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Question about Digital Soundtrack..

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I want to have my cake and eat it :)


FLAC would be nice, but as a matter of convenience, pre-converted to high res mp3 (in addition to FLAC) would be nice. No idea if any royalties are required for using some of those formats (thinks back to the Compuserve GIF debacle).

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I can't promise this because it's not entirely up to me, but FLAC sounds reasonable. Taking that a step further, I don't see why we couldn't do multiple formats since its just a matter of exporting the source in different ways... A good example are the humble indie bundle soundtracks which usually come in multiple formats. Again I can't promise this, but I'll definitely look into it more and post back when I can...




Can I just say, your enthusiasm is pretty inspiring! I don't have a firm answer at the moment, but *hopefully* before mid 2013? :) It's just a matter of finding the time to do it right now. Lately I've been focusing on Stick of Truth, and that's taking a lot of my time...


Anyway, didn't intend to thread-jack here... Carry on with the compression format discussions!


Is the soundtrack going to be any different from what's in the game files?


Good question. It's hard to predict what the game is going to need, though if I were to hazard a guess, what you hear in the game is likely what your going to hear in the soundtrack. We'll just have to see how things work out... A lot of it depends on how we implement the music and there are a lot of steps that need to take place first before we have a clear picture of what that will actually mean.

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When will there be a sample of the music? I know it might not be soon, so I'm ready for a "sometime in mid 2013" answer, but I keep hoping it will be soon.

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If you don't want to distribute the soundtrack yourselves, I've been using Bandcamp for quite a while, it supports multiple formats including FLAC, and a lot of bands that have done Kickstarters use it, it's easily the best music store platform around. Topspin is OK (Reznor's band How to Destroy Angels, Arcade Fire, and Kidneythieves use it), I have to use Paypal on it because apparently their credit processor only likes US numbers, I never have any problem with other sites based in the US.


MP3 is a proprietary format that you need to license, although bands sell mp3s that say they've been encoded with LAME, I don't think the owners keep track or whether the bands are even liable, since it's whoever distributed the software that's breached the patent. Obsidian at most would be paying royalties as part of the fee for the software they use to convert to MP3, and some of that software is free.


I try to get FLAC for everything. I don't want to be tied to a particular format or lose any data. People say they can't tell the difference but I think I can, although perhaps it's down to how each format is processed.


Is the soundtrack going to be any different from what's in the game files?

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