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  Xard said:
We don't have to bother our minds with that, developers surely come up with good story for PC :p


oh, I have no doubt and, for the record, I'm not all that attached to Revan, anyway...I was just trying to find a way for it to still be "Revan's story" as I know there are a lot of people who see it that way.

Posted (edited)
  Sturm said:
Yeah, the whole thing of a 3rd PC is puzzling, you see the last 2 PC's we had, all had some special thing that made them incredibly powerful, Revan was a Sith Lord, a tactical genius, incredibly powerful in the force, and the Exile was a wound in the force, almost impossible to defeat. How can the 3rd PC match this stuff, having another as powerful character would make it just stupid, maybe instead of a whole new person we start off as an old party member from either KotOR1 or KotOR2,  or we have a Jedi or Sith that already has a build, but we have to expand on it as we level up.


The Exile could have made the Force create a vergence of the Force (the new PC! Similar to Anakin Skywalker), in order to heal this wound and prevent the Force itself from dying. If KotOR III was about 10 years after KotOR II, than the new PC would be about 20 years old, given the fact that he is born shortly after the Exile severed his connection to the Force.


Or maybe the best thing would be to leave KotOR II behind and start a new saga about 200 years later (KotOR II didn

Edited by Dacen Vellia
  Dacen Vellia said:
The Exile could have made the Force create a vergence of the Force (the new PC! Similar to Anakin Skywalker), in order to heal this wound and prevent the Force itself from dying. If KotOR III was about 10 years after KotOR II, than the new PC would be about 20 years old, given the fact that he is born shortly after the Exile severed his connection to the Force.


Or maybe the best thing would be to leave KotOR II behind and start a new saga about 200 years later (KotOR II didn


you know, if you think about it, these games have always been about the PC cleaning up the mess left over from some other war. wouldn't it be neat to play an RPG while the war is going on?


having K3 just tie up the loose ends of Revan's journey and to then have K4, 5, and 6 take place in the MIDDLE OF AN ACTUAL WAR could be real interesting.


Urgh, even thinking more than 3 kotors is scary :p

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



  Xard said:
Urgh, even thinking more than 3 kotors is scary :p


well, if they are going to show us the True Sith, they better do it right. one game is just not enough real estate to do justice to the Sith race, IMO.


thing is, this is going to be one of the most significant wars in SW timeline...they have to go all out.


and, if they did 4,5, and 6 based on one tight story arc (kind of like Mass Effect trilogy), that would be awesome, especially if the 2nd and 3rd games could check your system to see what you've already done (LS/DS, who has been killed, etc).


a properly-planned trilogy would avoid the kind of hell we are seeing unfold now.


Umm... yes, it is.


JCW was one of most important wars In SW timeline and it was in one game.


I see no reason why True Sith could not be handled in one game.


If they make more kotors they should be Kotor's in name only. 3 games (which each deals with major threat) in such a short timescale is barely acceptable, more than that gets just ridiculous.


Possible 4, 5 and 6 kotors should be in different era, at leaast 100 years from Kotor timeline to future. After TS there isn't really any threat left.

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)




the reason it is barely acceptable is because it introduces a new protagonist each time.


with a properly-planned trilogy, you have the same protagonist (and you may only level about 4 times during the course of one game).


anyway, I'm just hopefully that they do the next batch of games using the Mass Effect model (whether the story has anything to do with Revan or not).

  Plano Skywalker said:
with a properly-planned trilogy, you have the same protagonist (and you may only level about 4 times during the course of one game).


That would seriously suck. <_<


Either games are very short or very easy and boring

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)




I do think a Character Creation Questionaire will help a lot for the veterans and newbies alike.




Newbies: Get to know what is happening to Revan and Exile and their respected crews.



Veterans: To customize their verisons of the Exile and Revan.





Not all of the Revan players want Carth or Bastila as their lovers nor all of the Revan players are male or female, light or dark.



Also that applies to the Exile, I do know some players would love to have a Bao-Dur Romance if possible.




Regardless of the PC, I do think the Character Creation Questionaire is a must.




I would love to play as Revan or the Exile again and expanding them even more.




Btw I do think there is a way to de level Both Revan and the Exile. So they could be the PC for Kotor 3.




I do have a way for Kotor 4 to be tie Kotor 3.




Here's my problem with your idea. You have made it quite clear that LS canon is of little use to you and deride the alleged LS bias present in the fan base. You have made it equally clear that having similar aspects of kotor 1 and 2 appearing in kotor 3 is taking the easy way out, and a 'cop-out.' Those are both respectable ideas.


Yet, instead of finding a new storyline, you continue to fall back to the DS "Revan went to the dark side again, it's up to us to decide" card. The problem is, we've been through this before! Any LS player has already spent 30 hours answering this question, and leading Revan in a completely different direction than what you have given.


Setting the k3 game to have him automatically go back to the dark side makes a complete waste of the many LS hours spent on K1. It Actually makes the whole game quite pointless for any LS player.


Moreover, it turns into a complete cop-out by rehashing something we've already seen. The entire plot of k1 is the choice that the player makes: is Revan on the Dark or Light Side? Asking this question again is very boring.


The idea of Revan going to a third direction, in other words, continuing to evolve, is an interesting one. Malak, at the end of his life, told Revan he would always stand alone. So who is Revan now? Now that he has been on both sides of the force? To me, he becomes more mysterious than ever. I don't see him as totally LS or DS...he has become something else. Something new.


Your zeal to have a DS storyline is remarkable. The problem is, you're replacing one bias for another. Instead of finding flexibility and multiple solutions, you are simply subbing in your own DS bias in the place of the canon LS bias.


This is a logical fallacy.


I wonder if it would be possible for KOTOR 3 to use the save games from K1 &2 to not only give Revan and the Exile a face (if they turn up in the game), but also as a way to deal with the path Revan and the Exile took? Yes, I know that this would require you to have both games for this to work, and they would have to work out another way to fill in the blanks. But it would be something of a nice bonus for those of us who still have K1&2, and it could be a way to get new players to get the first two games...something LA's accountants would be in favour of I'm sure.


See I think your getting it all wrong. From what I've drawn from Architect is that Revan is just fake ds, sort of. He's going into unknown space to either stop the sith so he can one be the ruler or savior of the republic and everything else. That in itself is either strong ls or ds. Second if Revan chooses to save the republic he's not exactly going to be the whole light side crusader taking on literately like thousands and thousands of true sith on. He has to become deceptive and manipulating again, which is ds, if he has any chance in hell to stop the true sith. Basically the ends justifying the means, he's willing to become ds to ultimately be ls.

There was a time when I questioned the ability for the schizoid to ever experience genuine happiness, at the very least for a prolonged segment of time. I am no closer to finding the answer, however, it has become apparent that contentment is certainly a realizable goal. I find these results to be adequate, if not pleasing. Unfortunately, connection is another subject entirely. When one has sufficiently examined the mind and their emotional constructs, connection can be easily imitated. More data must be gleaned and further collated before a sufficient judgment can be reached.

Guest The Architect
Posted (edited)

You've got it all wrong darth caesar, whether as theslug has got it right.

Edited by The Architect

I dont think you people realise, whatever allignment Revan is after the end of KotOR1, it doesnt matter because either way he has to go Darkside to find these True Sith in the unknown regions.

Guest The Architect
Posted (edited)
  Darth Mortis said:
Really? Says who?


Me. :D


Have you read the civil war theory I posted and gave a link for on this thread? Have you read Xard's points about why the civil war is pretty much the only plausible explanation? What do you propose Revan has been doing all this time then, if he/she lives still? How do you think Revan is fighting the 'True Sith'? The civil war idea is the smartest thing to do, and is pretty much Revan's only choice.

Edited by The Architect

When are you posting your next story Architect?

There was a time when I questioned the ability for the schizoid to ever experience genuine happiness, at the very least for a prolonged segment of time. I am no closer to finding the answer, however, it has become apparent that contentment is certainly a realizable goal. I find these results to be adequate, if not pleasing. Unfortunately, connection is another subject entirely. When one has sufficiently examined the mind and their emotional constructs, connection can be easily imitated. More data must be gleaned and further collated before a sufficient judgment can be reached.

  Darth Mortis said:
Really? Says who?


Umm, Kreia, and its hinted throughout KotOR2, they say how Revan falls to the Darkside for those he loves to go and fight the true thread, the true Sith.

Guest The Architect
Posted (edited)
  theslug said:
When are you posting your next story Architect?


I haven't actually been working on the new one I said I was going to work on. :)


Sorry, but I can't be stuffed. It would be a waste of my time, thought and effort doing a KotOR III story, since assuming Obsidian makes KotOR III, it will be awesome. The only reason I was doing a K3 story before is just to prove that going canon with Revan and the Exile is stupid, lame and not necessary.


  DeathScepter said:
just because it is the smartest thing, it doesn't mean they will use it.


I don't know so much. It seems to me Avellone, the lead designer of TSL, has hinted at the civil war idea and how Revan and the Exile will return in KotOR III. I could be wrong, but I'd wager Avellone, like me and some others in this forum, understands how the idea could wrap up KotOR III nicely and make things easier from their (developing) point of view. And I ask, what other plausible idea is there? Yet again, Avellone and Obsidian (I doubt it though) might not make KotOR III.

Edited by The Architect

I hope you know you broke my soul. :)

There was a time when I questioned the ability for the schizoid to ever experience genuine happiness, at the very least for a prolonged segment of time. I am no closer to finding the answer, however, it has become apparent that contentment is certainly a realizable goal. I find these results to be adequate, if not pleasing. Unfortunately, connection is another subject entirely. When one has sufficiently examined the mind and their emotional constructs, connection can be easily imitated. More data must be gleaned and further collated before a sufficient judgment can be reached.

Guest The Architect
  theslug said:
I hope you know you broke my soul.  :(


Good. :lol::p:) :D


Meh, KotOR III will be awesome, so don't worry. The official story will be better than mine...erm...I think. :lol:

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