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Hitman: Blood Money

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What?! Noone managed to see my crappy movie? Damn, my mega-bomb has no witnesses :(


Also, has anyone ever shot out the bottom of the Jacuzzi in You Better Watch Out...? 70ft drop FTW!


No, but I had done everything in that mission perfectly up until that point, on only one save, so I was pretty happy with myself. All I had left to do was kill that model-slapping son-of-a-bitch. I found a ledge above him and his pool (where the servants come out to smoke) waited until I was alone and then tossed one of my favourites (the mines!) down into the pool. I wanted to use my remote to blow out the bottom of the pool instead of shooting it. What happened? The game crashed to desktop the second the mine hit the pool. And with it, my one perfect savepoint. I had to start over! The next time I just put an aphrodisiac in his drink, waited until he got horny and followed the model to her room. I let him have some fun (it was really cool watching them through the keyhole..) before I took him out silently and without witnesses.


Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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No, I saw it mkreku. Actually, I tried to see it this afternoon while I was working on my laptop at a place with a filter. hahaha. I was denied because of the hitman blood money tltle.


Anyhow, I looked at it again at home. I thought, "oh, the humanity."

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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What?! Noone managed to see my crappy movie? Damn, my mega-bomb has no witnesses :)


Also, has anyone ever shot out the bottom of the Jacuzzi in You Better Watch Out...? 70ft drop FTW!


No, but I had done everything in that mission perfectly up until that point, on only one save, so I was pretty happy with myself. All I had left to do was kill that model-slapping son-of-a-bitch. I found a ledge above him and his pool (where the servants come out to smoke) waited until I was alone and then tossed one of my favourites (the mines!) down into the pool. I wanted to use my remote to blow out the bottom of the pool instead of shooting it. What happened? The game crashed to desktop the second the mine hit the pool. And with it, my one perfect savepoint. I had to start over! The next time I just put an aphrodisiac in his drink, waited until he got horny and followed the model to her room. I let him have some fun (it was really cool watching them through the keyhole..) before I took him out silently and without witnesses.




Hee. I did it. It counted as an 'accident.' I guess that makes sense, considering they'd never be able to find the bullet and even if they did I did it with one of the Bodyguard's guns, not my own. I think I must've hit someone through the glass though because I had six Accidents, one Kill...unless the dog counts. :(


Still Silent Assassin though. :cool:


Is there any good reason to upgrade the M4 or the Shotgun considering you can't carry it around without blowing your cover? Are they 'strictly for psychopaths'?


I've been upgrading the Ballers, Tactical SMG, and Sniper like crazy, threw a few upgrades at the shotty before I realized how crappy it was in practice, wish I hadn't because now I don't have enough for both Bolt Action, and Armor Piercing ammo if I want the sight on the SMG. :(



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I wouldn't worry about the bolt action upgrade. I prefer the magazine personally. The Gun already seems precisely accurate anyways, I don't want to reload after every shot.



I upgrade the M4 because it's a sweet ass gun to have a ton of fun with.

Edited by alanschu
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I have yet to miss with the non-bolt action, fully upgraded sniper rifle.


In the situation though where I might need to shoot two people quickly (like in the Vegas Hotel), I prefer the Magazine.


Plus you just flat out get way more ammo, so you can have a lot more fun with it if you prefer.

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Is there any good reason to upgrade the M4 or the Shotgun considering you can't carry it around without blowing your cover?  Are they 'strictly for psychopaths'?


I was able to walk around the wedding mission with my fully upgraded shotgun. Them hillbillies loves them some guns.



In the playboy christmas mission I was never able to drop anything without the game crashing, which meant I wasn't able to drop the poison sausage. Strangely enough no sexual innuendo intended.

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Also, has anyone ever shot out the bottom of the Jacuzzi in You Better Watch Out...? 70ft drop FTW

That's what I did, hoes dropping from the sky! :ermm:)



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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Okay, I have a serious question.


I played through the game on medium difficulty. I got past New Life and took a couple tries at the New Orleans mission. It was late, so I quit and came back. When I started the game again, the Crows mission wasn't shown, so I figured maybe I should just do New Life again. Okay, did that, the game dumped to the character menu of missions. Notorious by its absence was the Crows mission.


Fine, maybe a small glitch. I started a new game at Expert and went through all of the missions. I started a couple nights ago and finished New Life and then stopped after taking a couple tries at the New Orleans missions again. Once again, I didn't have a lot of time so I stopped. Same thing. I can't access that mission. It's really irritating. Anyone know what gives?

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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You saved after New Life or did you just hit Continue?


Also, you're switching difficulties? I guess that could have something to do with it.


I googled "Blood Money, Missing Mission" without the quotes and got hits on GameFAQs and Gamespots forums (which are now the same, but double posted to both sites) but they're both invalid so they've been deleted or moved since Google picked up on it. Sounds like the same problem you're having though from the text byte listed on Google though.



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I am the village idiot. I swear to goodness, I deserve the imbecile of the year award.


There's a damned scroll bar. The mission is there.

Fionavar's Holliday Wishes to all members of our online community:  Happy Holidays


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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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I am the village idiot.  I swear to goodness, I deserve the imbecile of the year award.


There's a damned scroll bar.  The mission is there.

I suppose thats why they made you a mod and not the rest of us :)"



I haven't gone back to this game but I did find a small ledge BELOW the glass bottom spa. usually shoot that out.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I'm on that mission right now. I managed to finish the Crow mission with a Silent Assassin, although it involved a lot of running around not knowing what the hell to do. At least it didn't penalize me for time or restarts.

Fionavar's Holliday Wishes to all members of our online community:  Happy Holidays


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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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I think my problem is solved. It turns out that the problem with Hitman is that it only adds more field of view vertically, not horizontally, so if you want to play it in widescreen, it will be all cropped and disorienting. So if I rotate my monitor sideways it does indeed add more FOV vertically. So I will play like this:



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Aliens with three eyes feel more comfortable looking at a tallscreen because then they can rest one of their eyes and still look at the standing screen, which is more natural to them.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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