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Does anyone know if we are going to be able to leave the Mega Dungeon and come back to it? We are currently at 10 levels and were pushing for more. That is a ton of content and it will take me a mega long time to complete. Then my wife will be mega mad and then I will be in mega trouble :w00t:


Enough with the puns(its mega fun to do though). Will the dungeon allow us to go all the way through or just part way and force us to come back at a later level/time.

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That is a ton of content and it will take me a mega long time to complete. Then my wife will be mega mad and then I will be in mega trouble :w00t:

This really made me laugh. Being able to exit the dungeon and come back later would be awesome.



"There's a bodybag out there with that scudball's name on it, and I'm doing up the zip. Anyone who gets in my way gets a napalm enema. "

- Lister

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Personally, I think there should be no exits until you do the whole thing. Or at least keep the shortcut exits at a minimum.


You don't need to complete the dungeon in one sitting (in fact I hope it's so big and complex that doing so would be impossible). Or even in several days, if you're a part time gamer.


That's why we have a wonderful feature called "saving". ;)

Edited by Piccolo
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Personally, I think there should be no exits until you do the whole thing. Or at least keep the shortcut exits at a minimum.


You don't need to complete the dungeon in one sitting (in fact I hope it's so big and complex that doing so would be impossible). Or even in several days, if you're a part time gamer.


That's why we have a wonderful feature called "saving". ;)


I get your point, however if this is a game with limited inventory space (fingers crossed) that is going to be a tall order for someone like me. I tend to be a bit of a klepto in RPG's, obsessively picking up anything with any value. Mostly I want to be able to leave and sell stuff. I really hate leaving stuff behind as I adventure.

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"There's a bodybag out there with that scudball's name on it, and I'm doing up the zip. Anyone who gets in my way gets a napalm enema. "

- Lister

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Feargus said on the reddit thing the other day that there will probably be some kind of "fast" option to get out of the dungeon so you don't need to manually run back up the levels you have completed. Whether it will be portals, stairs or just the ability to treat levels like the worldmap travel I don't know.

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Personally, I think there should be no exits until you do the whole thing. Or at least keep the shortcut exits at a minimum.


You don't need to complete the dungeon in one sitting (in fact I hope it's so big and complex that doing so would be impossible). Or even in several days, if you're a part time gamer.


That's why we have a wonderful feature called "saving". ;)


I get your point, however if this is a game with limited inventory space (fingers crossed) that is going to be a tall order for someone like me. I tend to be a bit of a klepto in RPG's, obsessively picking up anything with any value. Mostly I want to be able to leave and sell stuff. I really hate leaving stuff behind as I adventure.


I am the same way. I collect anything of value. I cant tell you how many times I had to haul things around encumbered or use a strength potion to make it back into town. I'd love a way out of the dungeon so I can sell my stuff and get rich.

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A guide would be best I think. Then standing at the entrance to let you back in to a level of choice too. So you don't need to do the backtracking reverse.


Considering 15 levels of constant dungeoneering would become boring I definitely would prefer to just do a level or 2 and then back to the main game...

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I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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I would imagine that it would be highly improbable to do the whole thing at once, traditionally the large dungeon was an endeavour taken in chunks.


Having said that, I imagine that hard core Endless Path runs with custom parties, where you try to do the whole thing in one trip, might become popular.


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A guide would be best I think. Then standing at the entrance to let you back in to a level of choice too. So you don't need to do the backtracking reverse.


Considering 15 levels of constant dungeoneering would become boring I definitely would prefer to just do a level or 2 and then back to the main game...

I agree, but the guide would likely need to be unusual in nature to safely traverse this dungeon. Perhaps a friendly spirit of some type?

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