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Smiley Top Eight


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The Smiley Top Eight!


Hello to all the gecklings, geeks, SW fanatics, those pining for Aliens, stalking Alpha Protocolers and general denizens of the Obsidian Community :) The Mod Squad would like to invite you again to participate in a Smiley event ... after further rancour, debate, tail slashing and mayhem, it feels like it is time to add to our options of expressing ourselves in an emoticon sort of way! So ... we would like to invite members to recommend smilies in the following format:


1 :)

2 ;)

3 :thumbsup:


We'll leave the thread open for a while and in that time hopefully we'll have a lot of input and suggestions. The thread will be closed and all of the smilies lined up and (depending on volume) there will be 2 rounds to limit and pair down to a final Top Eight.


The general intent of the Forum Guidelines applies to suggestions and member's interaction. As well, only suggestions that are accessible through open source/communal smilies may be considered. We don't want any Rule's Lawyers to come a knockin'. So please don't throw the sand after submitting your ideas. If this process works, the Mod Squad would likely open up a rotating Top Eight removal/addition. Constantly pruning and adding smilies - fun, eh?


Well start your smilin' and get to suggestin' ;)


Each member can recommend no more than 8 smilies. Then, through the various rounds, the member(s) who has(ve) smilies that make it to the Top Eight will be able to choose a Custom Title for themself(ves) (barring approval of course ;) ). I hope that make sense ... so get recommending, ask clarifying questions and do play nice in the sandbox ...






PS Yes a great portion of this is recycled text - face it, I am an inherently lazy dragon ...

The universe is change;
your life is what our thoughts make it
- Marcus Aurelius (161)


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Basic codes I'm surprised aren't on the boards yet:

1) frown.gif

We need an obvious sad face icon here for the code :(


2) Cry_emoticon_-_updated.gif

We need a crying/tear sad face hear for the code ;(

I don't think this is the best one. I'll keep looking.


Luxury codes which are fun and would see use without being too elaborate:

3) bangheadir0.gif

A fun frustration smiley which saw mass usage in the days of the Winterwind boards. Should have the code :thumbsup:


4) 31pa1.gif

Another fun smiley for indicating disgust at an idea, or the fact that one has a hangover. Should have the code :puke:


5) bowdown.gif

Used in response to a post you think is awesome and such. Code :worship:


6) nono.gif

I would like to use this on trolls and such. Code :nono:


7) icon13.gif and icon14.gif

This thumbs up/down image is severely lacking on this forum. These ones should be added! Code :haksup: and :haksdown:


8 ) rolleyes.gif

Similarly, I think this roll eyes smiley works way better. Code :roll:


Good to see you guys are still improving the forums. I was starting to go nuts wondering where the frown smiley was, for example. sm-cylon.gif


I might update these later (remove some, add some) but I doubt it. :)

Edited by Krezack
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What voting system would you use? I presume it will be a weighted-tier system? Obviously a pair-off is rather complex comparatively, and is woefully inaccurate if you wish to select more than the single best/strongest winner (unless you wish to repeat the process from the start each time eliminating only one winner... completely inefficient).


I would suggest something of the form:

Each user votes for 3 option

1st gets 3 points towards its total

2nd gets 2 points towards its total

3rd gets 1 point towards it total


I'm not sure how many winners you want, but if you're aiming for 8 winners, you may want to give more votes per user - maybe 8 votes, but with enough voters, you could do fine with 3 or 4 votes each.

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"My hovercraft is full of eels!" - Hungarian tourist
I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
Everyone should cuffawkle more.
The wrench is your friend. :bat:

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1. skull.gif

2. deserteagle.gif (for the Alpha Protocol forum)


I actually don't want too many animated smiley's around here. Makes the place look retarded.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Basic codes I'm surprised aren't on the boards yet:

1) frown.gif

We need an obvious sad face icon here for the code :(

This thumbs up/down image is severely lacking on this forum. These ones should be added! Code :haksup: and :haksdown:








Edit: Adding my own... I like it. Smiley Carnival!


:lol: Gorth.

Reccommend switch :x to Gorth's.

Edited by walkerguy

Twitter | @Insevin

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1) :dazed: dazed.gif

2) :uretard: retarded.gif

3) :close: closed.gif

4) :fire: fireballAni.gif

5) I've seen some worship before but heres a good one. :worship: priest.gif

6) :trash: cussing.gif OR swearing.gif

7) Better dead horse. ;deadhorse; dead-horse-fast2.gif

8] Got to have something this classic. :vader: vader.gif

Edited by walkerguy

Twitter | @Insevin

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Basic codes I'm surprised aren't on the boards yet:

1) frown.gif

We need an obvious sad face icon here for the code :(

This thumbs up/down image is severely lacking on this forum. These ones should be added! Code :haksup: and :haksdown:








I see it now. Why the heck doesn't it appear when I type the following? :x


Regarding the thumbs ones: Yeah, the current ones suck tbh. The ones I presented were ones previously used. I guess I'm just nostalgic. Besides, I'd rather post a thumb than a thumb AND a lame face.


And why on the left don't all emoticons show? It makes sense that if I can scroll throw them (Previous/Next buttons) that you'd display them all there. Doesn't make sense - it's not like there is a limit to how many can appear there.


On perusal of the full emoticon list, I propose the following independently of the goings on of this thread:

:sad: be changed to the code :(

:'( be changed to the code :lol:


Also, I urge people to vote and submit not the emoticons which are funniest, but which you can picture people using. It gets annoying otherwise. This is why, for example, I doubt I'll vote for any of Deadly_Nightshade's emoticons. It's also probably why the ban and dead horse emoticons got chosen in the past but are never used.


Moreover, 5 is a duplicate and thus has been replaced. Revised list:


1) frown.gif

2) Cry_emoticon_-_updated.gif

3) bangheadir0.gif

4) 31pa1.gif

5) sm-cylon.gif

6) nono.gif

7) icon13.gif and icon14.gif

8 ) rolleyes.gif


Some of the above could be considered similar to current ones. Vote for them if you, like me, would prefer them instead of the current ones, or at least alongside the current ones.


My favourites: 1, 3, 7, 8.


I would edit my original post, but yet again my innocent attempts at being orderly are thwarted by a senseless time-limit to editing posts. :*

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On perusal of the full emoticon list, I propose the following independently of the goings on of this thread:

:sad: be changed to the code :)

:'( be changed to the code :)


Also, I urge people to vote and submit not the emoticons which are funniest, but which you can picture people using. It gets annoying otherwise. This is why, for example, I doubt I'll vote for any of Deadly_Nightshade's emoticons. It's also probably why the ban and dead horse emoticons got chosen in the past but are never used.


Changes code to made - challenge to voting makes sense to me fwiiw ...


As for voting, at the moment we are just listing. In the next phase there will be more info about how that part works. So just list 8 for now (if you have not done so). thanks Krezack!

The universe is change;
your life is what our thoughts make it
- Marcus Aurelius (161)


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;( code (eight then a parentheses) should be changed.


If you're making a list


1) Aliens

2) Alpha Protocol


You don't want to go to eight and be like:


7) Neverwinter Nights

:( Knights of the Old Republic

9) Sith Lords Restoration Project


I don't know. Make it &) or something. I had to use ] and Krezack used an extra space. It should just be changed.

Edited by walkerguy

Twitter | @Insevin

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1. alienani.gif -- the only decent Aliens type smilie I've ever found


2. curtainpeek.gif -- it's just cute


3. oncloud9.gif -- extra happy in a non-w00t way


4. muscles.gif -- for the exercise enthusiasts :lol:



happy0203.gif <---This smiley must be chosen.

I've always loved that one too - so I suggest it too. :)

Edited by LadyCrimson
“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I've always loved that one too - so I suggest it too. :)


Silly rabbit - you know you can't poach someone else's already suggested smiley :lol:

The universe is change;
your life is what our thoughts make it
- Marcus Aurelius (161)


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Hmm... imageshack seems to be going down the toilet. I'll have to find another place to host my suggestions :lol:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Hmm... imageshack seems to be going down the toilet. I'll have to find another place to host my suggestions :)


If you want to, just PM me the links and I'll host them on a forum I admin and send you the hotlinks - that's what I did for most of mine. :thumbsup:

"Geez. It's like we lost some sort of bet and ended up saddled with a bunch of terrible new posters on this forum."




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Hmm... imageshack seems to be going down the toilet. I'll have to find another place to host my suggestions :ermm:


What do you mean? :blink:

That it has been so slow lately, that it keeps timing out, both when trying to access the site, and when finally succeeding, then when trying to upload a 7kb gif file :sweat:


If you want to, just PM me the links and I'll host them on a forum I admin and send you the hotlinks - that's what I did for most of mine. :sorcerer:

Thanks, but... they are all in a folder on my computer :thumbsup:


Anyway, seemed like it could keep within the time-out limit tonight.


  • Drunk poster - :drunk: drunkaz3.gif
  • Stupid move - :)facepalmri6.gif
  • Alt account - ;)hatnosewj3.gif
  • PC gamer - :pcgamer: smileyapplicationxq2.gif
  • Come here and let me maul you - :ihateyou: stompdz1.gif
  • Thread hijack in progress - :hijack: hijackut0.gif
  • Uncontrollable joy - :ecstatic: joykc7.gif
  • Oh noes... - :nonono: nononoej8.gif

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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