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Alpha Protocol Reviews

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At least Yahtzee liked it, which is more than can be said for either Mass Effect game.


Pretty sure Yahtzee also enjoyed ME2.



EDIT: As for the bit-tech reviews, it's about the biggest backhanded compliment I've seen in sometime.

Edited by Thorton_AP
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At least Yahtzee liked it, which is more than can be said for either Mass Effect game.


Pretty sure Yahtzee also enjoyed ME2.



EDIT: As for the bit-tech reviews, it's about the biggest backhanded compliment I've seen in sometime.


His ME2 review wasn't exactly positive, other than praising the writing. It wasn't as negative as his ME1 review, I'll give you that.

"The universe is a yawning chasm, filled with emptiness and the puerile meanderings of sentience..." - Ulyaoth


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As far as Yahtzee reviews go it was pretty much glowing haha.


Yahtzee has his schtick so he'll look for things for comedic effect because he's an entertainer, but even the parts of the gameplay he didn't like were often paired up with aspects of it that he did like. There were also aspects of the changes he felt were definite improvements.


There are some games he's infatuated with and they have better reviews from him, but I'd wager the ME2 (in fact, even DAO as well) review is among his more positive.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The problem with AP was never bugs, it was numbers.


Everything was there, really, they just needed to jiggle a few numbers, like accuracy, enemy health, etc. and maybe make the level design less painfully linear.


Then it would've been a 10/10 title, instead it feels like one of those games where no one working on it actually PLAYED it before it went gold.

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You mean linear like Mass Effect 2?


Uh, yeah, I guess ME2 was linear in much the same way, yes.


How is that relevant? It's not an argument about whether or not AP is better or worse than ME2, but whether or not it's a game that could've been much better(and less frustrating) with a bit more playtesting and effort.


If it influences your reply to me, though, then I found ME2 to be less frustrating than AP, but to ultimately still have a lot of the same sense of: "They just didn't TRY to do this better." With ME2, though, I think it was more that they had some basic design/concept issues that were burdening them, while in AP it was just a matter of polish, really.

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The only thing that bothered me in AP was the cover system. Everything else was great(imo). And you could solve some of the levels in different ways.


Yeah, very SLIGHTLY different ways. Ultimately it always came down to either sneaking past enemies or shooting them in the neck. It felt more like they made a corridor, then dressed it up in some building textures, rather than that they started off with a whole building and then closed off parts of it.

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I'm on my second playthrough now and this game does not just have replayablility - it is better the second time around. Not too many games out there have the former much less the latter. I am seeing things, choices, turns of events that I never saw first time through.

I fear no hyberbole in saying this game is a masterpiece. Yes it is flawed. But it is brilliant. I don't think I have ever played a game like this. C & C indeed. To date Arcanum has been the pinnacle of replayability. AP blows it out of the water.

GOTY? Absolutely. At this rate this game may make my top ten of all time.

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Recently finished my 5th playthrough. I wasn't intentionally doing anything particularly differently, yet there were still very large differences this time around. Hell, I even got to see Marburg walk away from Leland at the end - that was priceless.

"The universe is a yawning chasm, filled with emptiness and the puerile meanderings of sentience..." - Ulyaoth


"It is all that is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built." - Kreia


"I thought this forum was for Speculation & Discussion, not Speculation & Calling People Trolls." - lord of flies

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While it's clear that the guy enjoyed it I wouldn't call that exactly a "classic" endorsement either.


No, but it's a step forward to begin regarded as a classic compared to being regarded as a piece of ****.


I remember Arcanum and VtM:B also had very lukewarm reviews.

"Well, overkill is my middle name. And my last name. And all of my other names as well!"

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I've completed Alpha Protocol a total of 7 times now. Despite its issues, which are minor, IMO, Alpha Protocol is a classic and it'll never leave my gaming collection.



I'm right there with you I'm 41 yrs old and a die-hard gamer since 1974 and AP is one of my favorite RPGs of all time.

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  • 2 weeks later...
last year's best RPG/shooter hybrid
Better than NV? I don't think so, precisely for the reason he stated, lack of a game world. But may be he doesn't consider NV a shooter hybrid. Also all the different approaches to missions that he claims? I haven't noticed those, certainly not to the extent of Invisible War.

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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last year's best RPG/shooter hybrid
Better than NV? I don't think so, precisely for the reason he stated, lack of a game world. But may be he doesn't consider NV a shooter hybrid.

He didn't like NV much in any case (mainly due to bugs, somewhat ironically).

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