then assigned by Strauss to NATO as adviser to the "Psychological Warfare Department". Goebbel’s Ministry of Truth being recirculated to feed the Christian fundamentalists some newly constructed, yet old and familiar Tales from the Dark, only having different packaging.

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Long before ww2 ended, would that be when the Soviets were taking their sweet time 'liberating' all the eastern block countries that would be come the Iron Curtain. Empire building, completely deliberate by Stalin, yes, the allies trusted eachother only to complete what they had set out to do which was to defeat Nazi Germany and not much more.


Intelligence and technology assets were harvested by the US in particular with no regard to their Nazi affiliations, this is all well known, but Nazi POVs were assassinated on a large scale before they could stand trial publicly. Nureberg wasn't justice, it was a kangaroo court. Although the Nazis deserved everything that was comming to them, no mention at all was made of Allied war crimes.


Hans Spedel was was one of the few people to survive the purges following the assassination attempt on Hitler, which he played a key role in. Probably the only reason he was allowed to have a role in post war Germany, but there is no denying his Nazi affiliations. If the allies had a use for ex Nazis they were not afraid of making them an offer they could not refuse, we have already mentioned Verner von Braun, but this is not surprising. National interests trumps justice every time. This does not mean that NATO is a Nazi organisation though. Again, the causality is entirely missing.

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Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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Long before ww2 ended, would that be when the Soviets were taking their sweet time 'liberating' all the eastern block countries that would be come the Iron Curtain. Empire building, completely deliberate by Stalin, yes, the allies trusted eachother only to complete what they had set out to do which was to defeat Nazi Germany and not much more.


Intelligence and technology assets were harvested by the US in particular with no regard to their Nazi affiliations, this is all well known, but Nazi POVs were assassinated on a large scale before they could stand trial publicly. Nureberg wasn't justice, it was a kangaroo court. Although the Nazis deserved everything that was comming to them, no mention at all was made of Allied war crimes.


Hans Spedel was was one of the few people to survive the purges following the assassination attempt on Hitler, which he played a key role in. Probably the only reason he was allowed to have a role in post war Germany, but there is no denying his Nazi affiliations. If the allies had a use for ex Nazis they were not afraid of making them an offer they could not refuse, we have already mentioned Verner von Braun, but this is not surprising. National interests trumps justice every time. This does not mean that NATO is a Nazi organisation though. Again, the causality is entirely missing.


Excellent and accurate perspective.

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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Nureberg wasn't justice, it was a kangaroo court.


To be fair, some chaps like Doenitz may have benefited (he was acquitted, with good reason IMO)

Found guilty, I'm pretty sure, and in parts in rather dodgy fashion too. IIRC he was the guy who had Chester Nimitz say that if he (Donitz) was found guilty then he (Nimitz) should be as well since the US used the exact same unrestricted submarine warfare tactics wrt Japan.

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The CIA and the British secret service MI6, in collaboration with the military alliance NATO and European military secret services set up a network of clandestine anticommunist armies in Western Europe after World War II. The secret soldiers were trained on remote islands in the Mediterranean and in unorthodox warfare centers in England and in the United States by the Green Berets and SAS Special Forces.


The network was armed with explosives, machine guns and high-tech communication equipment hidden in underground bunkers and secret arms caches in forests and mountain meadows. In some countries the secret army linked up with right-wing terrorist who in a secret war engaged in political manipulation, harrassement of left wing parties, massacres, coup 'Etats and torture.


Codenamed "Gladio" ('the sword'), the Italian secret army was exposed in 1990 by Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti to the Italian Senate, whereupon the press spoke of "The best kept, and most damaging, political-military secret since World War II" (Observer, 18. November 1990) and observed that "The story seems straight from the pages of a political thriller." (The Times, November 19, 1990).


Ever since, so-called 'stay-behind' armies of NATO have also been discovered in France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxemburg, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Austria, Greece and Turkey.




the Nazi scandal in Germany become a Gladio scandal.


"Security officials are in the rubble of the house called "illegal legal papers," sure. So designated by intelligence for espionage purposes issued identification documents."

"Such papers will normally only be undercover agents working on behalf of the intelligence service and are run by the intelligence service. This means that the act in close cooperation with the news service "




The DIA Defense Intelligence Agency was involved to support the Gladio operation.

the operation was about the Islamist 'Sauerland' terror cell.

they kill the female Police officer because she disrupted the 'unlawful' intelligence action of the Gladio.






Also the german "protection of the Constitution" was involved.





also BND start to 'unlawful' burn nazi-files in this files they are proved as bad nazis killing innocent




"BND 'unlawful' destroying personnel records of former SS-men-"


they to this to eliminate there own Nazi history.

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the German BKA deleted important investigative data.

and again the Time show the truth Nazis are everywhere to protect the secret of there little stay behind Nato-Nazi army.


and now the big question why do the BKA protect nazi murderers?




This informations come to light the new details show the BKA is a part of the NSU or the other way arround the NSU is the Gladio part of the BKA.




in germany dark corners come to light BKA=NAZI BND=NAZI Police=NAZI Nazis everywhere.

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Makes sense I suppose. Britain had a similar programme in case the Germans were able to invade. It involved training criminals and regular civilians in guerrillia tactics, and the Soviets outnumbered us in Tanks by more than half. It also makes sense that they were Facists. They are sortof the traditional arch enemy of Communism. Even if they are more or less the same thing.

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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Nureberg wasn't justice, it was a kangaroo court.


To be fair, some chaps like Doenitz may have benefited (he was acquitted, with good reason IMO)

Found guilty, I'm pretty sure, and in parts in rather dodgy fashion too. IIRC he was the guy who had Chester Nimitz say that if he (Donitz) was found guilty then he (Nimitz) should be as well since the US used the exact same unrestricted submarine warfare tactics wrt Japan.


Whoops, he was found guilty on 2 counts (war of aggression and crimes against the laws of war), but not war crimes or crimes against humanity. Although yes I was referring to the lack of sentencing for unrestricted submarine warfare. I give points to Nimitz since he basically said he also used unrestricted submarine warfare tactics as Doenitz did. The interesting thing is Doentiz implemented them in response to attacks on his submarines that were performing rescue operations for civilian crews.


Some of the things he was found guilty on was not immediately repealing some of Hitler's directives (even though said directives never applied during Doenitz's short reign as leader of Germany).

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Nureberg wasn't justice, it was a kangaroo court.


To be fair, some chaps like Doenitz may have benefited (he was acquitted, with good reason IMO)

Found guilty, I'm pretty sure, and in parts in rather dodgy fashion too. IIRC he was the guy who had Chester Nimitz say that if he (Donitz) was found guilty then he (Nimitz) should be as well since the US used the exact same unrestricted submarine warfare tactics wrt Japan.


Whoops, he was found guilty on 2 counts (war of aggression and crimes against the laws of war), but not war crimes or crimes against humanity.

came here to say that. Nobody at Nuremberg was tried for genocide or crimes against humanity. they were tried for planning and waging an aggressive war.

Remember: Argue the point, not the person. Remain polite and constructive. Friendly forums have friendly debate. There's no shame in being wrong. If you don't have something to add, don't post for the sake of it. And don't be afraid to post thoughts you are uncertain about, that's what discussion is for.
Pet threads, everyone has them. I love imagining Gods, Monsters, Factions and Weapons.

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Operation Condor




In the case of Chile, the initiative to prevent the election of Salvador Allende as President was taken by International Telephone and Telegraph (ITT), one of the key international cartels that had worked with the Nazis before and during World War II.


In 1970, weeks before Allende's election, ITT board member and former CIA director John McCone called CIA director Richard Helms and proposed ITT-CIA collaboration to block Allende. On Sept. 11, 1970, McCone, Helms, and Kissinger held a meeting in which ITT offered $1 million "for the purpose of assisting any [u.S.] government plan . . . to stop Allende."


Like Standard Oil, ITT has a history of collaboration with the Nazis. Prior to World War II, Sosthenes Behn, the American chief of ITT, and Gerhardt Westrick, the head of ITT in Germany and an associate of John Foster Dulles, appointed both Walter Schellenberg, head of the Gestapo's counterintelligence service (SD) and Baron Kurt von Schröder, Hitler's private banker and a member of the Gestapo, to the board of directors of ITT in Germany, to ensure the company's continuing existence there during the upcoming war.


Throughout World War II, the American ITT corporation remained in a partnership with the Nazi government. The German branch of ITT provided the German Army, Navy, and Air Force with telephones, air raid warning devices, radar equipment, fuses for artillery shells, etc.


During World War II, Chile, like Argentina, was originally neutral. Despite considerable Allied pressure, Chile maintained diplomatic relations with Germany, Japan, and Italy. Only in 1943 did Chile break relations with the Axis powers, and not until a few months before their surrender in 1945 did Chile actually declare war.

The Chilean Nazi Party was established in 1932. Its members included both Chileans of German background as well as non-German right-wing Chileans. The party adopted the swastika, stormtroooper uniforms for its activists, and the greeting "Heil Chile!"

The official Nazi presence in Chile was extensive. There were eight consulates for a country of barely 5 million people. Secret radio transmitters up and down the Pacific coastline reported on Allied shipping movement.

Although this Nazi movement was not strong enough to prevent Chile from breaking relations with the Axis powers, after the war it provided a safe haven for German Nazis and other European fascists who escaped on the Nazi rat-lines via Argentina.



The two key Nazi war criminals who played a direct role in Operation Condor were Walter Rauff and Klaus Barbie. After the Pinochet coup in 1973, Rauff became one of the key advisors to Pinochet's DINA. During World War II Rauff was the SS officer responsible for overseeing the development of mobile gas vans, which were used to execute as many as 250,000 Jews. Rauff was the head of the Milan Sicherheitsdienst (SD), the elite intelligence service, which made him the chief SS security officer for all of northwest Italy. In that position he assisted SS Gen. Karl Wolff in the Operation Sunrise separate peace negotiations with Allen Dulles, who was the station chief of the U.S. Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in Bern, Switzerland.


When the German Army in Italy surrendered on April 29, 1945, Rauff was released, despite his involvement in war crimes, to the custody of "S Force Verona," an OSS unit working with the British-American "Special Counter Intelligence" team in Italy (SCI-Z), headed by James Angleton, who was a protégé of Allen Dulles. This was done over the objections of the U.S. Army's Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC), who called him "an unrepentant Nazi" and recommended lifetime imprisonment, if not execution.



The other major Nazi war criminal who participated in Operation Condor was Klaus Barbie, the "Butcher of Lyon." Barbie was protected by and worked for the Dulles faction of U.S. intelligence in Germany until 1951, when he was smuggled via the Nazi rat-lines to South America, where he played a critical role in Operation Condor.


Barbie joined the Hitler youth movement on April 2, 1933. In 1935, he joined Himmler's SS and shortly thereafter became a member of the elite SD security service, where was trained as an investigator and interrogator—i.e., torturer. In 1937, he joined the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP, the Nazi Party). In 1940, he went to Amsterdam where he served in the Central Bureau for Jewish Emigration, rounding up the city's Jewish population for deportation. In 1943, he was deployed to Lyon, France to eradicate the French Resistance. There he was chief of Section VI, Intelligence and Section IV, the Gestapo. He was responsible for the torture and death of more than 26,000 people. For the arrest, torture, and death of French Resistance leader Jean Moulin, he was awarded the "First Class Iron Cross With Swords" by Hitler himself.


After the war, Barbie fled from France back to Germany, where he worked for the British until April 1947, when he was recruited by the Dulles-controlled faction of the U.S. Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC). He was described by Robert S. Taylor, the CIC officer who recruited him, as "an honest man, both intellectually and personally, absolutely without nerves or fear. He is strongly anti-Communist and a Nazi idealist, who believes that he and his beliefs were betrayed by the Nazis in power."


In 1952, and again in 1954, the Military Tribunal of Lyon, France sentenced him to death in absentia. But the Dulles faction of the U.S. intelligence community, which had smuggled him out of Germany, continued to protect him from the French. In 1957 Barbie obtained citizenship in Bolivia, under the alias Klaus Altmann.

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The fascist police-state measures implemented under Operation Condor were actively promoted by the Dulles/Angleton faction of the U.S. intelligence community. Nazi war criminals Rauff and Barbie, who were protected by this apparatus, were key advisors to Operation Condor


Under the direction of Shultz, Kissinger, Bush, Sr., Vernon Walters, and Nestor Sanchez, DINA and Operation Condor received training, equipment, and financial and political support. Manuel Contreras was a paid agent, who met with Walters on at least four occasions in the United States. CIA training officers were sent to Santiago to train DINA officers. The communication system employed by Operation Condor was reportedly based in the U.S. military facility in the Panama Canal Zone.


The second generation of fascists who functioned as the hired assassins of Operation Condor were in large part assets of this synarchist faction of U.S. military intelligence. This includes the anti-Castro Cuban exiles, most of whom were veterans of the Dulles-orchestrated Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba. The CNM merged with Orlando Bosch's umbrella organization CORU in June 1976, just three months before their participation in the Letelier assassination. CORU then participated in the creation of Blas Piñar's Fascist International in Rome in October 1976, just one month after that assassination. Sanchez had been named CIA station chief in Madrid in August 1976, where he was in a position to coordinate with Blas Piñar.


Although it is argued by some that the United States did not direct Operation Condor, it is clear from what we have presented that elements of the U.S. military and intelligence community associated historically with the Dulles faction, did promote Operation Condor, and even if they did not specifically order such assassinations as that of Letelier, they permitted such assassinations to occur.


Sanchez was the official CIA liaison with death squads in Ibero-America. He recruited Cuban exiles to carry out assassinations as early as 1963. He is also known to have worked closely with the death squads in Guatdmala. He and others like him, in the tradition of the Spanish Grand Inquisitor Torquemada, have no compunction about cold-blooded murder and torture.

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We don't even know half of the dirt the US did in the name of stopping Communism in the 60s and 70s.


The focus on showing continuety from the third reich to modern fashist groupings is kinda misguided though. The individuals are not important, the ideological similarities are.

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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I stopped reading what he posts after his 2nd or 3rd copy-paste.


Seen this kind of posting before, and none of those people had any connection with reality. Conciracy theories galore.


Chuck Norris was wrong once - He thought HE made a mistake!


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We don't even know half of the dirt the US did in the name of stopping Communism in the 60s and 70s.


The focus on showing continuety from the third reich to modern fashist groupings is kinda misguided though. The individuals are not important, the ideological similarities are.


Similarities are oblivious.


Nazi are ruled by corporations. NATO are ruled by corporations.

Nazi fight against communism. NATO fight against communism.

Nazi replace ideology (everyone can become communist, even Aristocrats) with nationality ( commies = Jews. Evil Jews want enslave everyone! ),

NATO replace ideology by nationality ( commies = Russians. Evil Russians want enslave everyone! )

Nazi use terror against everyone who oppose them. NATO use terror against everyone who oppose them.

Nazi are European supremacists. NATO are "First World" supremacists.

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You guys realize Oby is just cutting and pasting all this stuff, right? Super lazy trolling going on here.


Because Oby can't into English. Don't want learn language of exploiters. I find text similar to my own ideas and post. It's not means trolling.

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"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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came here to say that. Nobody at Nuremberg was tried for genocide or crimes against humanity. they were tried for planning and waging an aggressive war.


One of the indictments of the Nuremberg trials was Count One, which indeed included crimes against humanity.


Doentiz was found not guilty on this count.

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