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South Park: The Game Becomes South Park: The Stick of Truth

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With no Obsidian logo and a typical franchise tie-in cover, if I saw it in a shop I'd dismiss it as another crap $-fodder. As it is, we'll see with the details.

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With no Obsidian logo


Like F:NV?

I've never seen the physical box (got it from Steam), but at least the intro of the game has a blurb that acknowledges that Bethesda developed FO:NV in "association" with Obsidian Entertainment ;)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I've never seen the physical box (got it from Steam), but at least the intro of the game has a blurb that acknowledges that Bethesda developed FO:NV in "association" with Obsidian Entertainment ;)


Ehrm.. what has that to do with the game box? Have we already seen the intro to South Park and I missed it?


Truth is, developer logos on the box are not that common. Check other THQ games. Check other Bethesda games.

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I've never seen the physical box (got it from Steam), but at least the intro of the game has a blurb that acknowledges that Bethesda developed FO:NV in "association" with Obsidian Entertainment ;)


Ehrm.. what has that to do with the game box? Have we already seen the intro to South Park and I missed it?


Truth is, developer logos on the box are not that common. Check other THQ games. Check other Bethesda games.

Nothing much to do with the box, just a commentary on the attitude of publishers, seemingly pretending developers don't exist.


I don't think I have a THQ game (don't they mostly publish shooters and RTS games?), so I don't know what qualifies as MO for them.



“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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It's not uncommon - I'm not saying it's particularly egregious here, just how the box as a whole sells itself completely as yet another franchise cash-in. If they want to give the impression that it's actually a good game as well as a South Park game, the box isn't doing it. But then, hey, maybe they don't care.

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It's not uncommon - I'm not saying it's particularly egregious here, just how the box as a whole sells itself completely as yet another franchise cash-in.

True. However, I think that the people who know better than to trust a franchise cash-in are also the people more likely to know when one such product is worthy of their attention.

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To be honest I'm not really sure how you can do a box art that communicates "THIS IS A SERIOUS GAME WORTHY OF YOUR ATTENTION!!!"... Cartman alone in an action hero pose with an elaborate and slick logo art? Honestly, the only thing that looks bad to me in the box art shown there is the font used for the subtitle. Rest conveys the tone pretty well.

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Fair enough, I'm being a bit anal about it. It's probably more accurate to say my beef is with using the SP franchise to begin with.


Still, eager to see more details about how they do this.

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I was pretty disappointed when the game was first announced. But to be honest, I'm looking forward to it more and more, if just to get a RPG that will hopefully retain Obsidian's trademarks such as factions etc and also to get away from all the epic, large-scale type of stories.


Now, I presume this will be "epic" in the South Park vein (saving the town in the end perhaps or whatever), but that alone means it will mostly be silly. Whether it be high-fantasy, or the more "realistic" epicness of games like the Witcher, the genre could do with something poking fun at it and deflating it. I hope this game will really poke fun at a lot of the tropes we typically see in games. Plus, just a RPG game with a huge focus on comedy alone will be interesting to see.


Though I will also fully admit that I started watching South Park more as a result of the game being announced and I've really grown to like the series though it is quite uneven.

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Of coruse, it's gonna be silly and non serious. It's SP. Are people really look to this game to be the dark gritty with hard core RPing ala FO? Come on, now, let's not bonkers. It's SP.


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By the way, the overview lists couch co-op.


"Couch co-op" ?


Actually I was coming back to this forum just now, to see if anyone knew if this game would get co-op storymode. It would be nice if when you had a friend over, he wouldn't have to share the same character, but being given the option to create his own with controller 2, or controller 3, or controller 4.


It's kinda a big deal to me that such a game would have multiplayer in one way or another, even though the story does not state any fact of more than one character starting in the story mode. I would like to see some type of multiplayer with this game, even though I would be fine with pure singleplayer.


I just think it would be a lot nicer if you could play with up to 4 customized characters, being either in the same room, or joining a friend with a join friend function, etc. Maybe after the story has started- the other character would drop from the skies or come up from the sewers, etc.

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"Couch co-op" ?


Offline/local. Couch co-op is shorthand for that kind of experience you used to get rather often with PlayStation 2/Xbox and earlier generation console titles (even on PC, but it was a bit more difficult to organize :p ) where you could play the same game with a couple of controllers that has been getting increasingly rare with the exception of a few genres.

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"Couch co-op" ?


Offline/local. Couch co-op is shorthand for that kind of experience you used to get rather often with PlayStation 2/Xbox and earlier generation console titles (even on PC, but it was a bit more difficult to organize :p ) where you could play the same game with a couple of controllers that has been getting increasingly rare with the exception of a few genres.


Ah, that's what I thought it meant. :yes:


So basically it is confirmed somewhere that there will be "Local / Offline" multiplayer with up to 4 controllers? (I hope that also means 4 individual character customization options)


That's all I really ask for with this game, even though I would hope for this as a online multiplayer function as well.

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Ah, that's what I thought it meant. :yes:


So basically it is confirmed somewhere that there will be "Local / Offline" multiplayer with up to 4 controllers? (I hope that also means 4 individual character customization options)


That's all I really ask for with this game, even though I would hope for this as a online multiplayer function as well.


Well, not confirmed, the page obviously wasn't meant to go up that early so it still might have been a mistake. But it seems likely.

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Well, not confirmed, the page obviously wasn't meant to go up that early so it still might have been a mistake. But it seems likely.


Yeah, this game probably won't be released until it hits early new year. As that would be a nice selling point; around christmas up until new year.


I just hope they think throughly about the multiplayer aspects that can be in the game, which would make it that much better.

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