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Fallout 3 Lead Designer info


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I'm not sure I would use Fallout and Kotor in the same sentence  :D


They are very different types of dialogue and I much prefer the Fallout one.


I'm a Fallout fan, just not one of the militants  :thumbsup:


well, I trust that is true but I just haven't played FO 1 and 2 yet. But I think KOTOR follows in the general footsteps of FO and PST: alignment is a moving target and dialogue matters ALOT.


I would hate to play a game that was nominally Fallout but had the kind of dialogue that Fable had.

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Especially if they bullet timed it.  HA!  (w00t)


Okay, maybe that would be a bit much.  :thumbsup:


No, if they'd have turn-based, they'd most likely have bullet time deaths. :)


Anyway, I was thinking about Fallout and those gory deaths in real-time 3D when I saw this (It's a bit gory, BE WARNED):




It's a fancy Soft Body Physics engine... wait until you see the zombies in that streaming video, or better yet, download it for your own Zombie mutilation fun!

It's nothing photoreal, it's just soft body physics with tearing (so if you pull the arm hard, it'll tear and come off).


What I fear is that Bethesda will concentrate too much on above mentioned gore, and perhaps try some cheesy humour and not try hard enough at the rest of the stuff that made fallout into fallout.


EDIT: I'm not trying to discredit Bethesda, it's just that Fallout is so different from the games they're used to making.

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Sand pretty much summed up everything for me.


As for the guy who didn't mean to disparage Bethesda, by all means do so, they suck when it comes to RPG development these days.


For myself there are only two major RPG dev studios left today. Bioware and Obsidian. Unless one of the promising Indie groups steps up after some success (the nearest to doing this may be Iron Tower, we shall see) thats all we shall be seeing until the Dark ages are over.

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Just let it go already, noone is going to make a turn based 2d isometric game  EVER AGAIN.


Upcoming turn based 2d isometric titles:


Geneforge 4 -> http://www.spiderwebsoftware.com/geneforge4/index.html

Eschalon: Book I -> http://www.basiliskgames.com/games.htm

The Age of Decadence -> http://www.irontowerstudio.com/ (Well not 2d but still turnbased and isometric)

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Just let it go already, noone is going to make a turn based 2d isometric game  EVER AGAIN.


Upcoming turn based 2d isometric titles:


Geneforge 4 -> http://www.spiderwebsoftware.com/geneforge4/index.html

Eschalon: Book I -> http://www.basiliskgames.com/games.htm

The Age of Decadence -> http://www.irontowerstudio.com/ (Well not 2d but still turnbased and isometric)

Christ, they're ugly.

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What exactly is ugly about Eschalon Book 1?

I think it looks pretty sexy for a game with 2D tiles, and the characters and monsters don't look like paper-cutouts. I think, on a whole, that it's pretty good looking.


Geneforge 4 is pretty much ugly though. Still downloading the demo for Geneforge 3, hehe... I want to see if there's a good game behind the child-crayon like graphics.

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And made in 2D not 3D.


Heh, I don't think there are many "Fallout 3 in 2D!" supporters in this day and age, not even among the hardcore fans, especially now that 3D graphics are nearly approaching photo realism. :cool:


Instead, I think most people would like FO3 to retain the artistic style of the prequels. You know, small things like the rundown, gritty atmosphere of the Hub, a Junktown-like area theme, the tidy sterile halls of the Vaults and of course the overall '50s pulp-fiction tech feel. It would be a shame if the whole concept got streamlined into "Oblivion + guns + desert = FO3!" :ph34r:

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Bethesda would have to be mad not to be able to recapture the visual style of Fallout, in 3D. I think that goes for sound and music as well. I mean, all they have to do is look and listen to the previous games. (Perhaps make one guy play the games, sorta like they did with that one guy and the soil erosion, heh heh).


Recapturing the audio and visual style of Fallout isn't enough to make a fallouty Fallout 3 game though. And I'm not hero praising Fallout here, either. I mean, without the getting the gameplay and other meat of Fallout right, you would really end up with Oblivion with Guns, set in the desert.

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According to DAC and RPGCodex Emil Pagliarulo is the Lead Designer of Bethesda's Fallout 3.
Anyway, I've been the lead designer on Fallout 3 for quite some time now. It's not exactly the type of offer you turn down, you know? And no, I really can't say anything about anything. But I just wanted to pop on and say hi.


IMHO, he's a fairly talented guy as he did some awesome levels in the Thief games and was also responsible for the Dark Brotherhood quests in Oblivion, as far as I know. Despite all that, I still have less then a spark of hope that Bethesda's FO3 will be a worthy successor to the franchise. At best, it'll turn into some kind of a Deus Ex/Oblivion/Fallout mixture which might be enjoyable on its own terms, but I doubt it's going to be even close to the prequels or the canceled BIS version. <_<

... And what's the problem? :)Oblivion is rated one of the best games this year, and Deus Ex is the bestest game EVA, and Fallout was okay, too. :ermm:)

Whatever happens there is no way he can make the fundamentalist crackpots who want a turn based game happy.





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FO3 is a likely going to be nohing but bargain bin game with Betehsda making it. I haven't liked any of the ES games, and I may have liked ONE Betehsda game over the eyars - when I was a kid nearly 20 years ago. LOL


It would take majorly positive news to make me even think of buying it right away.


As for the actual topic, meh, he sounds like a Bethesda employee. Not impressed.


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Recapturing the audio and visual style of Fallout isn't enough to make a fallouty Fallout 3 game though.


Just to clarify, I was replying to Dark Raven's post and thus commenting solely on the graphical aspects of Bethesda's Fallout 3. Of course, good art alone is not enough to make a worthy sequel and there are many other things which should be done right.


Whether Bethesda will succeed in making a good Fallout game remains to be seen, but as I've already said, I doubt it.

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... And what's the problem? :)Oblivion is rated one of the best games this year, and Deus Ex is the bestest game EVA, and Fallout was okay, too. :blink:)


Don't get me wrong, I love the Thief series as well as Deus Ex. I just don't think that such a design approach would work for Fallout 3. If we're lucky, we might end up with something like VTM: Bloodlines which could be pretty good, but compared to what a real FO3 should be like, it just wouldn't cut it.

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Metadigital: Whats wrong with making Half Life 3 into a Turn based, top down RPG that looks like Ultima?


Whats wrong with making KOTOR3 into a side scrolling action game instead of a space opera RPG?


Whats wrong with making Elderscrolls 5 into an RTS?


Its the same as whats wrong with changing an actual sequel to Fallout into a damn action game with guns and nothing between its ears. It won't be a Fallout sequel.


If I want another type of game, I will go and play it. I expect that when I want a Fallout game, I will get a damn Fallout game, not a Soccer simulator; Not a FPS; Not an RTS, etc, etc.


If somebody wants to make another Fallout: BOS (POS) then good luck to them! Thats fine. I know it won't be something I want, and can safely steer myself away. However what many people don't realise is that I, like many others, enjoy Fallout how it is.


I am not asking anyone else to change their favourite games, but it seems everyone else wants me and others who think like me to accept what 'they' want to do to a game I loved. Forget it.


I agree Fallout can be given a Facelift. Given a more indepth Turn based combat model along the lines of Jagged Alliance 2 perhaps, or Silent Storm. But it should be added to, Not subtracted from, the originals. I don't want the Fallouts to go the same way Bethesda has steered their own Flagship; Away from Daggerfall and Morrowind into the soulless trash that is Oblivion. Oversimplified. Less of an RPG than its forefathers.


In summary: I want a Fallout RPG. Not a FPS. Not an RTS. Not an Oblivion with guns. A Fallout RPG.


That is all.

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Actually, I agree with Metadigital here... adding stuff from Deus Ex and Fallout into Oblivion would (if done properly) be a pretty awesome game.

Perhaps not a direct sequel to Fallout, but a pretty awesome game in its own right.


And the dark brotherhood quests were actually pretty good, if linear as always.



EDIT: Girias_Solo, you know that Fallout 3 will be a new game, right? They're not deleting Fallout 2 and Fallout 1 and then rewriting them. If you want to play Fallout, you can always play it again. I fear that's the only thing you can do if you want Fallout.

But, I suppose following your logic, they should prolly name the game Fallout: Subtitle, not Fallout 3.

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Metadigital: Whats wrong with making Half Life 3 into a Turn based, top down RPG that looks like Ultima?


Whats wrong with making KOTOR3 into a side scrolling action game instead of a space opera RPG?


Whats wrong with making Elderscrolls 5 into an RTS?

Um, nothing. If I don't like them, I won't play them. It won't impact on my enjoyment of the other games if someone makes another one that I don't like.

Girias_Solo, you know that Fallout 3 will be a new game, right? They're not deleting Fallout 2 and Fallout 1 and then rewriting them. If you want to play Fallout, you can always play it again.

I think Highlander II:The Quickening was an atrocious film, but that has no impact on my opinion of the original.



It[']s the same as what[']s wrong with changing an actual sequel to Fallout into a damn action game with guns and nothing between its ears. It won't be a Fallout sequel.


If I want another type of game, I will go and play it. I expect that when I want a Fallout game, I will get a damn Fallout game, not a Soccer simulator; Not a FPS; Not an RTS, etc, etc.


If somebody wants to make another Fallout: BOS (POS) then good luck to them! That[']s fine. I know it won't be something I want, and can safely steer myself away. However what many people don't realise is that I, like many others, enjoy Fallout how it is.


I am not asking anyone else to change their favourite games, but it seems everyone else wants me and others who think like me to accept what 'they' want to do to a game I loved. Forget it.

And no-one is asking you to "change" your favourite game, either. We're talking about a brand new game! :devil:)

I agree Fallout can be given a Facelift. Given a more indepth Turn based combat model along the lines of Jagged Alliance 2 perhaps, or Silent Storm. But it should be added to, Not subtracted from, the originals. I don't want the Fallouts to go the same way Bethesda has steered their own Flagship; Away from Daggerfall and Morrowind into the soulless trash that is Oblivion. Oversimplified. Less of an RPG than its forefathers.

That very dim view of Oblivion totally ignores the success of Bethesda Softworks as a developer. Don't forget, Deus Ex was (like a large majority of games were) made with the Unreal (i.e. FPS) Engine; that didn't stop Deus Ex from being a remarkably different sort of game with stealth and RPG elements.

In summary: I want a Fallout RPG. Not a FPS. Not an RTS. Not an Oblivion with guns. A Fallout RPG.


That is all.

And who said that you won't get it? Your crystal ball seems very powerful, but maybe it has a crack in it ...




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Metadigital: Numbered answers to your comments.


1) So, if a part # of your favourite game was coming out, you would be quite happy that it was entirely different type of game?


2) Though I am sure that you were not particularly pleased by the fact that Highlander 2 sucked hard, right? Would you not have preferred it to be better than it was?


3) Favourite series is perhaps a better way of putting it. I have enjoyed playing the first two umpteen times. I would like another please. Of the same type if not exactly the same to a T.


4)Commercial success means little to me. The only thing the success of Oblivion means to me is that I get to see more and more 'Oblivions' on the market. Not good. As for Deus Ex, it was Deus Ex. It had not previous fanbase. It was a new IP and I and nobody else had any right to put expectations on what the game would be. Consequently it was and is a wonderful game. The sequel sucked, like highlander the quickening :devil:


5) Please. Don't insult either of our intelligence here Metadigital. Apart from reading what Bethesda have already said (Pete Hines 'We will make a game the way we do best, and Turn based top down games are not what we do best') If I am wrong on this one, you can send me your mailing address and I will buy you ten bottles of whatever you enjoy drinking. Or something equivalent if you don't drink.


Noceur: Please... How will they delete my copy of the Fallouts? What are you talking about here? I am talking about Fallout 3. An addition, presumably as it will have a three in front of it, to an existing IP. Read my thread again and try to imagine your favourite game series suddenly becoming a type of game you absolutely hate (in my case, Oblivion) and then answer what I have said.

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Haha, if there was a reward for worst movie sequel, Highlander II would win it... not once, but every year, for all eternity. :D


Ah, Talladega Nights...


Ricky Bobby: This kinda reminds me of that Highlander movie.

Jean Girard: What? I never saw that.

Ricky Bobby: It was nominated for an academy award.

Jean Girard: For what?

Ricky Bobby: Best movie made ever.


EDIT: Girias_Solo: What are you talking about? Fallout IS one of my favourite games. What I'm saying is, nothing Bethesda (or anyone else, forever) creates - using the Fallout name - can make Fallout 1 and 2 change. So why should it bother me?


EDIT2: Ooh, did I just level up? o_o

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