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"Titanic on our hands!"


Titanic was an awesome movie that earned its money and awards through quality not hype.


It's really sad that a movie like Titanic which was based on a real life event has way more originality, heart, and soul than the trashy 'original' story of Avatar.


Titanic had a sueprior story, writing, acting, characters, atmosphere, music, and yes, even special effects. Nothing I've seen of Avatar will match the majesty of Da Ship Du Titanic or the sinking itself. That's how you do special effects.




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"Titanic on our hands!"


Titanic was an awesome movie that earned its money and awards through quality not hype.


It's really sad that a movie like Titanic which was based on a real life event has way more originality, heart, and soul than the trashy 'original' story of Avatar.


Titanic had a sueprior story, writing, acting, characters, atmosphere, music, and yes, even special effects. Nothing I've seen of Avatar will match the majesty of Da Ship Du Titanic or the sinking itself. That's how you do special effects.




I can't read this post without smiling.

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I think it's pretty silly to bash Titanic. It's an amazing movie and that is shown by the sales numbers. Avatar is now in that camp. Face it, just because a movie does not appeal to you, doesn't mean it is a bad movie. I understand that some of you like to argue the whole 'pop culture isn't necessarily good' card, but when a movie is plowing through every sales record in existence, that argument starts to lose steam.

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Wrong. Sales just shows how popular a movie is not how good it is. This goes both ways. A movie being popular with the masses doesn't mean it sucksm like some cool internet geeks want us all to believe.


I believe Titantic is good ebcause of its quality not its populaity.


P.S. I never said Avatar sucks but is vastly overrated thanks to its deriative 'original' story. Avatar is an example of hype over substance as evidenced by most of its praise is due to its graphics not acting, wiritng, or story. Titantic (minority of punks notiwthstanding) was praised for EVERYTHING.


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Sales are a fact that show how popular something is, NOT how good (or bad) it is. You can't be that ignorant so I'm gonna consider your post on this issue trolling. :lol:


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They're going to see it multiple times because they like it and it is their PERSONAL opinion it is good. But, this is okay, it is obvious you are just trolling. Typical of you, actually. :lol:


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They're going to see it multiple times because they like it and it is their PERSONAL opinion it is good. But, this is okay, it is obvious you are just trolling. Typical of you, actually. :lol:


Did you miss the part where you started this whole exchange by calling me wrong? See, you keep throwing out opinions without backing them up. I've been stating facts about Titanic and Avatar. You are the troll here, you attacked me, and then you got defensive when I questioned your logic, because you are unable to look at any other perspectives. It's the same old thing we've argued about for years now.


But hey, I've sent you a few PM's about my concerns over your posting habits. I am here for you if you want to have a real discussion on developing relationships with people on these boards. Until you are willing to open up to someone, you will not really be taken seriously here, you will just be they guy who throws out the same arguments ad nauseam with no regard for others.

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You claimed that a movie's popularity was factual proof of its quality. That's silly talk, and you know it.




"But hey, I've sent you a few PM's about my concerns over your posting habits. I am here for you if you want to have a real discussion on developing relationships with people on these boards. Until you are willing to open up to someone, you will not really be taken seriously here, you will just be they guy who throws out the same arguments ad nauseam with no regard for others."


Why troll? Stick with the actual topic about the Avatar movie which cna include comaprisons. Your opinion on me is irrelevant here.


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People are idiots, that's an opinion that explains why popularity in no way correlates with quality.


That's a pretty flimsy argument when you are dealing with the best selling movie of all time, which Avatar seems to be closing in on. I get that when you are talking about the popularity of trash TV, but Avatar is getting great reviews from professional critics, it is making tons of money week after week, and it doesn't seem to be slowing down.


How exactly are you defining a 'good' movie anyways? If we take 100 people with an IQ over 120 and poll them on whether Avatar is good or bad, would that be more satisfactory to you?


As for the 3D and eye candy argument, this isn't the first 3D movie and that Final Fantasy movie was a box office flop despite having high tech eye candy. That might carry a movie to number 1 for a week or two, but so far Avatar is showing much stronger than just a flash in the pan pretty picture.

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'Good' is of course a more or less subjective standard, but do you really think Avatar would have had a leg to stand on without the cutting edge CGI and Cameron's name.


You can spend yourself to a box-office hit even if the story is weak, I think it's pretty obvious that that is what has happened here.

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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"As for the 3D and eye candy argument, this isn't the first 3D movie and that Final Fantasy movie was a box office flop despite having high tech eye candy. That might carry a movie to number 1 for a week or two, but so far Avatar is showing much stronger than just a flash in the pan pretty picture."


Hype. Avatar was hyped real well. Not neccessarily more but better. It also has James cameron making his first movie since Titanic, the REAL 31 all time selling movie not Avatar whicvh you errorously claimed.



"How exactly are you defining a 'good' movie anyways? If we take 100 people with an IQ over 120 and poll them on whether Avatar is good or bad, would that be more satisfactory to you?



Nope. I judge a movie's quality based on how much I like it. There is no real factual way to judge the quality of a movie (or anything that deals with creativty be it art, movies, books, or games). It's all opinion.



"That's a pretty flimsy argument when you are dealing with the best selling movie of all time, which Avatar seems to be closing in on."


Avatarn is not the best selling movie ever. You aren't Nostradomus so stop acting like it. Titanic is the number one selling movie ever until proen otherwise. Afterall, people, had the foolish notiion that The Dark Knight would pass Titanic. WRONG.


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Every Cameron's story is weak for Christ's sake: a robot sent back in time to kill the mother of a yet unborn resistance leader, followed by the father of said leader *head explodes*


Titanic is even dumber, a love story that plays on the class card: love crosses all boundaries even between the rich and poor yadayadayada


Taken that way all his movies are sh!t. Where they shine, is the top notch presentation, which is why they are all successful, including Avatar. They're pure commercial cinema, but of the extremely watchable variety. To expect anything more or profound from Cameron is not knowing Cameron.


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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"Every Cameron's story is weak for Christ's sake: a robot sent back in time to kill the mother of a yet unborn resistance leader, followed by the father of said leader *head explodes*


Titanic is even dumber, a love story that plays on the class card: love crosses all boundaries even between the rich and poor yadayadayada


Taken that way all his movies are sh!t. "


Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.


Then again, you are the guy who believes that a rodent is the best npc in a video game ever. LMAO

Edited by Volourn


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I never actually said that, its just my nick on this forum.


You however have that sig :lol:


Its only second to the comment from a local forum where some guy who just started to play BGII said: I like it, it reminds me of Icewind dale.


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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Wow, this movie stirs things up a bit I guess. :lol:


I wouldn't ever call Avatar a bad movie, but it did nothing for me. It's not the 'derivative' storyline, but the fact that for me, this time around Cameron did nothing to make me sit up and feel entertained by something I was already familiar with. Some films do...this one didn't. It'd be hard to put a real finger on exactly why...I could say it was a bit boring, or that I didn't feel anything for the love story, etc...but all I can accurately say is that I just didn't "feel" it.


Either a movie makes you feel something or it doesn't...apparently the majority feel something, or at least love the graphic/3D aspect and want to see it again for those reasons.


Avatar may be the 2nd best movie in terms of sales, but I'd agree that sales don't make a good/classic movie. IIRC, It's a Wonderful Life did rather poorly in the theater, and now it's a holiday 'classic'. Sometimes release/ticket sales are more about hype and good release timing (catching the world in the right 'mood') and I think that's what happened with Avatar.

Edited by LadyCrimson
“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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The hype was absolutely minimal untilt he last week in the mainstream. Only nerds on the internet got the super hype. So... are you a nerd?



Hype. Avatar was hyped real well. Not neccessarily more but better. It also has James cameron making his first movie since Titanic, the REAL 31 all time selling movie not Avatar whicvh you errorously claimed.


So one week of hype (but hyped really well) in the last week before the movie was released made it currently the second biggest worldwide box office hit of all time.

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do you really think Avatar would have had a leg to stand on without the cutting edge CGI and Cameron's name.


That's an odd thing to say as without the cutting edge CGI and Cameron, Avatar wouldn't be Avatar. Would apple pie be as tasty if it didn't have apples and wasn't pie?


"Just because something is popular, doesn't mean it's good" is a worthless statement as it doesn't tell us anything about the product in question, it's simply an attempt to dismiss the popularity of that product. An attempt at criticising something without offering any actual criticism. "X is popular", on the other had, does tell us something about a product, it tells us that for a whole lot of people it's doing something right. What it's doing right might not match up with ones own personal criteria of what makes a "good" movie, but despite claims to the contrary popularity does mean something.

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Avatar accused of racism


I'm a bit tired, but I have to say I follow the logic. Why ARE the technocratic organised chaps always white? Why are the blue fellahs so obviously foreigners? I dunno.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Hundreds of blogs, YouTube videos and Twitter postings



apparently these days regurgitating internet blabber counts as a news source.

'Twitter postings'. Don't these things have a 100 word limit, and who the hell cares what people put in them enough to call it newsworthy.

Edited by Gorgon

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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