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2006 FIFA World Cup

Guest The Architect

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Maybe that would spark the interest for football in the US?

believe it or not, soccer is the most popular sport in the US among children. unfortunately, it has never translated well to a spectator sport for adults. it's just not fast enough for the average joe watching the tube. of course, hockey is tooo fast for the average joe watching the tube... go figure.




Some people say that, but I'm not in the camp that says hockey is too fast.


It has the same "problems" as soccer in that it is generally alot of back and forth with low scores. There are less "spectacular" plays than you would see in a Basketball or Football game. Hence, it translates to less stars/famous players than in the other sports.


Yet, other than being engrained in American culture, I can't explain baseball very well.

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Some people say that, but I'm not in the camp that says hockey is too fast.

well, too fast in that many find it hard to keep track of the puck. that's why they had the red and blue dots/streaks in recent times to aid those that couldn't keep up. in the end, it just annoyed those of us that could.


i agree that hockey is not "too fast", i prefer to watch it above all else.



comrade taks... just because.

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Perhaps you guys should try Mayan rules football o:)


That might become quite the hit with viewer ratings...

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Michael Essien of Ghana played an excellent game! Too bad his team lost, but that was only because Italy was an even better team! That was the best game I've seen so far in these championships. Italy looks deadly strong.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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As I'm watching quite a lot of NBA recently I got the idea that one reason why soccer isn't that popular with USA-TV is that one half-time is 45 minutes long. 45 minutes without proper ad-time. Other famous US-sports have lots of advertisement possibilities, while you would have to blend ads over the actual game in soccer (and a goal could happen any time), or go without it for the time.


Just a theory (that is not fully thought through), but maybe...

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Guest The Architect

GO THE SOCCEROOS! We were '1-0' down against Japan, but in the last ten minutes, we scored 3 goals to win the match '3-1'! :D It was bloody awesome! I think justice had been served in the closing stages of the game as I felt we deserved to win and dominated most of the match, also IMO the refs were biased towards those diving sissy ****ing piece of **** Jap's that were a bunch of fake little fudgepackers! They also got a goal that NEVER should have been given, even the ref came out and said that the goal should never have stood after the match, he apologied to the Socceroos and said he made a mistake. But nonetheless, we won! Oh yeah, come on!


Teams that have impressed me so far in the World Cup are...


Germany (except for defence)




Czech Republic


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I'm not particularly keen on Brazil-Croatia for some reason. Maybe I'm not so fond of Croatia because they beat Sweden twice in the quals, but I just find them a bit boring. What excites me, though, is the new ball's tendency to weave through the air (but don't they say this about every new ball before every WC?) and how Brazilians like Ronaldinho, Adriano etc will make use of this.

^Yes, that is a good observation, Checkpoint. /God

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Koreans defeat Togo 2-1, I guess non-Koreans wouldn't have been overtly entertained by the game, but Swiss/France really have to watch out for any team that can claw back from a deficit and get 3 points.

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Yes, but France and Swiss aren't guaranteed wins over Togo or Korea. e.g. England could well have drawn with Paraguay.


speaking of which, France looking more dangerous IMO right now.

Edited by Tigranes
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Boring teams, boring match. Next up is that Brazil game that I don't know how to feel about.

Ooh! Dave Angel! (w00t)


I've been a very bad person, and have actually avoided all of the matches so far (yes, even the England match), but I put an end to my hiatus for Roberto Carlos' thighs, but I was quite disappointed by Brazil's performance and long shorts :(


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You should see my thighs.


I wasn't too impressed with Brazil and they were in trouble time and again especially in the second half. What's up with not even watching your own country (other than all the players being teh ugly)?


Oh, and that thing about my thighs was a joke.

^Yes, that is a good observation, Checkpoint. /God

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What's up with not even watching your own country (other than all the players being teh ugly)?

They're not ugly... well, not all of them or... ermm... quiet you <_<


I've been busy really... and it upsets me that the World Cup takes over the entire country and is shoved in my face all the time, no matter what I do :(


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I fell asleep during the France-Switzerland game.


The Brazil-Croatia game was also a letdown. Croatia played to their strengths, but Brazil.. they looked like they were sleeping. Ronaldo looked fat and tired.. before the game even started! Adriano was invisible. When they replaced Ronaldo with Robinho, I thought things might improve.. but Robinho ran his legs off for nothing. He just ran for the sake of running, it seemed.


Disappointing games last night overall.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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