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NHL 08


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I played the demo for NHL 08 the other night, and I was pretty happy with it. They made some big improvements on the gameplay, particularly with the AI and skating. The biggest selling point for me is that, when in the offensive zone, players are keeping themselves in position to make the palys. It's hard to explain, but players are now skating and have the ability to handle the puck to the sides, instead of always having their stick stuck in front of them. Also, defensemen are a lot more aware of holding the point, and the AI was passing very well against me. I only got to play a single period in the demo, but it was enough to convince me to pick the game up.


I'm hoping the franchise mode will be improved, I'll post my initial observations later.


Oh yeah, I'm getting it for the 360. I'm not sure how other versions will play, I don't think I could go back to a non-skill stick version.

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In before Sand.

Edited by Tale
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I'm almost certain NHL 08 for computer is still current gen. :(


I'll be looking for a next gen version in 09 to buy my first EA NHL game since the classic NHL 2000 (I did play a lot of NHL 06 though).


I still play NHL 94 of course, on the Super Nintendo. The greatest hockey game ever! :)

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I may check this out in a week or so. Usually you have to wait for the second batch to come in (let alone waiting for the first, which didn't hit the shelves today up here) to get around all of the jerks who pre-ordered it.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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The EB here had been advertising its release on the 12th for the last month. I wanted to get the 360 version but it was 25 bucks more than the PC version.

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NHL 96 forever :thumbsup:


Other than the golden jewel of 96', 2k series are alot better than EA's scramblings.


I might have agreed with that until the implementation of the skill stick last year. It makes a huge difference in the gameplay, and I love it. Also, according to the demo and reviews, EA has really improved skating and positioning in this years title. It's much more realistic, and the AI is a lot less predictable then it was last year from what I've seen so far.


Actually I haven't bought a 2k version since '05, and that's because it used to crash on my Xbox every once in awhile. Of course, EA makes slopy mistakes, like not being able to pull your goalie when you are the away team. That was a PC version though, and they totally get the bent end of the stick.

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I picked up my copy today. As soon as I eat supper and kill a few braincells, I'm going to dive right into a season. Although with the amount of defencemen Edmonton has, I may have to make my created player as a left winger.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Well, I just played my second game and managed to win it in the shootout. I was pretty pleased to get my first win of the season, but then the game crashed at the menu screen. I'm pretty bummed.


It sounds like I'm not alone, according to the forums. Hopefully they'll figure out a patch quickly. I expect these errors on my PC, but I don't know how you get away with this on a console.

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Hmmm, scoring is kinda difficult this time around.


It's extremely difficult. I even tried a game on pro just to see if it was easier, and Brian Boucher stopped 39 out of 40 of my shots. I know I'm not deking very well yet, but yikes. Hopefully it's just a practice issue and I'll get the hang of it soon enough, I do like the new practice option.

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Bought the game on Friday. Pretty good, and a HUGE improvement over the past couple of years. It doesn't seem too hard. Not easy either.


That said, I need to return the game to store for a new copy on Monday; because the CD is already scratched so badly, it can't load past the start screen. BOOO! I wanted to start a season...


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My brother just bought this game. We played a bit of co-op on Allstar. Two matches, 5-1 and 4-0. Ouch. The AI seems much improved from 07, both offensively and defensively. Playing PK is freaking sweat-inducing. We can barely get out of the defensive zone with even teams anyway. We need to bring our defense up to par before we can even talk about our inexistent offensive. I'll have to work on my deking/aiming then as well.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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I dunno, me and XBOX live don't really get along on many, many levels.


And Hurly, you're playing as the Sharks right? Do you get schooled by the Ducks as much as I do?


Oh, new uniforms = meh. Especially Vancouvers.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I dunno, me and XBOX live don't really get along on many, many levels.


And Hurly, you're playing as the Sharks right? Do you get schooled by the Ducks as much as I do?


Oh, new uniforms = meh. Especially Vancouvers.


Any way to just switch to another jersey or are you stuck with them?

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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You can switch back to last years jerseys, I believe, when you assign the controller before a game.


I guess what picks me about the Canucks uniform is the big 'Vancouver' lettering above the logo. I mean, people won't be confusing the whale with Hartford.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Heh, can't blame the game for the jerseys, I'm not sure what the teams are thinking. It's like the insanity that possessed the Blues to put a red streak across their jersey 10 years ago has affected the entire league.


I haven't played the Ducks, I'm only 3 games into my regular season as the Sharks. I made my own team though and started playing through the Swedish Elite and Russian (I think) leagues. Basically you just replace all the NHL teams with ones from the European leagues.


Pro is getting a bit easy, mostly because I'm shutting teams out too easily. Time to up the difficulty, I suppose, although I'm not sure if my scoring touch is ready.

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