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Who will win the console war?

Who will win the console war?  

95 members have voted

  1. 1. Who will win the console war?

    • Sony's PS3
    • Microsoft's 360
    • Nintendo's Wii

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All I see that hurts PS3 the most is the price; $600 is pretty painful to shell out. And the other systems are considerbly cheaper.


I wouldn't consider the 360 considerably cheaper. If you get the $500 PS3 model you're getting a better system, blue ray and a 20gb HD. That's only $100 more than the 360. The Wii will easily be 1/2 the cost of a PS3 and a 360 and that's where Nintendo has the advantage.



But you're looking at the deluxe version of one console, versus, the stripped down ghetto version of another. Most people know that the deluxe version of a console is the one to buy, thanks to features, and the differences there is clearly $200.


The so called deluxe version of the 360 is practically equivalent to the $500 PS3 model, that's why I compared the two.

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When I play with a controller, PC or Console, I never move it like that. It seems to be a waste of time and energy while very pointless. I can't imagine myself playing a game that has me wailling about like that. It looks very stupid.

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When I play with a controller, PC or Console, I never move it like that.  It seems to be a waste of time and energy while very pointless.  I can't imagine myself playing a game that has me wailling about like that.  It looks very stupid.


Is there a a person who didn't move like that the first time they played mario or pitfall or something?


You sir are a fibber!

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I don't. I played a lot of pitfall when I as younger but I never moved the controller like that or at all. Same with Mario. I focused on the game and the movements of my character. Moving the controller would be a distraction.

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So, you didn't flail the controller about, vainly trying to make your character jump farther, or dodge something? I did. A lot.

Edited by LoneWolf16

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Hell, I still do that when I play video games. I also get all steely eyed and stare down the computer. Of course, my eyes get awfully dry doing it, but I can take it.

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right, development for the PS3 is also a wildcard....unless Sony has provided some really kick*** dev tools, we are talking about programmers coding for 8 processors instead of 1. 


do the math....unless Sony has provided some really good dev tools, development for this less conventional architecture is going to get real old, real quick.



With the XBOX you have people developing for 3 processors instead of one. And once you get multithreading going, it's diminishing costs to get 8 working if you can get 3 working.


"revolutionary gameplay of the Wii"


Exactly how is it revolutionary? People keep saying this, and I'm still not buying it.



I disagree. When I watched the Wii demo my eyes widened when I saw the the sword fighting demo with the person using the Wii.


People were playing Golf, Tennis, and Baseball in a way never done before on a video game console. If it's never been done before, wouldn't it be revolutionary?



Technology is actually being researched (and I've seen it in practice at my University) that lets me move a controller (that looks a bit like a pen), with the movements corresponding to a little ball in a VR world on a computer screen. The cool thing was that by bumping into objects (and the floor/walls/ceiling) I could actually feel the little ball bumping into the objects, and feel the resistance of moving those objects around, all in a 3D world. It's research applications include the possibilities of using it to help train surgeons so that they can practice surgery without needing a cadaver. Or to hook up a real surgeon perform a real, complex operation, and have the surgeon in training simply hold the pen and have it follow along with a sensor on the actual scalpel.


I think Nintendo's controller is just starting to scrape the surface of what can be done to change how games are controlled.


I don't.  I played a lot of pitfall when I as younger but I never moved the controller like that or at all.  Same with Mario.  I focused on the game and the movements of my character.  Moving the controller would be a distraction.



You'd be the first person I have ever seen not initially move the controller with them when playing a game console for the first time.

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"The PlayStation 3 is a computer. We do not need the PC."


Holy.... How the hell can Sony's PR insist on saying such stupid garbage?

Selective quoting (by the journalist) FTW.


The comment is (despite protestations) quite defensible, if taken in the context of the Next Big Thing, i.e. the set-top tv inteface with the broadband internet.


To be clear, the PR guy is not asserting that the PS3 will replace the PC, merely that it will be equal to the challenge of a media PC.






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Selective quoting (by the journalist) FTW.


The comment is (despite protestations) quite defensible, if taken in the context of the Next Big Thing, i.e. the set-top tv inteface with the broadband internet.


To be clear, the PR guy is not asserting that the PS3 will replace the PC, merely that it will be equal to the challenge of a media PC.


are you guessing or do you have a more complete text?

Edited by kumquatq3
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All I see that hurts PS3 the most is the price; $600 is pretty painful to shell out. And the other systems are considerbly cheaper.


I wouldn't consider the 360 considerably cheaper. If you get the $500 PS3 model you're getting a better system, blue ray and a 20gb HD. That's only $100 more than the 360. The Wii will easily be 1/2 the cost of a PS3 and a 360 and that's where Nintendo has the advantage.

Better system? That would be purely your opinion and nothing else. Blue ray, well we don't know if that's going to become standard or end up like beta tapes. So you're either going to be saving a couple hundred dollars and get something before everyone else does or you're going to end up with something that can't play new releases. And the ($400) 360 comes with a 20 gig drive.

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With the XBOX you have people developing for 3 processors instead of one.  And once you get multithreading going, it's diminishing costs to get 8 working if you can get 3 working.


eh, except that it has already been established that the vendor-provided dev tools/environment for the 360 are second to none.

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With the XBOX you have people developing for 3 processors instead of one.  And once you get multithreading going, it's diminishing costs to get 8 working if you can get 3 working.


eh, except that it has already been established that the vendor-provided dev tools/environment for the 360 are second to none.


except that devolpment for Wii is supposed to be vary similar to that of the Cube. Expirence and all that.

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another thing I like about the 360 is that they apparently have what amounts to "debit cards".


in other words, if you wanted to download premium content for an Xbox game or play a subscription-based game like Phantasy Star Online, you had to provide a credit card number.


for the 360, you can front load credit into you account with what amounts to a debit card (that you buy at GameStop, etc)...good stuff.

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With the XBOX you have people developing for 3 processors instead of one.  And once you get multithreading going, it's diminishing costs to get 8 working if you can get 3 working.


eh, except that it has already been established that the vendor-provided dev tools/environment for the 360 are second to none.



There's a ton of hoopla about the tools for all the systems. I'm kind of lost in the good and the bad.


I wonder what consumers really think when they talk about good tools/environment and whatnot. It's not like the games code themselves.


I don't even know what the term "devtools" encompasses, outside of maybe a devkit.



for the 360, you can front load credit into you account with what amounts to a debit card (that you buy at GameStop, etc)...good stuff.


This is just a way for them to get you to give you money as soon as possible. It doesn't mean a whole lot really. Though you've essentially given them money for products you have yet to purchase.

Edited by alanschu
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>>>I wonder what consumers really think when they talk about good tools/environment and whatnot. It's not like the games code themselves.<<<


think of a programming environment (say, for instance, Visual C++). you have the ability to Run the program to test it and also to MAKE EXE.


but, instead of one MAKE EXE option, you have 2: (Windows) and (Xbox 360).


the compiler knows what to do differently for the 360 than for PC...you don't have to reinvent the wheel.


anyway, I am not a game designer but this is, apparently, out there and in use.

we simply don't know whether Sony has provided intuitive, user-friendly tools like this but, the hunch is, they have probably not.



>>>This is just a way for them to get you to give you money as soon as possible. It doesn't mean a whole lot really. Though you've essentially given them money for products you have yet to purchase.<<<


I know it is not all that revolutionary...just that I like this idea as opposed to using the old credit card....it also means more MMO-type games will be possible with the 360.

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With the XBOX you have people developing for 3 processors instead of one.  And once you get multithreading going, it's diminishing costs to get 8 working if you can get 3 working.


Are you trying to compare Cell to Xenon? The three symetrical cores on Xenon are far easier to code for than the PPE and SPEs on Cell... The entire process of Cell is for the PPE to "conduct" the SPEs, and for all normal purposes, the SPEs will not be run as independant processors, rather slaves to the PPE, which in itself is weaker than a single Xenon core. Claiming that once developers get the hang of Xenon, the transistion to Cell isn't costly is crazy. The only glarring similarity between the two processors is the fact that both happen to be in-order processors.

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So, you're an expert in these matters, Bri? Do you actually own a 360, or are you just on Gates' payroll?

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except that devolpment for Wii is supposed to be vary similar to that of the Cube. Expirence and all that.


well, yes, but I don't think the Wii is a device that can be truely called "next-gen". it is the most conventional of all the new systems.


Ironically, I'd say just the opposite.


But I think you mean "Next-gen" graphics and to that I would agree

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