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There are many Anjali fans around but few plays with the human form. My question is, is it possible to play on hardcore without firing up and burning everything. :)


Up to now, my Human Anjali playthrough has encountered some problems.


First of all, I don't know what stat to concentrate on :p. Is it necessary to invest in Will, but then, her Human form uses mostly melee attacks, so should I instead concentrate on Attack. Then again, she has a talent called Radiant Will which increases her will. Does this mean that Will is more important?


Secondly, her movements are slow. This truly counts again you when playing melee and on hardcore, for monsters will slay you before you even have a chance to deliver a 2nd attack. Therefore, can Stamina and Armor help?


Another problem is Focus. I can see no ability that regens Focus and her Militancy talent provides little help unless U pump agility, which leads back to my 1st point: confusion on what stat to invest in :).


Also, what talent should I max ? As far as I can see, the Grace of FLame thingy is useless for 25% added Block value can't save you from being crushed flat, a full Focus bar really can't take 1 hit from bosses...and U need high Agility as well.


Please, I need clarification. Someone, if any, who has succeeded in making a survivable human Anjali please speak up.

Posted (edited)
  Raikiri123 said:
There are many Anjali fans around but few plays with the human form. My question is, is it possible to play on hardcore without firing up and burning everything. :)


Up to now, my Human Anjali playthrough has encountered some problems.


First of all, I don't know what stat to concentrate on :(. Is it necessary to invest in Will, but then, her Human form uses mostly melee attacks, so should I instead concentrate on Attack. Then again, she has a talent called Radiant Will which increases her will. Does this mean that Will is more important?


Secondly, her movements are slow. This truly counts again you when playing melee and on hardcore, for monsters will slay you before you even have a chance to deliver a 2nd attack. Therefore, can Stamina and Armor help?


Another problem is Focus. I can see no ability that regens Focus and her Militancy talent provides little help unless U pump agility, which leads back to my 1st point: confusion on what stat to invest in :).


Also, what talent should I max ? As far as I can see, the Grace of FLame thingy is useless for 25% added Block value can't save you from being crushed flat, a full Focus bar really can't take 1 hit from bosses...and U need high Agility as well.


Please, I need clarification. Someone, if any, who has succeeded in making a survivable human Anjali please speak up.


You can definitely go straight melee with anjali due to the fact that her spinning kick and spear throw are VERY effective early on and her third tier ability is massive damage later. HOWEVER its very annoying only having her melee strike for focus regen. stance dancing and using fireballs makes life a lot easier when it comes to regenerating focus. Not to mention that her empowered fire abilities do more damage than a hooker and cocaine to a politician.


Lots of attack/will are necessity, but expect her to never reach full potential as human only :/

Edited by shib

She works great early on using her human form, but I find her human abilities (even maxed out spinning kick etc) to be very difficult to "win" with/do effectively against the end boss sections, on HC at least. And the focus regen thing is kind of a pain, as mentioned already.


But then, I'm not very good with melee in general, in most games. So maybe it's just me.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts

I haven't played as Anjali since the demo but her human form is probably a bit like Lucas's 2H stance, as in a slower strike that can hit multiple enemies at once. Great early game when enemies move slower but mid to late game once you start getting ones that move faster (those bloody ninjas) you may need to start using the fire form more or really learn to love dodging.


If you go for high agility and doom to increase crit chance/damage you can lay on the hurt and it works well when hitting multiple enemies at once, or does with Lucas anyway. But again attack speed would probably end up an issue.


Choice of companion would have an effect too. Not using Anajali's fire form you would miss out on some nice aoe attacks.


I'd be curious to see if someone does make it work effectively.


Actually, Anjali can be quite fun. She cannot satisfy me like Lucas does but at least her moves are deadly enough later on to kill foes before they have a chance to lay their finger on her. Yes, companions are important and for that reason I choose Lucas. Pure Human is beyond my ability for I have to switch to fire every single boss fight. Still, it's a lot less dull to also kick asses than just throw fireballs :).


You've already gotten some good advice here. I am really liking human-only Anjali. The build is will focused. Her specials are cheap, with high will and will ability they do good damage. More important she has tons of ways to stun and knock down, and great health regen. Use her flaming weapons early and max it out, which brings your will into your dps.


After will you want to focus on momentum for focus regen, which I am having no trouble with once momentum is 10+. Stun plus dps makes her tough.


Finally, pump will in bracelets for fire form. U don't need to never use it, I flip over just to drop a fire patch or pillar, then switch back. Even v bosses I don't fire from it so the pure will focus = big sPecial damage. Combine with stuns and high dps and she is tough.


I would like to add one thing about human Anjali. Her Empowered standard attack with the staff can do a lot of damage. It basically has to hit once then it'll do this multihit combo thing. On the PC you have to hit shift+Lclick once then Lclick 2 more times. You can cancel the attack combo if you stop clicking.


The only disadvantage is that she's vulnerable while doing it but I find it really useful for Rajani and the last boss.

Posted (edited)

You can, but it's easier if you switch to Archon jsut to build up Focus. I use basically all Human form abilities because they are cheap and create awesome burst damage. I retreat and Archon form just to restock my Focus meter, then switch back to human form for burst damage again. Occasionally I like to throw down an Empowered Immolation and dance around it in Human form while I beat down on weakling with Spin Kick. Immolation is really the only ability I use in Fire Form. Nothing beats power up Volatile Barrier, dropping in with Fall from the Heavens and dishing out 1k+ damage (I've critted at a little over 3k with it without Doom stacking), Spin Kicking left over mobs, then Spear Throwing the left over tank melee a couple times until Volatile Barrier pops for another 1k, retreat, Archon Forming for a three attack Focus buildup and repeating. It's Brutal...

Edited by MosesOfwAr

...What is supposed to go here, something flashy...?

  • 2 weeks later...

Anjali is the only character I've played so far and I quite enjoyed playing her. I don't see why you would want to focus on only one style though. A big part of the fun with her was swapping back and forth. I loved, for instance, to cast the buring ground spell and then switch her back to human form as melee enemies would rush in. I'd be doing fire damage, regening health and pulling off spin kicks. :)

  • 1 month later...

I did an almost pure human-form playthrough with Anjali and it was a ton of fun. She made the boss battles in the Spire a cakewalk on normal. Still, to survive Rajani and Maru-Yatam, I had to go fire form, unfortunately. My main investments were in agility, will and stamina, and I paired her with Kat and Reinhart for most of the playthrough for the agility and will bonuses. She turned out to be a lot more resilient than I'd anticipated, just because of her insane ability to regenerate health.

  • 1 year later...
  On 8/10/2011 at 10:40 AM, Raikiri123 said:

There are many Anjali fans around but few plays with the human form. My question is, is it possible to play on hardcore without firing up and burning everything. original.gif


Up to now, my Human Anjali playthrough has encountered some problems.


First of all, I don't know what stat to concentrate on wacko.png. Is it necessary to invest in Will, but then, her Human form uses mostly melee attacks, so should I instead concentrate on Attack. Then again, she has a talent called Radiant Will which increases her will. Does this mean that Will is more important?


Secondly, her movements are slow. This truly counts again you when playing melee and on hardcore, for monsters will slay you before you even have a chance to deliver a 2nd attack. Therefore, can Stamina and Armor help?


Another problem is Focus. I can see no ability that regens Focus and her Militancy talent provides little help unless U pump agility, which leads back to my 1st point: confusion on what stat to invest in wacko.png.


Also, what talent should I max ? As far as I can see, the Grace of FLame thingy is useless for 25% added Block value can't save you from being crushed flat, a full Focus bar really can't take 1 hit from bosses...and U need high Agility as well.


Please, I need clarification. Someone, if any, who has succeeded in making a survivable human Anjali please speak up.


It is and I've done it many times.


I have officially beaten Dungeon Siege 3 500+ times.  Roughly 200 with Anjali, 100 with Lucas, 100 with Katarina, and another 100 with Reinhart.


I have beaten the game with each character using one stance specifically many times.  However, balancing between the two forms proves to be the most fun.  If you are up to the challenge using one stance can be done.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

When I was playing with Anjali, I stacked EVERYTHING I could into Will. I've not attempted Hard mode yet but I have Crit near 6000 damage with Fall From the Heavens maxed out in Heaven's Fury (Inflicts an additional 10% per rank) and about the same DPS from Volatile Barrier with Fiery Blacklash maxed.


The skills that I found to be very heavy DPS with Anjali are:

- Hurl Spear

- Fall From the Heavens

- Volatile Barrier


I would mostly put everything in Will except the Human Weapon, which I would invest into Agility. Use her Archon stance to build focus for those two skills and you should be right. The high Will makes all her skills fairly strong but not the standard attack skill, you need it to be weak to build the Focus for the hemorrhaging skill DPS. That's just me though.

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