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Vampire: Bloodlines.


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My first(and only) playthrough was as Ventrue.


Suit, dominate, fireaxe. Man, that was a fun experience. Pretty easy though, since domination can get you through most talk situations.


Yeah, it smoothed things over with Vandal the blood dealer pretty well. Although I am wondering about the alternate ways to pass that situation. I screwed up the whole "thin blood" quest on my first playthrough, then used dementation on Vandal as a Malk and now dominate as a Vantrue.


However, there was a persuade option that led to Vandal asking me to tell a gruesome story about the worst way I'd "violenced up somebody," and he'd let me buy blood again. My only dialogue option at that point was "I'm no killer." I wonder if that was because of high humanity, and I wonder what you could say to satisfy him.

baby, take off your beret

everyone's a critic and most people are DJs

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probably somthing along the lines of "oh but theres so many to choose from"



However I'm wondering if you can keep the ghoul alive (just got finished with the society)

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I played a Ventrue that thought the Prince was a pompous ass and did his own thing.  He didn't like the Anarchs either.


The trenchcoat he wore was badass too, though it did have some odd clipping problems which made for some laugh out loud images.

The Toreador had the same problem with the trenchcoat also.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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Oh man, I started a new game as a Ventrue. I know, I know, kiss-ass Cammy tool, right? Wrong!


Dominate in dialogue is devious. For example, instead of convincing Chunk to open the Gallery Noir, I just make him do it. Then (and here's the kicker), I tell him to go somewhere... and dance.


Next time I see our favorite security guard, he's flailing his limbs at the Asylum.

LOLZ that's funny. Watch Chunk on the dance floor. :rolleyes:




I am almost done with my Malkavian game. I am about ready to go to Hollowbrook Hotel, but before that I better tell Heather to beat it.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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I am playing for a second time this week. :rolleyes:


Last game I was a Brujha.

This time I am a Gangeral. :cool:


Question ~

Does anyone know where I can find the Asian Assassin in Santa Monico?


I have not played this game fore months. I forgot all the creepyness to it. :thumbsup:

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I missed the Asian vamp the first time, but killed him yesterday.


The quest starts when you talk to Knox (mr. happy creepy guy that you meet outside the medical building) at the Asylum.


It's pretty linear from there.

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I missed the Asian vamp the first time, but killed him yesterday.


The quest starts when you talk to Knox (mr. happy creepy guy that you meet outside the medical building) at the Asylum.


It's pretty linear from there.

Take your time this time. Looks like you missed some minor quests.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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My first(and only) playthrough was as Ventrue.


Suit, dominate, fireaxe. Man, that was a fun experience. Pretty easy though, since domination can get you through most talk situations.


Yeah, it smoothed things over with Vandal the blood dealer pretty well. Although I am wondering about the alternate ways to pass that situation. I screwed up the whole "thin blood" quest on my first playthrough, then used dementation on Vandal as a Malk and now dominate as a Vantrue.


However, there was a persuade option that led to Vandal asking me to tell a gruesome story about the worst way I'd "violenced up somebody," and he'd let me buy blood again. My only dialogue option at that point was "I'm no killer." I wonder if that was because of high humanity, and I wonder what you could say to satisfy him.



You can also pick a lock on one of the doors if you've got the skillz. I told him how I'd violenced up Gimble and it seemed to work.



I am playing for a second time this week. :rolleyes:


Last game I was a Brujha.

This time I am a Gangeral.  :cool:


Question ~

Does anyone know where I can find the Asian Assassin in Santa Monico?


I have not played this game fore months. I forgot all the creepyness to it.  :thumbsup:




Foxy Boxes




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I missed the Asian vamp the first time, but killed him yesterday.


The quest starts when you talk to Knox (mr. happy creepy guy that you meet outside the medical building) at the Asylum.


It's pretty linear from there.

Take your time this time. Looks like you missed some minor quests.


I am taking my time :thumbsup:


I only missed a few essential ones last time, I think, and a few I refused to do (like the Imala ones)


I missed this one because I got used to NPCs not talking to you... and Knox looked like anyone else in there :rolleyes:


Like I said before, the first game was for exploring... this one is for savoring.. so it'll be a while before I finish it ^_^


On a positive note: 1 more friggan XP and I get to blow people up :D I can hardly wait :D

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I played a Ventrue that thought the Prince was a pompous ass and did his own thing.  He didn't like the Anarchs either.


The trenchcoat he wore was badass too, though it did have some odd clipping problems which made for some laugh out loud images.

The Toreador had the same problem with the trenchcoat also.


My first playthrough was as a toreador...I don't remember them having a free flowing trenchcoat like the Ventrue.



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Good fun but a waste of good blood that your vampire could use.





Back to my game, I screwed up. I went back to my apt and Heather wasn't there so I could not tell her to leave me. Went and fought the Sabbat and they killed her. :(



Now my next target, the werewolf. :o .


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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That's the one problem with my snooty Ventrue. Thinks he's too good for bum blood, so he pukes it up, the bastard.


So do Tremere's get any clan-specific quests from The Wizard King? I'm assuming they get a swanky pad upstairs from Max's place after they clear up the plague problem, but what then?

baby, take off your beret

everyone's a critic and most people are DJs

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I played a Ventrue that thought the Prince was a pompous ass and did his own thing.  He didn't like the Anarchs either.


The trenchcoat he wore was badass too, though it did have some odd clipping problems which made for some laugh out loud images.

The Toreador had the same problem with the trenchcoat also.


My first playthrough was as a toreador...I don't remember them having a free flowing trenchcoat like the Ventrue.



No, you're right, the toreador doesn't have a trenchcoat. Malks do though. A white furry one... with an oversized red hat. Typical. Just finished the anarch ending as a toreador actually, odd choice I know... but I figure the snooty model type was sick of being a pawn. Still, I thought I'd at least see nines again before the game ended.

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OK, since I just got a new comp, I liberated my friends copy.


Recommendations for someone who hasn't had his vampire cherry popped?


I hear you basically have to fight in this game at some point, but I'd like to be as non-combat boy as possible while not screwing myself on my first play through.

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