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Volourn's Wowwy Journey With NWN2:Spoiler Edition


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You could argue he's still Lawful Neutral, as he seems to be about upholding the Law above all else, not unlike Vhailor for PST who was also LN.

I don't know about that,

he was awfully willing to circumvent the law to prevent you from being wrongfully executed by Luskan

Not very LN if you ask me.

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btw, quick question... they mentioned that i might get a title and some land. i'm assuming that is the stronghold so to speak. when does that happen? i'm done with the trial.



comrade taks... just because.

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btw, quick question... they mentioned that i might get a title and some land.  i'm assuming that is the stronghold so to speak.  when does that happen?  i'm done with the trial.



Basically what happens is, Aldanon gets kidnapped and brought to this Keep, which you liberate from the clutches of evil and save the day, and then they give you it to fix up and man.


Nasher's actions still run contrary to the LN alignment, though. A LN character wouldn't break the law, even in order to save the law, because the law is valuable in and of itself.

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yeah, he just got kidnapped. i saved the day but missed him (yeah, i know, he was already gone, simply roleplaying). then i proceeded to loot his house. ay caramba! i liked the risk in BG games better as you could not just willy-nilly steal from anyone without encountering a guard or four on occasion. hence why i am not too happy being the do-gooder that i have become.



comrade taks... just because.

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yeah, he just got kidnapped.  i saved the day but missed him (yeah, i know, he was already gone, simply roleplaying).  then i proceeded to loot his house.  ay caramba!  i liked the risk in BG games better as you could not just willy-nilly steal from anyone without encountering a guard or four on occasion.  hence why i am not too happy being the do-gooder that i have become.



Well, there aren't that many houses around you can loot in NWN2. Things in containers about town, however, have always been fair game in RPGs. It would have made a lot more sense had they instituted a law/chaos penalty for looting houses you're purging of baddies, ala SoU, but I guess it just wasn't an issue in this game.

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Alanshu: Uhuh. If you say so.


Anyways, on to more important and logical matters...



Trial Investigation was pretty cool. Love the 'evil woods'. I'm glad Elanee sided with you instead of the stupid psychotic wood creature. Loved Elanee's attitude there as well. The werwolves were whatever as it wa sobvious they were up to no good.


The trial itself wae mostly me embassing the Luskanite though she got a few silly shots in as well. Cleared my name, had to fight though to 'prove' my innocence further. Got Khelgar to do it instead since he begged to help, and I felt sorry for the poor lad. He needed the practice. Fight wasn't much of a challenge until he got his rage ona nd I couldn't hurt him. Cost me a heal potion so that was a worthwile fight just for that.


Super Spider was neato; but I got semi spoiled about it beforehand. didn't chnage my actions as I only attack when I have to anyways.


Aldanon kidnapped plotline is pretty good; but I'd have preferred the major demon actually be challenging. I think he damaged Khelgar for like 20 points, lol along with the auto 'curse' you recieve when standing near it.


Beat up on the traitorious noble, and got some mahor ph@t loot rings - ring of freedom, and ring of regnm +4 (which costs like 90k in stores or about there).


I'm level 14 now. A F5/C9. I travel with Khelgar, Shandra, Elanee, and Sand. Good combo indeed.



I was gonan say I like how they keep helaing potions down until I found the shop in Port Llast that has an unlimited supply of heal potions for like 600gp or so. Now, I got like 30 or so. Hahahahahahaa!!! Though, I've only used a couple.



The story quality has certainly picked up. Much, much better than Act1, and not as completely linear either.



Cool beans. :)



I'm now dealing with the Ironfang Keep guarded by bugbears. Just met Khelgar's clanmates. :luck:



P.S. I'd rate Nasher has LN with good tendencies just like he was in NWN1 OC. He no doubt believes fully in the law; but he's not 100% blinded to it.


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yeah, he just got kidnapped.  i saved the day but missed him (yeah, i know, he was already gone, simply roleplaying).  then i proceeded to loot his house.  ay caramba!  i liked the risk in BG games better as you could not just willy-nilly steal from anyone without encountering a guard or four on occasion.  hence why i am not too happy being the do-gooder that i have become.



Well, there aren't that many houses around you can loot in NWN2. Things in containers about town, however, have always been fair game in RPGs. It would have made a lot more sense had they instituted a law/chaos penalty for looting houses you're purging of baddies, ala SoU, but I guess it just wasn't an issue in this game.


I'm pretty sure there there is at least one occasion in which you get chaos points for looting a house. I'm sure that I've had it happen to me, but I can't remember where...


And Nasher at no point broke the law. He worked completely within the law to save you. :luck:

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well, i got 7500 gold or so out of the chest in aldonon's manse. in general, however, you're right. there's not really much to loot in that respect. of course, the flip side was gold in every barrel, on every shelf, lying on the ground in NWN1/BG (yet there were beggars...???). i recall someone finding what amounted to an artifact level treasure in a barrel once, too. hehe...



comrade taks... just because.

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Taks, I believe that 'artifact level treausre' in a bareel was a myth. NWN1 OC did have way too many lootable bareels - espicially considering the predicament it wa sin - but, some people love to exaggerate. Heh. Thankfully, BIO fixed that in SOU and since you were in UM and UD in HOTU; it didn't come into play there at all.


NWN2 is good in that regard. Then again, as much ph@t lewt as NWN2 has, it also has a habit of showing piles of gold coin/'treasure that can't be touched. LOL


D: Yup, he used the law to his advanatge (making you a squire).


P.S. Those on evil side, how does the trial work out from the Shadow Thief side?

Edited by Volourn


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NWN2 is good in that regard. Then again, as much ph@t lewt as NWN2 has, it also has a habit of showing piles of gold coin/'treasure that can't be touched. LOL


D: Yup, he used the law to his advanatge (making you a squire).


P.S. Those on evil side, how does the trial work out from the Shadow Thief side?


Where have you seen piles of gold that can't be looted? I only remember one that you can't loot, but that can be retrieved. Beyond that, I can remember several piles of gold just lying around, but all of them were lootable. :luck:

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Taks, I believe that 'artifact level treausre' in a bareel was a myth.

actually, i think it was more of a joke to highlight the point about high-level loot lying around for anyone to take.


NWN1 OC did have way too many lootable bareels - espicially considering the predicament it wa sin - but, some people love to exaggerate. Heh. Thankfully, BIO fixed that in SOU and since you were in UM and UD in HOTU; it didn't come into play there at all.

nope, it sure didn't in HotU. but that was epic level anyway so there were no worries about good gear.


NWN2 is good in that regard. Then again, as much ph@t lewt as NWN2 has, it also has a habit of showing piles of gold coin/'treasure that can't be touched. LOL

dang them bandits had some kewl stuff.



comrade taks... just because.

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Most recently there was Aldanon's mansion as well as the traitourous lord's mansion that had obvious treasure/gold coins that were nothing more than tempting scenery. Not the biggets deal, mind you, just a tease. LOL

Edited by Volourn


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Most recently there was Aldanon's mansion as well as the traitourous lord's mansio that had obvious treasure/gold coins that were nothing more than tempting scenery. Not the biggets deal, mind you, just a tease. LOL


I think I know what you were getting at with that now. I thought you were talking about something else. :cat:

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Day 7


Just rescued the Luskan emissary. Fighting the Eyegouger and Bonenasher orcs seemed easy enough, even though they had a lot of hit points. There was a lot of loot to be had in those caves. My character was over filled with loot so I had the other npcs take on some of the load.


Picked up another npc named Casavir a paladin and a rumored love interest for female characters. He died once in the fight, think I better get him some better armor next time I am in Neverwinter. He seems alright so far being a do-gooder paladin.


Oh yeah I also picked up a gnome *bard named Grobnar. He seems alright for being a gnome, he castes pretty good defensive spells on the party.


*Bard damned 3.x rules.

Edited by Dark_Raven


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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P.S. Those on evil side, how does the trial work out from the Shadow Thief side?


Practically identical. From what I gather the only difference is how you become a squire. Axle enlists the help of a more shady noble (maybe he helps you on the lawful path as well) and then that's that.


Best moment of the trial was if you tried to blackmail Reylene (has nothing to do with the Thief Guild, I belive it can be done regardless of path).


(I wasn't on the evil path though, my chaotic good rogue just didn't trust the guard enough to work with them, but once you got to meet Morie there really was no turning back even if it did mean burning down the watch. That's the in-game justification anyway, mostly I just wanted the Shadow Thief PrC. Ironically enough, my next character will be Lawful Evil and take the path of the watch)

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you don't have to keep him long. in fact, there is only one part that you _really_ need bishop, at the end of ember where you meet marcus. there is a specific reason for this. once you leave ember, go back to the sunken flagon and dump the ass if you wish. i did.


i'm gonna keep bishop next run, btw. he's killer with a bow.



comrade taks... just because.

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i don't agree with that. there are story reasons to do so. even in movies you see many situations of the sort "joeschmoe adventurama is going with you as a guide. you'll have to learn to like him for the trip." as long as you have an option to boot said NPC after his "role" is completed, i don't mind it.



comrade taks... just because.

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