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Tempers have cooled I think. NWN 2 DM Client

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Most powerful artifact in the world and he just stoled it? That is a little contived there.


Also the betrayals in the Bioware games made sense. Predictable but made sense. First off there was no plasuible reason for the main baddie to know that he had "the most powrful artifact in the world" secondly, and more importantly, "the most powerful artifact inthe world" wouldn't be something that a 1st level character should be able to steal.

Edited by Judge Hades
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Before NWN, I barely knew what on line play was. LOL Now, it's cool. :cool:



"They mentioned QA and stuff didn't used DM client for the making of NWN2 so it really is not that much needed or something."


I don't care. I, and others, do use it to test. And, it is needed for those thousands of epople who play PWs and small DMed groups. Might be a minority; but it's a sizeable minorty. Of course the problem is many on line players (like me) also like SP so they got us by the ballz. Just like those whining about the length before, theywer egonna buy the game anyways even if it was 20 hours long.:p Right Eldar? :blink:

Edited by Volourn


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Why wouldn

Edited by Hassat Hunter




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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After looking at the screens at GameSpot.com, I have to say I hope this will be a complete game. I am very impressed with the level of detail and lighting attention. As a life-artist myself, I am very impressed with the level of detail found in this game.


It would be a shame to see another game produced by the same company being released incomplete. I pray that someone is watching, and I hope they don't drop the ball.


I have never seen a game with this much detail before. :thumbsup:

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That is a valid way of showing disapproval but a game's first few weeks of sells are often the most vital.  If it has poor sales then Atari twill thik it is a lost cause and end its support for the game and without their support Obsidian will not be able to patch NWN 2 or even release the DM Client via patch.


Then you get lucky by not wasting money on a product that doesn't have a feature you want.


If you do wait for it, and it does come out, a spike in sales immediately after its release serves as an indicator for our important this feature is.

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It's not clear cut for everyone. Not for me to be sure. 'Cause while I want the DMC, there's other parts of the game I really want like the OC for example.


Then all you have to do is decide if the lack of DMC outweighs the rest of the package. If you think you'll still get your money's worth without the DMC, then you should probably buy it.



But you seem to have already made your decision anyways. The DMC is not as important for you.

Edited by alanschu
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Exactly. Just like I would likely have bought the game even without the OC... a decision I *never* would have made before NWN1 when I didn't give a woop about mper or toolsets or dmc and all that.


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They mentioned QA and stuff didn't used DM client for the making of NWN2 so it really is not that much needed or something. It makes me wonder if they actually gonna QA-test the DM Client before offering it for download or just dump it on us when done. [insert Alanschu post about how conversing something from one engine to another might ruin everything]; with all consequences that that could give...


I wasn't going to comment, but since you baited me into it, I will.



You clearly have zero idea what it means to be in QA, and are unequivocally unqualified to make any statements about it.

Edited by alanschu
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I do know that if a function is not in retail and is forced to come later it also needs testing. If it is done beyond release date and then still needs it's testing it might take longer than the month or so the gang here hopes for and since that would hurt sales/rep/game longetivity they may decide to just drop it as soon as they are fairly done.


Ofcourse assuming the DM Client is delayed because there has to be coding to do on it, not an immensive amount of testing (and fixing the findings) only; which; by the sound of it is the case...

Edited by Hassat Hunter




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


TSLRCM Official Forum || TSLRCM Moddb || My other KOTOR2 mods || TSLRCM (English version) on Steam || [M4-78EP on Steam

Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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The only person who's ever said anything about a month is me. And I only used it as an example. No one has any idea on when the DMC patch will be released. Could be days after release (remember, the gold copy goes out something like two weeks before the game hits retail) and it could be months.

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What difference does it make whether they release the DM client at launch and patch to fix later or release it some time later? So long as it has no added cost, what do you have to gripe about?


They're not releasing an incomplete game. They're completing the game with a full toolset, and then adding new bells and whistles afterwards.


I know it's too much to ask, but you really should think things through before you go on a rant about it.

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10-30% make use, in some way, of the MP/toolset/DM stuff and since the DMC is used the elast I gave it a modest 15% total...


Besdies, Obsidian surely doens't rank it as important as 25%... unlike BIO who knew what NWN series was about - the whole package including DMing ala pnp.


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10-30% make use, in some way, of the MP/toolset/DM stuff and since the DMC is used the elast I gave it a  modest 15% total...


Besdies, Obsidian surely doens't rank it as important as 25%... unlike BIO who knew what NWN series was about - the whole package including DMing ala pnp.

How sad. :blink: I will not sleep well tonight knowing this.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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