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SW: The Old Republic Part 4


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You haven't ever played Team Fortress 2, have you? TOR is one of the worst F2P models I've ever seen in the world of real "gaming." i.e. not Zynga/facebook games.

Negatory. TF2 and TOR are compelely different beasts, so comparing it isn't possible. Compare TF2 to Enemy Territory, and it's even worse as F2P for example ;). And so you could think up more examples.

Doesn't change that this was the best move with TOR that BioWare/EA could make. And they definitely profit of it already, even with the many issues the Cartel system has still...

The most hilarious thing to me at the moment is the reduced XP gain, which means F2P players have to use more server resources, connect more often and for longer (things that cost money to EA,) to accomplish the same "story" goals as subscribers, by grinding.

For someone complaining about someone using a strawman, that sounds a whole lot like a strawman. It's simply not based on reality. And no, reduced XP is not a 'massive failure'...

I actually long back to the time I had that XP progression now I have a month subscription...


It's funny I actually completely agree with "alanschu" for a change. It doesn't seem to happen very often.


TOR's F2P seems like something you have to suffer through, wonder why anyone would bother with that.

It's basic MMO. I can't say it's my favorite thing either. What seperates TOR is it's story. And that is what makes it bareable. So why one would suffer through... for the story.

Cause I am really not doing it to experience lvl 50 MMO-grind activities like so many apparently want and complain is lacking. So what? It's not like that's much fun... :/




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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Well, unless you really like PvP (I fail to see how that's possible, but those must exist)...


Heh, if they would take PvP out from the game now, I wouldn't personally be surprised if TOR would lose third of it's players by the end of the week.


It's not my cup of tea, but PvP is a very important part of MMO's

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I have to admit I've been pretty much enjoying the solo-able story content for the classes. Sure there are flaws, but there's a fair bit thats entertaining. The mmo-aspect is something I haven't been hugely into, although the casual chat with friendly guildmates and providing each other the occasional help/advice/crafting gear does add a bit more social side to normal game-playing.


PvP has its moments of fun, but I couldn't see myself spending hours on it. It's something to just do the occasional dabble on to have a break from story-content.


I guess I just have a different mindset to the majority of mmo-folks.

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"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Bit ranty at times. Wonder how his idea to make people pay for the storyline would have turned out.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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I have to admit I've been pretty much enjoying the solo-able story content for the classes. Sure there are flaws, but there's a fair bit thats entertaining. The mmo-aspect is something I haven't been hugely into, although the casual chat with friendly guildmates and providing each other the occasional help/advice/crafting gear does add a bit more social side to normal game-playing.


PvP has its moments of fun, but I couldn't see myself spending hours on it. It's something to just do the occasional dabble on to have a break from story-content.


I guess I just have a different mindset to the majority of mmo-folks.


This is pretty much the way I play all MMO's. I guess it isn't the norm, but I don't think we are that uncommon either. I have a hard time understanding the end game content crowd, to be honest.

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I have to admit I've been pretty much enjoying the solo-able story content for the classes. Sure there are flaws, but there's a fair bit thats entertaining. The mmo-aspect is something I haven't been hugely into, although the casual chat with friendly guildmates and providing each other the occasional help/advice/crafting gear does add a bit more social side to normal game-playing.


PvP has its moments of fun, but I couldn't see myself spending hours on it. It's something to just do the occasional dabble on to have a break from story-content.


I guess I just have a different mindset to the majority of mmo-folks.


This is pretty much the way I play all MMO's. I guess it isn't the norm, but I don't think we are that uncommon either. I have a hard time understanding the end game content crowd, to be honest.


At end game you have all your skills and alllows you to tackle with all the challenges the game offers, both in PvE and PVP. It's working as a team with bunch of friends and having a laugh at the same time. Leveling process is just a horrible chore compaired to that, repetitive grinding and other people running around killing the suff you have to kill too, gah.

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The two are kinda different.


Levelling is very much a solo activity (with the occasional exception), while end game is instead a social activity.


I've never managed to make it to the end game in a mmo before, because I've always found leveling to be horrid in those games. in SWTOR it was ok, pretty fun even (true, I played with my wife the first time which adds a lot of fun). A large part of that was the increased story focus. Sure there are times when it felt grindy and tedious. It's a fairly relaxing way to enjoy the game, since you get to set your own pace.


The endgame must be absolutely horrid if you don't have a guild or at least regular group of friends to play with. while it isn't exactly lacking anymore, as it did in the beginning, you're still going to run the same instances over and over again. While it is fun to run with unknown people every now and then, running with people you know is much, much better.


So yeah, SWTOR is a bit conflicted in that way. Some like the solo aspect, some like the social one. I like both a fair bit, so for me the game did a lot of things right other mmos haven't.

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Heh, if they would take PvP out from the game now, I wouldn't personally be surprised if TOR would lose third of it's players by the end of the week.


It's not my cup of tea, but PvP is a very important part of MMO's

More proof that the MMO-crowd baffles me.


Also, on the TOR forums, some hardcore MMO-players are flaming someone for wanting to do all side-quests... I mean, what?

I think some of them are not really understanding people who play casually instead of hardcore, with optimal builds, and perfect gear and what-not and don't even know about all the hidden stats and things we should apparently 'know' about.

(Heck, when I visit the forums I don't even understand half the posts...)

This is pretty much the way I play all MMO's. I guess it isn't the norm, but I don't think we are that uncommon either. I have a hard time understanding the end game content crowd, to be honest.

Same. If I would be playing any other MMO's besides TOR that is.

I'm only in due to the story. Guess it's not the MMO's crowd, but I like it. It's why I play TOR, hate WoW.

I would have been so much happier if TOR was a SP RPG... but, alas.

As it is, just have to bear with the horrible mechanics (skills, so many abilities, drag-on combat, "dps/healer/tank" ****) to get the 'good' stuff...

And I really don't get the crafting/equipment hardcorists either. So what I don't have perfect gear for my level?


Dabbled with my sub a bit in crafting, and... well... kinda hate it. Having to use skills or buy from others stuff to craft items to learn to craft better items etc. etc.

I rather take money/companion gift missions. Click and away, profit. Yay!

Leveling process is just a horrible chore compaired to that, repetitive grinding and other people running around killing the suff you have to kill too, gah.

Not much grinding involved. Just... doing the missions. With a story. I like it. Zbyl and me generally avoid most combat with stealth. A life-saving ability, since I wouldn't want to fight every foe in my way...

On the other hand, I can't imagine doing those flashpoints or heroics over and over and over. Even with a friend.




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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The bit thats grating on me lately is if my connection gets disrupted while I'm playing. My server lag will slowly start climbing and exceed 200,000 ms .. I will have a nice shiny red x saying my connection is not in existence. And then it does nothing but leave me there. Unless I Alt-F4 and quit the game that way, I can't actually do anything.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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On the other hand, I can't imagine doing those flashpoints or heroics over and over and over. Even with a friend.


Make that 7 friends and forget the heroics and flashpoints. Operations are where the fun is had. Like I said. it's about teamwork, where everybody needs to know their role and act accordinly. Dropping a hard boss by working as a team, communicating to others if you have trouble or have time to help someone else, laugh if someone screws up in a funny way, that's what got me hooked for the game for, what, 9 months?

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Bit ranty at times. Wonder how his idea to make people pay for the storyline would have turned out.

Didn't d&d online try something like that?

I don't think it was a smashing success.

Personally I don't get the appeal of MMO-like storyline as it quickly devolved into finding new NPC to shoot in the face but as long as my friends want to play and player population is decent I don't mind seeing PvE content once.

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Dropping a hard boss by working as a team, communicating to others if you have trouble or have time to help someone else, laugh if someone screws up in a funny way, that's what got me hooked for the game for, what, 9 months?

Are they, like bosses in other parts of the game (heroic, flashpoint) extremely 'difficult' just because they have a metric ton of HP. And the 'fun' of defeating them is just a chore of sitting the combat out?

Or is it actually fun, a real department from every other boss in the game?




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


TSLRCM Official Forum || TSLRCM Moddb || My other KOTOR2 mods || TSLRCM (English version) on Steam || [M4-78EP on Steam

Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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Dropping a hard boss by working as a team, communicating to others if you have trouble or have time to help someone else, laugh if someone screws up in a funny way, that's what got me hooked for the game for, what, 9 months?

Are they, like bosses in other parts of the game (heroic, flashpoint) extremely 'difficult' just because they have a metric ton of HP. And the 'fun' of defeating them is just a chore of sitting the combat out?

Or is it actually fun, a real department from every other boss in the game?


Latter mostly. Some have lots of mechanics and phases, some have less. None of them are purely standing and whacking, one even needs one or two guys making tower of hanoi, the Bioware traditional puzzle during the fight. In every one of them players need to be awake and ready to act.

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Yeah, operations are a strong departure from the rest of the game. You get a feeling for it in some of the flashpoints, but it goes further in the ops.


Favorite fight right now is Operator IX, where you debug a huge computer in real time (and it's done by clever use of colors). very hectic and somewhat chaotic, but also very awesome.

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Found a puzzle on Balmorra with lights switching on and off. Very hard to do if other players also use the items.

Had someone screaming we ruined it all along, and we never get it without his 'program'... yet we did. And didn't take all evening as he thought we would. Silly people.

Had some good laughs, and were surprised TOR actually had puzzles. Although, they don't work that well out there in the open in a MMO. Maybe instanced they are better?


Anyway, got Treasure Hunting as crewskill, and Artifice. Didn't get the needed gems, so went to the gtn looking for stuff, and selling some unnecessary items I got.

And did I know it. Yesterday I made 150K on the gtn alone. Probably peanuts for lvl 50 gamers... but seeing how I (lvl 34) probably made that same cash throughout the entire game so far, a shocking surprise. That I got about 8 purple items selling for 9900 a piece on the gtn probably helped too. And getting several missions all selling at 15K+ too. Seriously, those prices there are crazy sometimes. And they actually pay me that?




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


TSLRCM Official Forum || TSLRCM Moddb || My other KOTOR2 mods || TSLRCM (English version) on Steam || [M4-78EP on Steam

Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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Well they've announced the first expansion : http://www.swtor.com/rothc


The first Digital Expansion for The Old Republic™ introduces an aggressive new enemy threatening the future of the galaxy: the Hutt Cartel

  • Experience 5 new levels, including story-driven missions, as the level cap increases to 55!
  • Face-off against a frightening new enemy when you battle the nefarious Hutt Cartel.
  • The fate of the new planet Makeb is at stake... and in your hands.
  • Stay tuned for more information coming soon - Over the next few months we will reveal more exciting new features!



Continue your Star Wars saga with a new level cap of 55! Earn new abilities, skill points, gear, and more as your character advances!




Experience new epic story content with fully-voiced cinematic conversations as players uncover the diabolical plot of the Hutt Cartel to become the new galactic superpower.




Explore a vibrant alien landscape as the Galactic Republic and Sith Empire fight for control over a powerful secret.



And if you're a subscriber, it costs half. Or, if you're not a subscriber it costs double. Depending on which way you look at it...


Edit: Oh yes, and if you pre-order before Jan 7th, you get 5 days early access to the content...

Edited by Raithe

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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So is it a new unique story for every class? I doubt it, but they aren't very clear in the details. I also am a bit surprised they put this out with no video.


Sounds more like an adventure pack than a real expansion, to be honest, but it's also a super low price too.

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Some people are talking as if its Act IV, so who knows just how much it lays the groundwork for it?


After all, when we wrap up Act III, what you get at level 50 is "Interlude". So we can gather they're certainly planning on adding some further Act(s) to the storyline. Of course, the question would become would it mean Act IV for each class storyline, or are they going to combine them to specific Republic/Imperial storylines?


I think I'd feel kind of cheated if they didn't make them expansions of the class storylines, but I can see that takes a heap more effort and money, which might not be a possible thing if it's not succeeding as they thought it would.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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From everything I've read about Makeb before, I'm pretty sure this will not continue the class storylines. The new story mentioned is the planet story, nothing else, I think.


It's going to be interesting to see what the new levels will bring though, in terms of class abilities and such.


Also gear balance.

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I'd be pretty happy if they got rid of about 20 abilities per class. :p


You want a awesome button to TOR?


If I remember correctly, bounty hunter/trooper had only 4 ablities in their basic rotation, and they bored me to tears.

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