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Yeah!!! It's true! (w00t) They said yes! I really look forward too this :joy: (w00t)

I hope they add some of all the good ideas submitted on this forum!


-- And i would like the ability too command Republic or Sith troopers.

Something like a commanders ability, so i could command a part of the army! :)


Instead of just watching them die :D


Gameplay and engine-wise KOTOR II was superior to the first one in about every single way, so no, KOTOR I was definately not better than TSL in every way.


You can hardly blame Obsidian to create a cliffhanger as a possible lead-in for KOTOR III, when trilogies are the common theme in Star Wars.


As for your four points:


1) Revan didn't disappear, he went to fight the real enemy. That enemy is the reason why he tried to take over the galaxy in the first place.


2) Um, Revan decided to disobey the Council as well, so how is the Exile any different?

There is no age given, the Exile might as well be younger than Revan.


3) If there are hardly any Jedi left, how are they going to rebuild the Republic?

They protect the Republic, they don't have the power to rebuild it. There is no way that the Republic gets back to full strength only five years after being close to being destroyed.


4) See Revan, he doesn't disappear. He either follows Revan to fight the true Sith or he remains at Malachor.


Neither Revan nor the Exile had an open past, I don't see any difference between the two games there.

I could care less whether they give the main character a back story or not. As long as the story itself is satisfying, I'm happy.


As well as the standard types of lightsabre they could also add wristsabres-these are sabres that are strapped to the wrist and have a much shorter blade than normal. (Think like the claws Wolverine has in the X-Men films, but with a sabreblade rather than made of metal). They wouldn't be as good at deflecting blasters as normal sabres, but great for hand-to-hand.


They could add some other extra types of weapons that are placed on the wrist like Mira's rocket launcher or a short range flame thrower like Boba Fetts, leaving some chars with the option of increasing offensive power while decreasing their defence by carrying fewer shields (Or none at all).


Dear god, let's not rape idea of lightsabers even more than it's raped by now. :lol:

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



Posted (edited)
  Dark Wastl said:
Gameplay and engine-wise KOTOR II was superior to the first one in about every single way, so no, KOTOR I was definately not better than TSL in every way.


You can hardly blame Obsidian to create a cliffhanger as a possible lead-in for KOTOR III, when trilogies are the common theme in Star Wars.


As for your four points:


1) Revan didn't disappear, he went to fight the real enemy. That enemy is the reason why he tried to take over the galaxy in the first place.


2) Um, Revan decided to disobey the Council as well, so how is the Exile any different?

There is no age given, the Exile might as well be younger than Revan.


3) If there are hardly any Jedi left, how are they going to rebuild the Republic?

They protect the Republic, they don't have the power to rebuild it. There is no way that the Republic gets back to full strength only five years after being close to being destroyed.


4) See Revan, he doesn't disappear. He either follows Revan to fight the true Sith or he remains at Malachor.


Neither Revan nor the Exile had an open past, I don't see any difference between the two games there.

I could care less whether they give the main character a back story or not. As long as the story itself is satisfying, I'm happy.



Edited by Dacen Vellia
  Watchman said:
OMFG!!! Lucas Arts FINNALY says thay will make KOTOR 3!!!! (w00t)  At last!! (w00t) :joy:  (w00t)  :joy:


Now if we could just get a when!


Anyway, you can check it out at BusinessWeek here




P.S. Pardon my French


Is this really true or another hoax <_<

"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." Benjamin Franklin


" Revan was power and it was like staring into the heart of the force."

OMFG!!! Lucas Arts FINNALY says thay will make KOTOR 3!!!!  At last!!   


Now if we could just get a when!


Anyway, you can check it out at BusinessWeek here




P.S. Pardon my French



they only said that they would'nt let the game behind, it's still not in development. but they are hoping that it soon will be.... :rolleyes:


so it could be sometime till the game is in development :'(


I can see the wisdom behind limiting the power of ranged weapons in KOTOR, in general. However, there has to be a context in which they are worthwhile.


I think the answer lies in having prestige classes for NPC followers.


Take, for instance, Canderous/Mandalore. He is a Soldier-classed individual. I think, at some point, you should be given the option to give him a prestige class such as (doesn't really matter what PNP KOTOR says IMO):


* Heavy Weapons Specialist

* Sniper

* Demolitions Expert

* Skirmish Expert (skirmishing is using ranged weapons in close combat)



I want to see missle launchers in KOTOR, but I only want the Heavy Weapons Specialist to be able to use them. I want sniper rifles (that act like sniper rifles) but I only want them to be effective in the hands of a Sniper.


Ranged weapons should be marginalized in general in a game that focuses on lightsaber combat but there should be contexts in which they can shine.


What if the game is going to get a new engine, how should it be like? :aiee:

Would it allow us to depend a bit more on skill, or would it continue as it already

is? Maybe it should let the user have a little more control over the actions...

I'm thinking of creating your own lightsaber styles, using

guns - snipers - rocket launcher, in a more FPS way?


Lightsaber Combat - I would like something like SW: RotS or Academy style.

Ranged Combat - I would like something like SW: Battlefront style.


**I think missile launchers for the heavy weapons feat was a good idea**


I would like every class to have in depth presitge classes. I think the jedi prestige classes need some revamping also with more options of feats. I would enjoy real time combat but maybe they could also have the option for the combat they used in the first several games.

  jclark1675 said:
I would like every class to have in depth presitge classes. I think the jedi prestige classes need some revamping also with more options of feats. I would enjoy real time combat but maybe they could also have the option for the combat they used in the first several games.


While it would be nice to have the option of fighting in first person in some fights I can't see that happening. The main problem is how you would use feats such as flurry in first person, it would be possible I guess but with shields, force powers and all the special moves you'd end up with a very complex control system. I'd also note, before anyone else does so, that if you want that type of fighting you can get Jedi Academy.


I think I agree with the depth to the prestige classes, providing that the game is large enough to take advantage with them. One thing that really needs to be done with Jedi is to better balance the force powers. To me its unreasonable to assume that all the Classes have access to all the same powers, I'd like to see a few powers you can only get by playing a particular class. I don't mean powers you gain in classes such as a Guardians force jump, but powers that you can only choose if your a particular class. For example maybe only Consulars have the option of choosing force lightning. One thing that they DO need to do is overhaul the powers so they are all useful. Beast control and force sight are totally useless, I've had no reason what-so-ever to use either of those powers period. Powers like Destroy/stun droid are likewise totally useless once you've left Telos (I'll admit that part of this is down to lost content, if the droid planet had been included they would have been useful). The problem with the powers as they stand is that half of them are little more than padding, you either don't need them or can pick something that will do more or less the same thing but better-Who picks force scream whe you can have lightning instead?


I absolutely agree with you on balancing Force Powers. There really isn't much of a reason to play a Consular in the current structure.


Also, there should a much steeper crossover penalty for LS/DS powers. For instance, DSers should not really be able to use Heal effects and LSers should not be using Drain Life-type effects. If you must crossover, then it should really cost you (though it would not involve an alignment shift).


Manipulating the environment (i.e. a Force Throw tree) is a SW staple and should be included as a Universal Power in the next game, I think.


And, frankly, there is just too much "clutter" when it comes to the Force powers. I think the power trees should fork as you move into the 2nd and 3rd level effects...needs to be more opportunity cost.


actually, Beast Trick would have been fine if it had its own tree (i.e. the 2nd or 3rd level effect would have it so where the animal actually fights along your side for a period of time) but with it only having a 1st level effect that was just a variation of Stun, yeah, powers like that aren't needed...again, not unless they have their own tree progression.

Posted (edited)
  Plano Skywalker said:
I absolutely agree with you on balancing Force Powers.  There really isn't much of a reason to play a Consular in the current structure. 


Also, there should a much steeper crossover penalty for LS/DS powers.  For instance, DSers should not really be able to use Heal effects and LSers should not be using Drain Life-type effects.  If you must crossover, then it should really cost you (though it would not involve an alignment shift).


Manipulating the environment (i.e. a Force Throw tree) is a SW staple and should be included as a Universal Power in the next game, I think.


And, frankly, there is just too much "clutter" when it comes to the Force powers.  I think the power trees should fork as you move into the 2nd and 3rd level effects...needs to be more opportunity cost.


An easy way to balance force powers would be to limit the level you can advance them to, based on class and aligment maybe? Say that a DS character can only take/use the first two levels of heal, while a LS player can take all three levels. A Sith Lord might be able to use all levels of lightning, while a Jedi master can only use the first two. Class limitations could be similar-say that a Guardian class can only use the first two levels of force push since they concentrate on fighting an opponent, while a Jedi master can use all three levels. There could also, like you said, be different progressions for the same powers depending on class an alignment. A Jedi masters lightning might not cause as much damage as a Siths but might stun opponents better for example.


I REALLY want to see Force Jump as a seperate skill, not just one that you get with a guardian class-maybe a selectable ability that you get free as a guardian but that you can pick as other classes. After all Force Jump *is* meant to be a universal power for all Jedi. You could balance this out by providing a free power for each of the classes-A Jedi master might get heal automaticlly at some levels, A Sith Lord might get lightning etc.


They really do need to make sure that all force powers A; have a practical use of some sort and B; Are not required to compleate one area/level/fight.


New powers would be nice, but they shouldn't be added just to increase the list. I don't think that any of the new powers in KOTOR 2 were useful in the slightest, all those I use were in the original game.


If they are looking for a new power that has a practical use then how about force Pull-you could use it to pull weapons out of enemies hands on lower levels, or pull someone onto your sabre as a special attack at its higher levels.

Edited by Darth Mortis

I think they should work more with the demolition skill... It should be capable

of more than just placing mines. It should affect grenades and other explosives

more. Even missiles.

  Revan1127 said:
  Watchman said:
OMFG!!! Lucas Arts FINNALY says thay will make KOTOR 3!!!! (w00t)  At last!! (w00t) :joy:  (w00t)  :joy:


Now if we could just get a when!


Anyway, you can check it out at BusinessWeek here




P.S. Pardon my French


Is this really true or another hoax <_<


or try aging news




  Coach C said:
Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
Posted (edited)
  Dark Wastl said:


2) That doesn't change the fact, that Revan disobeyed the Jedi Council, which led to the Exile following him. So why is it okay for Revan but not for the Exile?



The Exile was the only Jedi who went with Revan and who returned to the council to stand judgement/trial. It wasn't ok for Revan to disobey the council, but since he/she never went back to face them its a moot point.


BTW, as far as I'm aware LA have never said they were not going to do KOTOR 3 at some point, they just never said when. If you read what they have said on the matter what they seem to be saying is that they will be making the third game, but not yet. They have said they will only make two Games a year, which since one of them is for the Wii makes it unlikely KOTOR 3 will be out in 2007. My best guess is that after the hammering they got for releasing KOTOR 2 before it was fully compleated, they will only give a release date once the game is almost finished. That way if they run into any problems during development there will be no pressure to release the game on time by cutting content.

Edited by Darth Mortis
  Darth Mortis said:
  Dark Wastl said:


2) That doesn't change the fact, that Revan disobeyed the Jedi Council, which led to the Exile following him. So why is it okay for Revan but not for the Exile?



The Exile was the only Jedi who went with Revan and who returned to the council to stand judgement/trial. It wasn't ok for Revan to disobey the council, but since he/she never went back to face them its a moot point.


BTW, as far as I'm aware LA have never said they were not going to do KOTOR 3 at some point, they just never said when. If you read what they have said on the matter what they seem to be saying is that they will be making the third game, but not yet. They have said they will only make two Games a year, which since one of them is for the Wii makes it unlikely KOTOR 3 will be out in 2007. My best guess is that after the hammering they got for releasing KOTOR 2 before it was fully compleated, they will only give a release date once the game is almost finished. That way if they run into any problems during development there will be no pressure to release the game on time by cutting content.


Could anyone imagine K3 on the Wii? Imagine all the LS combos!




  Coach C said:
Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
Guest The Architect
Posted (edited)

I have a gameplay idea for K3, so hear me out. It's probably been done before, but ah, as if I'm going to check if it has or hasn't, considering all the crap I'd have to go through. No thanks.


Anyway, what if, when fighting an enemy, if you get too close to them, or they get too close to you, you can't use your force powers, instead, you have to use your lightsaber or whatever weapon you're wielding?


Think about it. It's pretty stupid to stop right in the middle of a lightsaber duel and spam a force power when you'd think that if you did that, your opponent would kill you, regardless of who he/she is.


Or instead of not being able to use force powers in close combat, you have the option to, but if you do, and your opponent hits you, you don't just lose a bit of health, you either lose a lot of it or die.


Same goes for medpacs, grenades, items and so fourth. If you stop in the middle of close combat to do something, then you die or get seriously injured. It might make the game more challenging. This can be done without having to make the combat real time, which is not something I'd like K3 to have. Stick with the turn based combat I say.


Using force powers and stuff in close combat kind of ruins the fun for me, because it makes things silly and easy. I'd like to just have more long, traditional, challenging lightsaber duels in K3, without me or my opponent using force powers or any crap like that.


Sound reasonable?

Edited by The Architect
Guest The Architect
Posted (edited)
  D. Kain said:
Many jedi use force push in melee combat to get their opponent away from them.

I guess if they're not too close to you then you could force push your opponent away from you, but what if they get too close to you? Then what? I'd say goodbye to your arms and legs, if your opponent is a lightsaber wielding focker.

Edited by The Architect
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