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I hope the devs don't do the tacky, predictible

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Just something I thought of. How many times has this pissed you off in a movie or game?


You watch a movie, or play a game, and get attached to a character, and everything is great.


Then, you move on to the sequel game or movie, with all new characters, and your favorite character makes a cameo, only to DIE.


It Bites!


Essentially, the whole previous movie/game is pointless, because the charater that drove it is dead! Its as if you found out you lost the game after thinking you won it!


I seriously hope that with the details that you can "set up" the story by describing what happened in the previous game, that say, if you go on to say that it ended in the lightside romance with Bastilla and Revan, that you found out that they ran off together to the unknown regions, and stay together throughout the course of the game, with neither dying. Or, if you took the evil path with female Revan and Carth still alive, that when you bump into them again, that Revan is still evil, and Carth still lives, as a subject to Revan and still loving her, yet "trying to save her" this whole time (you find out Revan keeps Carth around because she is amused by her).


See, its touches like that which will make the new game better. If it seeks to reaffirm the players choices rather than invalidate them through killing Revan or a main potential love interest, then it only adds something to this story.


I only fear because it sounds from the article that some people die, and they had to choose which.



I guess my breakdown would be this:



Revan Lightside KOTOR 1


Automatically Lives -


HK 47 - We know that he lives, so I am adding him here.


T- Droid (forgot designation) - Same as HK


Zallzabar - Lives, but He would be a better potential candidate for a "noble sacrifice" from a KOTOR 1 character


Bastilla - If Revan's love interest, then she goes with Revan, if not, she is a survivor of the Jedi Civil War


Automatically Dead -


Juhani - Jedi Civil War, remember?


Jolee - Same as above


On the Hot Seat -


Mission - Killing the kid would be a great way to show the casualties of war, but keeping her alive means she is now 19, and a little older, thus a more mature mission could be a neat cameo. I say kill her because you don't get to play as her.


Carth - Carth dying would make another impact, but not one the devs might want. I didn't mind him, but I know a lot of people would cheer. I think it would be better if he was off screen, but reunited with his son, unless you choose the romance path with carth, in which case, Carth and Revan took off for the unknown regions.


Canderous - Awesome, but getting up there in age. Also reflectant at the end of the game. I would either have him die a warrior's death, and be the other potential candidate for a "noble sacrifice" if the devs are looking for one from a KOTOR 1 character, or let him live out the rest of his life in peace.




Now for the easy part:


Revan Darkside in Kotor 1


There are only 4 ways this can go -


1) Everybody dies. Remember, You killed everyone.


2) Everybody but Carth Dies - For the romance dark side plot.


3) Everybody but bastilla dies - you take her on as your apprentice.


4) 2 + 3 - Carth and bastilla live for the above reasons.





At least in the above ways, the devs can afford to kill some characters (which based on the article, they are going to do), without ruining the story of KOTOR 1.


I just especially want to avoid the damn cliche'd "Oh, I loved him/her, and now they are dead." Or "Oh, I loved him/her, and they turned bad and I had to kill them." Or "Yes, we loved each other, but it didn't work out for BLAH BLAH YAK BLAH CRAP." That plotline has gotten really stale in RPG's - let us feel good about someone being happy for once...

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Just something I thought of. How many times has this pissed you off in a movie or game?


You watch a movie, or play a game, and get attached to a character, and everything is great.


Then, you move on to the sequel game or movie, with all new characters, and your favorite character makes a cameo, only to DIE.


It Bites!



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Yeah, I don't like when games do that either. Like Deus Ex: IW. Having to kill the character you played in the original game isn't cool. That's why I'd prefer they just left the old characters completely out of it. I don't want anyone telling me how the character I used to play is now.

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Well, I wouldn't even mind it, as long as they never tamper with the idea that your character was successful in their pursuits - if they pursued the dark jedi path, let them succeed. If he pursued Bastilla, then don't break up the friggin relationship or kill one of them off! If she pursued Carth, then don't break up the friggin relationship or kill one of them off! Etc. Etc.


Its almost as if they think they are being "shocking" when they are doing what everyone else does, hence the cliche'd nature of it.


It would be refreshing for once to know that a relationship you pursued in one game continued in the next, and neither party is dead nor the relationship split up by the end of the game.

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Doesn't the magazine article say that you ARE THE LAST JEDI LEFT?


I seem to remember reading that somewhere.




Using a gamepad to control an FPS is like trying to fight evil through maple syrup.

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Hey smart ass, read the rest of the article before you make yourself look like an idiot.


The article also said that Revan left for the unknown regions, and that the twi-lek jedi was a companion of yours. So if I am "the last jedi left", what's with the other 2 jedi (that we know of thus far) still being around?


Read the whole article before you open your illiterate mouth.

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Hey smart ass, read the rest of the article before you make yourself look like an idiot.


The article also said that Revan left for the unknown regions, and that the twi-lek jedi was a companion of yours. So if I am "the last jedi left", what's with the other 2 jedi (that we know of thus far) still being around?


Read the whole article before you open your illiterate mouth.

Well, I must say that was uncalled for.


I was refering to the page of the magazine scan with the "The lightsaber's the thing. You should work for it." caption.


Start at the >3,995 part and start reading, I quote "The Republic is in shambles, reeling from the scourge of Darth Malak. The Jedi Order has been disbanded, and you--a veteran of the Mandalorian war who was conveniantly in exile during the recent civle war--are the last known Jedi, left to piece together a future for yourself and the Jedi Order."


Link for you to check for yourself. http://www.nforce.nl/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=14775




Using a gamepad to control an FPS is like trying to fight evil through maple syrup.

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Actually TripleRRR, the article said last "known" Jedi. Overlooking these small semanthic finesses seems to make intellectually challenged posters lose it completely ;)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Yep, you're the last known Jedi.


Any Jedi you recruit will probably be found later hiding out some place.


Of course, we as players know that there's more out there, I mean they don't all die off overnight, but the galaxy as a whole might think they're dead. Hence, you are the last Jedi.

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Actually TripleRRR, the article said last "known" Jedi. Overlooking these small semanthic finesses seems to make intellectually challenged posters lose it completely ;)

Tell me about it. ;)


Anyway, I think that jedi should be scarce in this game, since Malak took out most of the jedi at dantooine, we think, and hunted down as many as he could in the civil war, there aren't going to be many sitting around, I would very much like to be able to find only one or two, instead of three, three was too many in my opinion.




Using a gamepad to control an FPS is like trying to fight evil through maple syrup.

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Actually TripleRRR, the article said last "known" Jedi. Overlooking these small semanthic finesses seems to make intellectually challenged posters lose it completely  ;)

Tell me about it. ;)


Anyway, I think that jedi should be scarce in this game, since Malak took out most of the jedi at dantooine, we think, and hunted down as many as he could in the civil war, there aren't going to be many sitting around, I would very much like to be able to find only one or two, instead of three, three was too many in my opinion.




Wasn't the Jedi on Dantooine just a small enclave and not the whole Jedi collective?

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I have no idea. There is, at some point, a huge jedi temple built on Coruscant, but we don't know if that has been built yet. But if the order has been disbanded I very much doubt there are a lot of jedi sitting around twiddling their thumbs.




Using a gamepad to control an FPS is like trying to fight evil through maple syrup.

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I would very much like to be able to find only one or two, instead of three, three was too many in my opinion.

One Jedi would be fine, besides yourself. If you find two then the all-Jedi strike force becomes possible again.

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Yes, I would like to be forced to rely a bit more on the mundane, everyday layman of the galaxy in the sequel.




Using a gamepad to control an FPS is like trying to fight evil through maple syrup.

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I have no idea. There is, at some point, a huge jedi temple built on Coruscant, but we don't know if that has been built yet. But if the order has been disbanded I very much doubt there are a lot of jedi sitting around twiddling their thumbs.




IIRC, there is a dialogue with the "Council" on Dantooine, where you something along the lines of "Isn't the Council on Coruscant" (incorrectly quoted) and the answer from one the guys is something along the lines of "Yes the main council is there" but the guys currently on Dantooine has something to do here. A cheat from the designers, so they didn't have to add Coruscant to the game probably. ;)


If you ask the archivist guy, he says something to the same effect, that the main archives are on Coruscant ?


Looks like Dantooine was just a small Jedi Enclave to give the player a feeling of "home" once you bcame a Jedi

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Wasn't the Jedi on Dantooine just a small enclave and not the whole Jedi collective?

*dons geek cap* In this era, there is not only the Jedi Temple on Coruscant (although it is not yet the Jedi headquarters; Bioware probably implied that in accordance to the movies so that players would feel more familiarized), but also the outpost on Arkania and the Great Library on Ossus, among others. Dantooine was just a wee Outer Rim branch.

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I would very much like to be able to find only one or two, instead of three, three was too many in my opinion.

One Jedi would be fine, besides yourself. If you find two then the all-Jedi strike force becomes possible again.

Maybe you could take on a padawan

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I would very much like to be able to find only one or two, instead of three, three was too many in my opinion.

One Jedi would be fine, besides yourself. If you find two then the all-Jedi strike force becomes possible again.

Maybe you could take on a padawan

Do you mean from the NON-Jedi NPCs you pick up?


If not, then it's just another episode of Jedi Strike Force!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Well apparently there was a "Jedi civil war" which sound very intriguing to me, and in the case of the DS ending it wouldn't be much of a stretch.

That would be interesting, although the article said that the game would be adaptable to both kinds of endings and that the character's dialogue options would meld what sort of ending took place. However, the "Jedi civil war" could easily be referring to the events of KOTOR 1. Remember that the event of Revan and Malak seizing the Star Forge takes place shortly before KOTOR 1 starts and that when this happens, thousands of Jedi and Republic servicemen/servicewomen defect to the dark side. It's still enough damage to cripple the Republic, shatter the Jedi Order, etc.... I would think a completely DS ending would be the endgame situation for the Old Republic.

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My bad, when I initially read that line "aftermath of the Jedi Civil war and the scourge of Darth Malak" I thought of them seperately.

And that other part of the sentence "and in the case of the DS ending ..." was supposed to be a seperate sentence referring to the disbanding of the Order etc...

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