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What year do you turn 20?


When will you turn 20?  

25 members have voted

  1. 1. When will you turn 20?

    • 2006
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    • Long time ago

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But we've already covered the fact that there is no draft right now, and there is almost no chance of there being one soon.  The draft hasn't been used since Vietnam.

As we had already seen from 9/11 or this current crisis in the Middle East, things could easily change overnight. When the draft comes, I'd rather be ready than not.

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I'm going to dodge. I didn't get to decide where I was born or anything. Sure, I love this country, but I don't think there is anywhere I would love enough to fight for under these conditions. Sure, if every other country was a horrible dictatorship, and this was the only country that I could live with out fear, I could see myself fighting for that. But as it stands, I don't want to fight.


Sure, I'll bet some of you are thinking it's selfish, unpatriotic, and/or ungrateful. You may be thinking that I should fight for my country, or get out. You'll think, "Hey, it's your duty to fight for this country, you've had the privelege of living here, so you should fight when the time comes" You may think that, but I don't. First off, when I'm 18, I seriously don't think that'll I'll have the money to move to another country. It isn't really my fault, I don't think many 18 year olds do have that kind of cash. A lot of people would call it a privelege to live in the United States. Most of those people, have never lived anywhere else. There are plenty of other countries that are just as great as America. Some, are better.


The bottom line is, I don't want to have to fight for any country. I just don't feel it should be an obligation of being born in a country, to have to fight for it.

Lou Gutman, P.I.- It's like I'm not even trying anymore!

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.

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I've thought of volunteering again, but that's probably not feasible, as my health is pretty bad. The wife hates the idea. I've mentioned it a couple of times, but she reacts to the idea with a fair bit of hostility.


The circumstances which will make a draft necessary are pretty grim. ...And if they get to the point where the voters will stomach a draft, then we're probably in pretty bad shape anyhow.

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Are you subject to the draft, Eddo?  By that I mean, is it possible that the United States government will draft you should it introduce the draft?


I got medically discharged from the Marines. I can't be drafted. I'm not talking for me.


Whoever who wants to fight can go do it by themselves. Leave the those who don't want to fight out of it.

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I'm going to dodge.  I didn't get to decide where I was born or anything.  Sure, I love this country, but I don't think there is anywhere I would love enough to fight for under these conditions.  Sure, if every other country was a horrible dictatorship, and this was the only country that I could live with out fear, I could see myself fighting for that.  But as it stands, I don't want to fight.


Sure, I'll bet some of you are thinking it's selfish, unpatriotic, and/or ungrateful.  You may be thinking that I should fight for my country, or get out.  You'll think, "Hey, it's your duty to fight for this country, you've had the privelege of living here, so you should fight when the time comes"  You may think that, but I don't.  First off, when I'm 18, I seriously don't think that'll I'll have the money to move to another country.  It isn't really my fault, I don't think many 18 year olds do have that kind of cash.  A lot of people would call it a privelege to live in the United States.  Most of those people, have never lived anywhere else.  There are plenty of other countries that are just as great as America.  Some, are better.


The bottom line is, I don't want to have to fight for any country.  I just don't feel it should be an obligation of being born in a country, to have to fight for it.

Hey Pixies, if it means anything to you, I would be drafted in your place if it was allowed.


Actually, I don't see why the US government couldn't reform their draft into a semi-selected thing. Here is what I mean: forms are given to all eligible. On the form there are some options, like in 3rd grade when you would write those innocent little notes that said, "do u love me? yes no (circle one)". The options would be something like: "I absolutely do not want to be drafted", and "I really don't want to be drafted, but I am willing if I absolutely have to", and "Sure, if you need it, but if you don't, leave me alone," and "Those other people do not sound like they want to go, so I will go in their stead, if that is what it comes down to," and "Go ahead and draft me."


This poll couldn't make drafting worse, and it might save some people who really don't want to be drafted, yet, they would have been chosen first since that is the order on the list or however it goes.


Alas, another idea buried in the sandbox.

Edited by Blank
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As patriotic as I am, if I joined the military, I'd still want it to be on my own accord. The biggest problem facing our war effort isn't the number of troops, it's a failure of leadership, as I'm sure many will agree. I was actually thinking about joining the air force before college, but decided against it. I might still do it after college, but that's up in the air. How much debt I'm in is also going to be a factor. And no offense to Marines (except the topic starter), but I'd rather be up in the air where it's safer than on the ground where it's a lot easier to be killed. But then again, as someone once said, a soldier's job isn't to die for his country, it's to make the other guy die for his. And for the record, I would not participate in any conflict if I didn't feel it was justified.

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Nah, it's more of a republic. We are stuck with the guys we voted in a few years ago. I'm not saying that is bad or good, just that if something happens that we didn't expect, we can't change leaders instantly, even if there are better people for the job.


I agree with you, although Gray Davis might not. He was the California governor who was booted in the middle of his term. He didn't do anything legal, they just got enough votes to get rid of him and hold another election. Hence the Terminator.

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not really hurl. it took quite a while to get that particular piece of tomfoolery done and it's only possible in cali.


Me? I'm probably the one drafted in my family, because A) my brother c an't be and B) I'm 20.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


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