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I hope the devs don't do the tacky, predictible

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i'm not spending more time in a good vs evil game. sorry.

"I'm a simple man, Hobbes."

"You?? Yesterday you wanted a nuclear powered car that could turn into a jet with laser-guided heat-seeking missiles!"

"I'm a simple man with complex tastes."

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God ... someone needs to read Star Wars a little more if they make THAT story.


As said the main temple is on Coruscant and there are small enclaves/temples around the galaxy, the Republic was never disbaned in their 25 000 years of existence and Malak never reached the Core worlds, he was playing around in the Rim worlds and Malak was no Palpatine that could make a "Jedi Purge".


Trying to pull a DX:IW were they combined the DX endings in one will lead to the same disaster of DX:IW, the LS and DS endings are unworkable.

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According to the article, the Jedi Order was disbanded, not the Republic.


The Republic is in shambles, reeling from the aftermath of the Jedi civil war and the scourge of Darth Malak. The Jedi Order has been disbanded...

What details we have so far doesn't tell us much other than how Kotor2 begins, and since LucasArts are producing the game I don't think they'd allow a story which compromises the integrity of Star Wars.

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What details we have so far doesn't tell us much other than how Kotor2 begins, and since LucasArts are producing the game I don't think they'd allow a story which compromises the integrity of Star Wars.

Hasn't Lucas already done that with Episodes I & II?





Using a gamepad to control an FPS is like trying to fight evil through maple syrup.

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What details we have so far doesn't tell us much other than how Kotor2 begins, and since LucasArts are producing the game I don't think they'd allow a story which compromises the integrity of Star Wars.

Hasn't Lucas already done that with Episodes I & II?





Hehe, yeah, you're right about that.

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It makes no sense to have the Jedi Order disbanded, the Jedi Order were the guardians of the Republic siince it was pretty much created, the jedi originaly come from Ossus.


Also the "Jedi civil war" was already happened, the Sith was formed by the survivors of the lossing side that war.

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I thought Sith was a bit of a reoccuring problem. Like every now and then someone decided to get more personal power and went for that Sith teaching.


Anyway, I dubt that they will not have a very tacky appearance of Raven. It can not be anything but tacky, since Raven probably will not look like your Raven did in KotOR. They should just leave everybody from KotOR out of the game.


A new beginning and a new crew. B)

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It makes no sense to have the Jedi Order disbanded, the Jedi Order were the guardians of the Republic siince it was pretty much created, the jedi originaly come from Ossus.


Also the "Jedi civil war" was already happened, the Sith was formed by the survivors of the lossing side that war.

Makes no sense to you, you mean :)


Unless you have a definite canonal timeline that states this is incorrect... I guess it does make sense ;)


And since everything they do has to be ok'd by Lucasart's canon people.... hmmm :)

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What details we have so far doesn't tell us much other than how Kotor2 begins, and since LucasArts are producing the game I don't think they'd allow a story which compromises the integrity of Star Wars.



Hasn't Lucas already done that with Episodes I & II?








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Yes and no.


The Republic stand for 25 000 years until Palpatine turned into the Galatic Empire, that is stated on Star Wars official site.


The Jedi Civil War is also despicted as happening when some Jedi started to explore the dark side and the Jedi Council forbid it, leading to a rebellion that ending with the dark side jedi leaving and finding the Sith race and so creating the Sith Empire.


Exar Kun does more damage to the Jedi Order later when he kills his master in front of the Jedi Council and many Jedi follow him but that does not destroy the Order.


After Kun we are left with some vague references until the Jedi Army of Light fights the Brotherhood of Darkness (all the diferent Sith organizations) into the great battle that almost destroys the Sith (only Darth Bane escapes) and that is were both the Jedi and Sith organizations are reformed into the we see in the movies, even if that is just EU adapting the "no longer canon" pre Ep I stories that shown the Jedi and Sith diferently that in the movies.


In SWKotOR the game states that Malak was stop from reaching the Core Worlds and was all set in the Rim region, there are official Star Wars maps that further point towards to that (since all official Star Wars worlds in SWKotOR are located on the Rim reagion).

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Yes and no.


The Republic stand for 25 000 years until Palpatine turned into the Galatic Empire, that is stated on Star Wars official site.


The Jedi Civil War is also despicted as happening when some Jedi started to explore the dark side and the Jedi Council forbid it, leading to a rebellion that ending with the dark side jedi leaving and finding the Sith race and so creating the Sith Empire.

You're assuming that there was only one "Jedi civil war" ever. Why assume that? Technically, any war that features mass defections of Jedi to the Sith is a Jedi civil war, even if it isn't called the Jedi Civil War.


There's enough vagueness in the canon to support a whole lot of bad stuff. And if that won't do, then I guess they'll just rewrite the canon to support KotOR 2. Other than the timeline, a temporary disbanding of the Order following the war with Malak won't invalidate any other materials, will it?

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Dont talk about stuff you dont know about.


Star Wars EU was always around the movie timeline, the only thing we have that is well before Ep 1 is Dark Horse "Tales of the Jedi"comics that only go back as far as the Golden Age of the Sith.


There have ONLY been a Jedi Civil War since its the only time the Jedi as a organization split into two diferent groups and battled for the idiology of the Jedi Organization, after that event the Jedi Order remained the same and your "mass defections2 simply gone into the enemy side, you cannot have "Jedi civil War" when its Jedi vs Sith since the Sith is its own organization and one of its objectives is the destruction of the Jedi Order and if you do then you must also call the US Indepence War the "British civil war".

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Eh, KoTOR does not exactly fit into Canon, but it is far enough in the past and close enought that it does not matter much.




Using a gamepad to control an FPS is like trying to fight evil through maple syrup.

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What about the Star Forge? If you play DS there's no way the Republic would survive the Infinite Fleet. The core worlds would be crushed. I suppose it can be explained, the Sith might turn on each other before they finish the job, but it's a stretch after the republic fleet was destroyed.


btw, Admiral Dodonna says the Republic is "doomed".

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The DS ending does not work, it was pretty much like the DS ending of Jedi Knight.

Thus my not exactly fit comment.




Using a gamepad to control an FPS is like trying to fight evil through maple syrup.

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Yes, good has pretty much always won in Star wars, or at least not been crushed.


Makes you wonder how Lucas is handling Episode III




Using a gamepad to control an FPS is like trying to fight evil through maple syrup.

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