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NWN2: Toolset Creations


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Here's a picture of my first NPC, Lord Elah. Elah is an old Germanic word for oak. He also has a tail but I figured you didn't want a screen shot of his posterior.


Lord Elah is the first NPC you encounter in the module. He's a druid who aids you after your caravan is caught in an avalanche of snow. Bards and Mages can convince him to lead a search party deeper into the snowfall to search for more survivors, which will cause an extra NPC to appear later in the game.


"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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"Can you help me how to create prestige classes? :(



Please? :sorcerer:"


I haven't done any prestige classes yet but would be happy to try to help you. Have you checked out the classes.2da file? Do you know how to make just a regular class?


I have to warn you, they haven't supported custom spellcasting classes as of yet but talk on the BioBoard suggests they may do so in the future. If you want to do a unique spellcasting prestige class, you'll have to wait for them to implement a few changes.



Dark Raven:

"I may tinker around with the toolset, see if I can make some new swords."


Great news! Be certain to share your creations with us - perhaps some of us would like to "borrow" them. :p"

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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"Can we kill him?"


"I... hadn't considered that. Would you be interested in killing him?"


It would depend on my character. I wouldn't kill him just because I can. I mean, if I'm LG I'm not gonna kill someone offering to help. But, if I'm a CE dwarven barbarian who hates druids (they killed his dad because he was a woodcutter), I might very well do it.


I'm just asking if the PC will have a choice of being nice or not to him. To me (since I tend to play good characetrs anyways); it's mroe emaningful to play the good guy if you *can* choose to be bad. Seriously, if it wasn't for the forcing of annoying NPCs on me, NWN2 would be worthy of a 9 to me instea dof 8ish. It amkes a big difference to my experience.




P.S. My example is extreme; but I'm sure more 'normal' ones can be brought up.


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It really depends on the situation. For example, in my module concept (a bit arcanum-like in its adoption of a degreee of technology), you come across a man's home where he has just activated an automaton by mistake.


1/ you can choose to go in and see what's up.

2/ you can choose to ignore it and move on; if you do so, if you enter the house later the man will be dead, etc.


If you do enter, the man himeslf will be hiding in a closet. You can:

1/ help him

2/ run away (so they all die as a direct result of your refusal to help)

3/ ask him to come out of the closet and help you disable the automaton.


Afterwards, he will ask you for help in another quest;

1/ help him

2/ just ask for your reward for saving him then move on

3/ move on

4/ threaten him for everything he has

5/ accept provisionally then find out more


It's pretty damn generic as it is, of course - even more so since I dont provide details here and trivialise - but in this kind of instance, there will and should be choices.


With a druid who helps you out when you are absolutely screwed? Perhaps not as much. But even if you eventually have to accept his help, dialogue options can (and probably does in Maria's module) make it seem more realistic; you can question his motives, even try to veto his help, but eventually cooler heads in other NPCs prevail and they will make sure they get the druid's help no matter your paranoid arguemnts.

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Dark Raven:

" Like in BG mod creation, start with the simple things and advance your way up."

Creating an NPC is rather simple. However, the simplest thing might be working on terrain.


I'm not certain what you're trying to say with this comment.



" But, if I'm a CE dwarven barbarian who hates druids (they killed his dad because he was a woodcutter), I might very well do it."


Well, it's not like he runs up to you and says, "How are you doing, I'm a druid."


" I'm just asking if the PC will have a choice of being nice or not to him. To me (since I tend to play good characetrs anyways); it's more meaningful to play the good guy if you *can* choose to be bad."


That's a good point. The problem is that killing someone is an extreme action. Lord Elah is a major character and right now the 'story' that I'm making requires that he be around for the protagonist to finish it. If I allow the PC to just kill him then I need to create a walkaround for the quests and information he provides and I'd also feel the need to have other characters react to that event and possibly become hostile with the PC.


That's a great deal of work for one action I'd rather the PC not take and if I let them kill the majority of character, that's an astronomical amount of work for a single mod maker.


That said, there are other ways to be bad and I plan on supporting them, there will even be situations where doing an immoral act is more beneficial than doing 'the right thing.' But, no, you can't kill him. Sorry.

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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Not really, terrain is easier. Esp. cause items require balancing, placement, method of requirement, etc - and thus is gneerally a more 'secondary' task.

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I decided that my classes should all have their own, different outfits at start up so made some and changed the references in the classes.2da file.


Below is the Hunter Garb. It's not that different from the Ranger outfit but I thought the armbands and arrows were nice and I wanted something a bit more fairytale like for the colors.


"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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Any word on making custom races ... e.g. playable monsters?


All the info for the monster races should be in there. It should just be a matter of making them selectable.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Urgh. Trying to mae an area is annoying because unless I'm missing soemthing you can delte everything you palce which means you have to put things down perfectly. I really wish you could delete things simply by right clicking them and have a 'delete' option. if there is an uption to do this, please tgell.


My other big beef is all the 'extra' work you have to do outside the actual area squares. that means twice the work (almost) just to make the area look nice even thoguh the outer half can't be tocuhed by the player in game.


Other than that, and some camera problems; the toolset is very nice.


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