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So what do people think of this? So far I'm liking it. I like the guy they got to play the lead. He has kind of a Nathan Fillion funny-without-trying kinda vibe to him. And S.A.R.A.H. was hilarious.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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The two episodes I've seen, I liked it. Needs to grow some but it's still very early of course. :lol: I also like the male lead, he's perfect.


I'm kind of wondering how long they can sustain the 'weird thing of the week'...but Smallville's been doing it for years, so...


Oh and Krookie, it's about the sheriff of a small top secret town where the best scientists etc. live in government funded luxury while inventing all kinds of weird sci-fi gadgets & mishaps like invisibility screens, intelligent AI houses, and dimmensional holes.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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It's about the sheriff of a small top secret town where the best scientists etc. live in government funded luxury while inventing all kinds of weird sci-fi gadgets & mishaps like invisibility screens, intelligent AI houses, and dimmensional holes.



This is extremely appealing to me! (w00t)

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So is the romantic interest lady of indeterminate ethnic origin. Most of all the jailbait daughter is hot.


Evil sex obsessed psychiatrist is also hot.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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So is the romantic interest lady of indeterminate ethnic origin. Most of all the jailbait daughter is hot.


Evil sex obsessed psychiatrist is also hot.


But none of them is as hot as deputy who could totally kick your ass. :p


What is is with us guys and girls who can kick our ass?


I also find girls who eat mean more attractive than vegetarians... but I think thats just me...

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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That comment is rife with innuendo! :p


We are only two episodes in where I am. So far I enjoy it but it seems like its teetering between lame and quirky.


EDIT: Lookking back at the first post, now that i know what SARAH is, i would have to agree that it was funny. The fact that it was a guy's voice gave it that edge.

Edited by Surreptishus
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