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Yeah, I'm pretty sure this whole topic will not be spoken of again. Ever. For sure, this saturday on CBC, they won''t even bring it up. They probably won't quote Avery directly. And those little kids who stay up late on weekends to watch the late game aren't going to go to school on monday and ask what Avery said. And that bad kid at school isn't going to tell them what it is and what it means.



On a happier note thanks for the four point night, Joe Thornton! You just made me smarter than 90% of the people in my hockey pool who picked Marian Hossa in that box instead. Now if I could just get Danny Briere, Brendan Morrow ( not ****ing likely), Mike Green and Alex Tanguay back I'd be laughing!


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I'm OK with hockey players talking crap to each other.. But to do it in front of a TV camera? I don't know.


I remember one play-off here in Sweden when they interviewed Sweden's dumbest player (Jonatan Hedberg) and in a live broadcast he said something like, "We pee'd on them!" ("Vi pissade p

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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It's really not even that Avery talked crap about another player, it's that he made disparaging comments about his former girlfriends. Serious lack of class.


But I don't agree with suspension since it has nothing to do with hockey and isn't a crime.

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I hope San Jose is going to win today, I have money on them :wub:


That must be a pretty small pay out, they've yet to lose at home and Columbus isn't a powerhouse. That said, they are probably going to lose because we have voiced our expectation. It's like talking to a goalie about a shutout before the game is over. You just don't do it.

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I hope San Jose is going to win today, I have money on them :wub:


That must be a pretty small pay out, they've yet to lose at home and Columbus isn't a powerhouse. That said, they are probably going to lose because we have voiced our expectation. It's like talking to a goalie about a shutout before the game is over. You just don't do it.


Nope, the Sharks are saving their loss for Edmonton:)


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Six games for Avery plus anger management classes. But the real question will be if Dallas sends him to the minors.


Interestingly enough the Star's AHL affiliate doesn't want him.


This is a pretty odd situation. Avery is a decent player, but I can't think of a team that would be willing to take him in now that the Stars seem like they are going to write him off. I'd say the Rangers, since they've taken in troubled players before, but he did just come from there. This sure does illustrate the difference between other professional sports and the NHL. This would be a non-issue in the NFL.


There was another TSN article that had the Dallas players basically trashing Avery. I think management would probably accept his apology, but when you lose your teammates, you are in deep trouble.

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Stars should trade him. His relationshop with the whiny Dallas players is shot. Seriosuly, the NHl code isd alls crewed up. People will forgive others for digusting hits on the ice; but a rude comment is an unforgiveable sin? Give me a break.


6 games without pay + anger management classes? For a rude comment? Come on, now.


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Seems like Avery's time with the Stars are numbers. No loyalty shown by the team, or his teammates for that matter. Yes, what he did was definitely uncool; but talk about a severe over reaction.


I'm sure Avery will find a team. LMAO @ Stars though. Avery was their big free agent signing, andthey're gonna throw all away because of a few words. LMAO


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I hope San Jose is going to win today, I have money on them :bat:


That must be a pretty small pay out, they've yet to lose at home and Columbus isn't a powerhouse. That said, they are probably going to lose because we have voiced our expectation. It's like talking to a goalie about a shutout before the game is over. You just don't do it.


Nope, the Sharks are saving their loss for Edmonton:)

And 2 points for you! :sorcerer:

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He does seem to have your teams' number, that's for sure.


That sure was a weak game winning goal last night.


But I'm glad the Oilers picked up the two points.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I hope San Jose is going to win today, I have money on them :bat:


That must be a pretty small pay out, they've yet to lose at home and Columbus isn't a powerhouse. That said, they are probably going to lose because we have voiced our expectation. It's like talking to a goalie about a shutout before the game is over. You just don't do it.


It was in a combination with other events :)


So, how safe it is to predict that Ottawa is going to beat Florida at home today? :)

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As a fan I am disappointed if a player I like leaves to play for a different team because of money, but realistically I don't really judge them. It's easy to say "OMG they already make millions of dollars!" It's always cool when a player does take what seems to be a "discount" to play for a team they want, but I am sure if I was in their position, I'd lobby for what I felt I was worth as well.


I think a lot of it has to do with relative pay scale. Just like "real life" people get frustrated if they are more qualified than a peer, yet that peer makes more money than them. Owners are just as greedy too.

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Not sure about where I read it, but Sundin supposedly wasn't impressed with his meeting with the Buds. Ok, here's is the article. I still think he'll retire. But I really hope to crap he doesn't sign with Vancouver. Even though the Oilers haven't played so great so far this year, they are still in the hunt for the top spot of the division. I don't think that would be possible if Sundin signs and Luongo comes back.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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