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Volourn's Wowwy Journey With NWN2:Spoiler Edition


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Ore problems still. Now I am in Act 3 and my places to visit are limited, anyone who can help out the Keeps ore issues?



Have you fought the luskan ambassador yet?


I was only able to upgrade my armor and weapons twice each before that encounter, and I found all the ore deposits pre chapter 3, except for one which I wasnt able to activate. At the ambassador fight you find the mother load of ore deposits, and I was able to upgrade both armor and weapons again. I dont know if a fourth upgrade is available for either armor or weapons or if I still have enough ore for it, but I will find out soon enough.



Theres a fight with the new ambassador in Act 3? No I have not done that yet.





At your keep there should be an annoying person pestering you for a meeting, but he keeps getting sidelined by the other characters. I am sure that you must have seen him around. o:)


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Ore problems still. Now I am in Act 3 and my places to visit are limited, anyone who can help out the Keeps ore issues?



Have you fought the luskan ambassador yet?


I was only able to upgrade my armor and weapons twice each before that encounter, and I found all the ore deposits pre chapter 3, except for one which I wasnt able to activate. At the ambassador fight you find the mother load of ore deposits, and I was able to upgrade both armor and weapons again. I dont know if a fourth upgrade is available for either armor or weapons or if I still have enough ore for it, but I will find out soon enough.



Theres a fight with the new ambassador in Act 3? No I have not done that yet.





At your keep there should be an annoying person pestering you for a meeting, but he keeps getting sidelined by the other characters. I am sure that you must have seen him around. :(



Ah ok. I know him. I ignored him so far.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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I'm not trolling, just offering my observations and opinions, like everyone else is allowed to do. :rolleyes:


I'm doing quite well with Elanee this time around, got my influence with her up to 18 now, but she still won't tell me why she failed her test. I think it's hard-coded to wait until we get to the corrupted circle. I'm a ways off though because I'm taking my time. I just finished the trial and am in the process of cleaning out Aldenon's estate. Torio's outfit sure looks drafty; good thing it's 'Neverwinter'. :D


You can be really friendly with Shandra, and Elanee won't comment on it so long as your influence with Shandra is less than your influence with Elanee, which mine is this time around. Even if she does comment, you don't lose influence points with her because of it. Or at least I didn't in my last game.


There's a second story graphics flag in nwnplayer.ini but it isn't recognized in NWN2. I tried setting it to 1 to see if it would phase out upper-floor graphics so I could see where my party was going, but it didn't change anything.


There are times when a first-person view would be real nice, but for some reason the NWN/NWN2 developers don't like doing that. I don't know why; Ultima IX did it and it came in really handy. I asked for it before NWN2 came out and was told "no". I don't know why when older games did it well enough.

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Got a couple pics here for you guys. Took the first ones of them yesterday, but they were in 1024 with almost everything off. Had to play for another 5 hours from my closest save before Nolaloth's area in order to get back there. Unfortunately I had to substitute Casavir for Elanee, because of some failed Influence checks that caused her to leave the party. :rolleyes:


Anyway, I managed to retake them all in 1600x1200 with almost all the graphic settings turned up to the max. Kept shadows on low though.


My current party (minus Elanee):



I like this one. Can't really see much in the picture however it's the text that get's me. o:)





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"I'm not trolling, just offering my observations and opinions, like everyone else is allowed to do."


You weren't the accused. Your post was cool.


I agree with Shandra and Elanee. Elanee never whined about Shandra to me. In fact, they were quite friendly with each other which says a lot in concern with all the whining the otehrs were doing. Heh.


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Lots of trolls in this thread. Makes the Board Gods sad. :rolleyes:




Can the kettle really call the pot black?

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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Yes, yes it can.


Deraldin, that really doesn't look any better than mine on Radeon9600 Pro. I suppose it's because of shadows, and you took it in the time/place with the least amount of purty lights possible. :rolleyes:


btw, can anybody tell the difference when they turn normal mapping on? I can't, *at all*. No performance hit either. Maybe my card just can't do normal mapping.

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Deraldin, that really doesn't look any better than mine on Radeon9600 Pro. I suppose it's because of shadows, and you took it in the time/place with the least amount of purty lights possible. :(


Well considering I'm running it on a 9600 Pro. :p The only really difference I noticed between the ones I took tonight and the ones that I took yesterday is that the jaggies are a heck of a lot less apparent than they are at 1024. o:)


I didn't really notice much of anything when I turned on normal mapping either. :sorcerer:


EDIT: Lights? Are you kidding me? If there had been any lights in the picture it would have taken 30 minutes before it registered my prt scr keypress. :rolleyes: I was at <1FPS as it was.

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Unfortunately I had to substitute Casavir for Elanee, because of some failed Influence checks that caused her to leave the party. :rolleyes:

Wow, you must've seriously irritated her. I grew up on a farm so I find it fairly easy to understand a D&D druid, which is probably why Elanee and I get along so well.


I get a kick out of Nolaloth; sort of reminds me of the Spectator Beholder in BG2. In fact that whole area is fun to visit.

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Unfortunately I had to substitute Casavir for Elanee, because of some failed Influence checks that caused her to leave the party. :rolleyes:

Wow, you must've seriously irritated her. I grew up on a farm so I find it fairly easy to understand a D&D druid, which is probably why Elanee and I get along so well.


I get a kick out of Nolaloth; sort of reminds me of the Spectator Beholder in BG2. In fact that whole area is fun to visit.


I have no idea what I did to deserve it. I failed two influence checks during the Circle of the Mere encounter and she ran of with Naevan after the battle. :sorcerer:

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Hahaha.. I see. I thought you had a better rig than mine. I understand. :lol:


The blessing is that the textures dont affect performance, so you can turn it up to high - and at high it really does look very good. I hated how wizard robes looked in Medium because they just look like Paint -> Fill Colour, but at high you can see those little 'ripply' thingies.

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Ah, your influence with her must've been rather low to begin with then (<10 or so). That can happen because you usually have to go out of your way to find ways to gain influence with her, as I've been noticing.


In the goblin cave you will lose 2 influence points with her if you say in dialog with the goblin that you're taking the glowstone. You won't lose any points if you exit the dialog and then take the glowstone. Heh. I don't know why they put some of these dialogs in (glowstone, blast globes) because you can exit the dialog and bypass the checking by manually taking the items.

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so there is a way to kick people out of your party? Do they come back eventually?


I didn't kick her out. She just left. No idea what my influence with her was, but I was obviously missing a couple points. I have two games at about the same point now, one with Elanee and one without. The thing is I can't recall getting any extra influence with her in the first game. I had to restart from just before Jerro's Haven and work my way through the story till I could get back to Nolaloth's area. :lol:

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In my experience the lawful good options normally get you influence with Elanee. Also, try to click on any option that has something to do with the land or nature.



EX outside Jerros haven, I clicked on an option that showed I had knowledge about geysers or something and got influence with Elanee.


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Also show that you care about party members being injured or something of the heart; Elanee appreciates those things too. Agreeing with her helps as well, as it shows you value her input. I haven't found a single idea of hers to be a bad one, at least not for my LG character.


She doesn't like cities or the way people try to act civilized like they're above nature or something, but for you (if you're getting along with her) she'll endure it, so long as you stay focused on the ultimate goal.

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After checking my influence with her in both saves I did discover the discrepancy. In the first game where she stayed with me I had an influence of 9 with Elanee. In the game where she left I only had an influence of 5. :lol:


Also: I can run the game at 1600x1200 with 5-10FPS depending on what I'm looking at. The water settings drop me down hard. With both enabled I was down to 1FPS. With only one on I was topping out at 5FPS.

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how do you check your influence value?


Open the console (~ key)

Type "DebugMode 1"

Type "rs kr_influence(12)"


You should then get a dialogue box that allows you to check/modify any of your NPC's influence values. :lol:

That'll certainly make it easier to crack those tougher dialogues with NPCs who you don't travel with much. Much obliged.

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