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Mech Commander 2 Baby!


OH! How could I forget the sweet sound of a charging Madcats with all their weapons (2xC-PPC, 3xC-LPL, 4xC-SLRM) on alpha strike?

On a more rational note the game is both a bad represantation of Mechwarrior system and a clunky RTS. Still it is one of those sub-par games that can give you immense amounts of fun if you are hooked.


My 5x Amazon squad (All are Light Mech, Pulse Laser, Med Range atm and will be Marksman Specced at Ace) are running around in their Anubis(es) (Jump Jet, 1x Armor (144 Armor), 1x Single Heat Sink, 2x Large Pulse Laser, Top speed of ridiculous 130 km/h) and Destroying every coc kpit they come across. Its pathetic to see that I have a small pile of Heavy and Assault mechs and a huge pile of med and light mechs that I will not be touching at all.

IG. We kick ass and not even take names.

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Just finished playing Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy.


Weirdest plot twist I've ever encountered in a game:


First half of the game: Trying to clear your name. Second Half:

You're Neo complete with the ability to fly.


Edited by Syraxis
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Just finished playing Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy.


Weirdest plot twist I've ever encountered in a game:


First half of the game: Trying to clear your name. Second Half:

You're Neo complete with the ability to fly.


Did you miss the part with the AI and were there actually alien artifacts in the end?


It's crazy and not the good kind.

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As far as plot twists go, that was a real suprising one. Those guys (Quantic Dream) are one of the most creative and unique designers in gaming community.


However I just don't like to see supernaturals (Vampiers, Mages, Aliens, AIs, Genetic Experiments, whatever) injected into the game anymore. It either becomes a yawnfest (farcry) or becomes so out of here that you just snap out of the game with an angry "oh, come on!" like the last half / 1/3 of Fahrenheit.


Still they do seem to be able to the reception of their game. Their new title "Heavy Rain" seems to be able to do really incredible things like you can see

Edited by cronicler

IG. We kick ass and not even take names.

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Farenheit was a great idea that could have worked perfectly just as an ordinary thriller, without much of the supernatural crap. Still Heavy Rain looks to be better. I like playing these sort of games from time to time to relax, but I wouldnt want every game to become a movie with quick time events.


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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Just finished playing Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy.


Weirdest plot twist I've ever encountered in a game:


First half of the game: Trying to clear your name. Second Half:

You're Neo complete with the ability to fly.


Did you miss the part with the AI and were there actually alien artifacts in the end?


It's crazy and not the good kind.


I stopped playing at the final area because of Net clan. The oracle/ancient mayans had me a little intrigued but the whole "A.I. data manifesting in physical form" was what did it for me. I really enjoyed the first 1/2 but now I just read the canonical ending on gamefaqs and stopped there.


Anyone have experience playing The Longest Journey? That looks like a fun few hours, already played Dreamfall which I found enjoyable.

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Anyone have experience playing The Longest Journey? That looks like a fun few hours, already played Dreamfall which I found enjoyable.


Play it. Now.


It's one of the best adventure games out there, probably the best serious one. April Ryan is an awesome protagonist, much better than she was in Dreamfall.


Playing Fahrenheit while you could have been playing TLJ? You're crazy man, CRAZY!

Edited by Purkake
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Anyone have experience playing The Longest Journey? That looks like a fun few hours, already played Dreamfall which I found enjoyable.

TLJ >>>>>>>>> Dreamfall. I wouldn't even call Dreamfall part of the TLJ universe, if certain characters weren't copy-pasted into the game.


EDIT: grammar

Edited by virumor

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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/sigh... I miss dear little April so much. She was just the wrong person at the wrong place at the wrong time with a mistaken identity on top. Still her journey was an epic one. Too bad they just wasted the whole concept and did *cencored* things to it in TLJ.


TLJ could have been a much better game without any tie ins to the mystical crap (and the whole aspect was crap in that game) and happen as a spin off happening solely in the tech part of the cosmos... (Or even as a seperate and new setting)


I am feeling sad again for another dead game :(

IG. We kick ass and not even take names.

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Surely you meant Dreamfall instead of TLJ?


Nope I mean the original game. Sure the Dreamfall was also a nice story (adventure) about another girl, Zoe, but while making that game, they managed to kill everything that made the first game's romantic charms.



On a completely unrelated note; I found some weird tidbits about MS raping FASA (And Bungie, and Ensemble it seems)

Edited by cronicler

IG. We kick ass and not even take names.

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Best part of Dreamfall was wandering through Marcuria in 3D... although Xboxy loadscreens every time one exited an area ruined it greatly. :( Maybe if Dreamfall had come with a complete plot & deep protagonist the game could've become the PS:T of adventure games, but alas...


When it comes to modern 3D adventure games, Broken Sword 3+4 still hold the crown - even though those games' endings are always terrible.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Purkake: The Dreamfall did suffer from some weird development problems i think. They knew what they wanted to do with the game and its ending but somehow the game seems to have changed hands at 3/7 from the start and the last 1/7 was done. the rest was just filled with idiotic filler content which felt (and was) extremely rushed.


I am not disputing the goodness of the original script but the version we have in the game.... It just makes me want to forget it for wounding the setting and both stories so much...

IG. We kick ass and not even take names.

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Yeah I haven't even started Scientific Pursuits yet. He was by himself near Dukoff's Place. He wasted my character since she is at a very low level. I reloaded the game and nuked his ass. That was the first time I've encountered the Enclave before you rescue your dad. I thought it may have been something new that Broken Steel did. I never played such a buggy game since PoR2. Random crashes and bugs like this. If I didn't enjoy playing it, when it works, I would have deleted it a long time ago.


That's not a bug. People asked for a more challenging experience and they got it. As you found out, you CAN kill them, but you need to be paying attention, not just bebopping around.


Can't win for losing with this crowd.

That's fine. If they want to do that and give out phat l00t early in the game I won't complain. I'll just go get myself trained in power armor (mod I have installed) and then I'll wear that near perfect condition Enclave armor.


I just nuked his ass after I reloaded. I had places to be, people to kill and couldn't be bothered by him at that time.


Found another one under an overpass. I happened to be on the bridge and under cover so I just snipped him.

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Blood 2: the chosen.


Its an old FPS in the vein of Painkiller but I like it since its totally unforgiving. I think I die once per minute of play. nothing like a good challenge.



Edited by RPGmasterBoo


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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