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It's official - Delaware is KOTOR 2

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Here's the proof. A big interview and feature in a magazine (EGM). MCA is lead designer. Taken from, of all things, a warez forum Link


If you look closely at the magazine scans you see them talk about the obsidian team members.


EDIT: my opinion is disappointment, but not surprise. I'm hoping that soon Obsidian will return to the values that were behind PS:T, or the fallout series, and make a PC RPG out of it (which, I should add, I don't think will be KOTOR 2...)

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EDIT: my opinion is disappointment, but not surprise. I'm hoping that soon Obsidian will return to the values that were behind PS:T, or the fallout series, and make a PC RPG out of it (which, I should add, I don't think will be KOTOR 2...)

As a side note:


Hopefully KotOR2 will be of the same caliber as PS:T... if not.. well once they get their feet wet and can make their own games (i.e. properties) I'm sure we'll have something on that level.


But from what I've read... I get the feeling KotOR2 will be leaps and bounds over KotOR.

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If KOTOR 2 is anywhere near the calibre of PS:T or Fallout, I'll...... well, I'll be surprised. It's a mass market game, and that means take it down to the lowest level. Sad but true. I'm waiting for the opportunity to prove a publisher that an intelligent, deep, so called 'hardcore' RPG can sell well given the right marketing.

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So none of the female main cast is going to have a tail... :)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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So none of the female main cast is going to have a tail... :(

My sentiments exactly, except bigger picture. I think alot of people here, not everyone, believes that MCA and company can do to KotOR, what PS:T did to the IE engine. Make a good CRPG, that while did not the best combat, like KotOR, actually is dark, to some extent, more roleplaying-ish.

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I don't think KotOR2 will be as deep as PS:T, storywise.. That's not possible with a vocal cast, unless you want to keep the actors around forever, reading mountains of dialog. And some people didn't like that much text anyway, which is why PS:T has just as many detractors as fans.

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Surprise, surprise. But is everyone sure? I've read you shouldn't trust anything that isn't an official announcement from Obsidian or LucasArts.

You can never be 100% sure, but I'm 99.999999999% sure.


Close enough.

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Surprise, surprise. But is everyone sure? I've read you shouldn't trust anything that isn't an official announcement from Obsidian or LucasArts.

Dont trust people who use the word trust, whether negatively or positively.





Trust me...

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I think some people's point was that given MCA was working on KoTOR2, then it would make sense to expect a similar level of story-telling and roleplaying quality.

While I am not sure exactly how you mean similar level. We will never never never never ever see another rpg with that much storytelling and depth in a commecial RPG game, (As great as it was) ever again.


We can only hope it will be a well done and compelling story. (As well aas they can do).




It would also be interesting how open or restricting Lucasarts is on storylines. (as in Atari/WotC).

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It's fair to say that KoTOR 2 won't be as deep story wise as PS:T simply because as somebody already pointed out (Forgive me forgetting names I'm new here), the dialogue will be recorded and trying to have audio lines for all the dialogue in a game like PS:T would not only be hugely time consuming but it would require a hell of a lot of storage space.


However even from the relatively scant information in the scanned articles it looks like KoTOR 2 is going to be more complex and closer to a hardcore RPG than the original. It's going to be a game with Prestige Classes, whole Parties than can gain\lose alignment points; closer interaction between Skills and features like Weapon\Item Modification. All of these things add up to a game that's looking to be much deeper than KoTOR and if it can sell (Which seems likely if only on brand name alone) it should pave the way for more "Hardcore" yet "Mainstream" RPGs. If it takes a Star Wars franchise for it to work that's fine in my book.


Jaesun, I remember hearing one of the Raven Developers (Jedi Outcast, Jedi Academy) talk about Lucasarts and how they were generally fairly open to story development even to the extend of including it within the Expanded Universe. Remember Lucasarts made an expansion pack (Mysteries Of The Sith) around a character (Mara Jade) who first appeared in a book, and then later had that charcter marry Luke Skywalker in another series of books. I think they'd be open to letting Obsidian take the story where they wanted, within reasonable limits of course.

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Storage space can be handled more or less well, as it was in Baldur's Gate 2. Many NPCs had voice-overs for what were considered to be the more important lines in a dialogue tree, but the rest was presented only in text. O'course, i don't imagine this being done in KoTOR2, but a form of balance between both could be achieved, regardless.

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