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I am interested in hearing where you will go with this. My question would be, what is the design goal? What purpose will small encounters to have as opposed to large encounters? In other words, will you be looking to factor in "attrition" into encounter design or not? Will you want players to be fully loaded for lage encounters or not? Etc etc

I think attrition can be valuable for pacing, but I think it's more interesting to think about party attrition rather than the attrition of a single character's class-based resources.


That is interesting. I think if attrition is in there and one cannot subvert it by abusing rest or cooldowns or through some other means, then most here would be quite pleased overall.

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to J.E. Sawyer

Also, what do you think about GURPS Unlimited Mana? While it does't exactly solves rest and per-day casting, overcasting your own cooldowns to the point when "wild magic" starts happening makes whole cooldown-thing more lore-friendly and whole rest abuse less important.

Edited by Shadenuat
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I am interested in hearing where you will go with this. My question would be, what is the design goal? What purpose will small encounters to have as opposed to large encounters? In other words, will you be looking to factor in "attrition" into encounter design or not? Will you want players to be fully loaded for lage encounters or not? Etc etc

I think attrition can be valuable for pacing, but I think it's more interesting to think about party attrition rather than the attrition of a single character's class-based resources.


That is interesting. I think if attrition is in there and one cannot subvert it by abusing rest or cooldowns or through some other means, then most here would be quite pleased overall.

ya I like attrition when the resource management is meaningful. When its not you get dragon age trash fights.

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Absolutely. Oh, sweet Joss Whedon, yes this.


I never use potions or consumables because I'm always worried about running out of them.


I do tend to hoard them too, but the situation which Josh described - finding yourself ill prepared for the challenges you're facing (in terms of spell selection) - is exactly the time when I do use up potions and wands and limited-charge items, in order to compensate. They do make a big difference.


I was really brief on my progression on consumables in cRPGs there - it spanned like 20+ years of gaming -


but after hoarding out of fear of using them at the wrong time, the actual next step was forgetting I had them to use because I had become so focused on surviving without them. :)


And once I had forgotten in fights that I had that as a resource, and had learned to do without, the next logical progression for me was seeing them as sellable-for-gold only.

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I know that Icewindale is the more combat oriented of the infinity games but I think we should also keep in mind BG2 when it comes to combat encounters. It did a lot of things right. Also from the information we have, this game seems closer to BG2 so that should factor in.

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to J.E. Sawyer

Also, what do you think about GURPS Unlimited Mana? While it does't exactly solves rest and per-day casting, overcasting your own cooldowns to the point when "wild magic" starts happening makes whole cooldown-thing more lore-friendly and whole rest abuse less important.


I kind of like this idea. There should be compounded risk for using spells, if that's not enough of a deterrent to make people conserve their energy or take it easy then they deserve to have their caster die or suffer some serious crippling effects, or have their spells cause some seriously nasty side effects.

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I have to go to my tutoring session now and then I need to write my update for tomorrow, so unfortunately this is all I can contribute to the thread for today/tonight.


Thanks for taking the time to try and allay fears and explain things. It is much appreciated!

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How the hell is that better? Now you have to wait actual 8 hours to get the spell back instead of finiding a safe spot and resitng.


Also, it makes resting and sleepign compeltely superflous.


Horrible. Horrible.


Seems hte devs want to do away with resting, which was IMHO one of the best things that added to the atmosphere of old IE games.


Wait, what? You once argued that using meta-gaming concerns as an argument against Vancian, and said the developers could use resting restrictions to mediate spamming. But now, you are against a system that does JUST THAT THING FOR WHICH YOU ARGUED!


Stop being contrary just for the sake of it.

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I hate to break up the party, but we seem to have passed the 500 post a long time ago...


Nothing wrong with creating a new thread on cooldown in particular or continue magic system discussion in general here



“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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