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A question about musical tastes


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not necessarily.


HOWEVER, subgenres such as Metal exist just below the radar screen and allow for an incredible about of artistic freedom, including serious (and not-so-serious) discussions about death, religion, politics (i.e. nuclear war, corporate welfare, etc) and a number of hard-hitting issues that the more intelligent are right bad to think about.

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not necessarily.


HOWEVER, subgenres such as Metal exist just below the radar screen and allow for an incredible about of artistic freedom, including serious (and not-so-serious) discussions about death, religion, politics (i.e. nuclear war, corporate welfare, etc) and a number of hard-hitting issues that the more intelligent are right bad to think about.


See, I appreciated that, but some people might not get the joke without a drum shot following it

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I think for the most part, metal is more intelligent music, though there are a LOT of really stupid metal bands out there. But the listeners aren't any more intelligent. Also lately it seems like metal is just pop music with heavy guitar. Lyric wise.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Are those who listen to metal more intelligent than those who listen to pop?

There is not correlation between music preference and intelligence. Music is first and foremost an emotional rather than intellectual experience.

Except for the cerebral music of the classics, I'm sure you meant. :devil:




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Wether it's metal, rock, jazz, classical, I think Diamond is absolutely right, music is an emotional experience and it has nothing to do with intelligence.


However, just like gaming, there are some people who can make the difference between a "Deer hunting sim" and a "World of Warcraft". But that has more to do with knowledge than intelligence, which should not be confused.

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Wether it's metal, rock, jazz, classical, I think Diamond is absolutely right, music is an emotional experience and it has nothing to do with intelligence.


Wrong, and that only has to show how much you know about jazz or classical, which is propably nothing.


In the words of Aaron Copland, there are tree different levels in the appreciation of music, tree different planes, which are as follows:


1) The sensual plane


2) The expressive plane


3) The sheerly musical plane


The sensual and expressive plane is how most people in the pop world enjoy music. Infact, from a sheerly musical level, popular music is rather simple and straight forward, including metal for the most part, thus it doesn't suprise me that you would think intellect cannot be an important element in the appreciation of music.


However, just like gaming, there are some people who can make the difference between a "Deer hunting sim" and a "World of Warcraft". But that has more to do with knowledge than intelligence, which should not be confused.


Knowledge is a function of intelligence, because knowledge also implies understanding.

Edited by Lyric Suite
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Wether it's metal, rock, jazz, classical, I think Diamond is absolutely right, music is an emotional experience and it has nothing to do with intelligence.


Wrong (as I listen to classics and therefore I am smarter than you), and that only has to show how much you know about jazz or classical (I know more about jazz and classics, therefore I am smarter than you... besides, I have a more intelligent avatar), which is propably nothing.

Subconsciousness, whispering. >_<"

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What kind of music one listens to if any (the concept that everyone is supposed to enjoy music is fairly new and came with the invention of radio, before that music was a special interest like poetry or painting) is a definite measure of creative intelligence.



People who listen to pop music do so because theyre not interested in actively listening to music, while people who have more specific taste(or actual taste) actively listen to the music with great interest. This is a sign of a more creative kind of intelligence, as opposed to "good grades" intelligence.



Great thinkers, writers and artists ALWAYS have a developed taste in music while engineers, doctors, lawyers etc. MIGHT have it.

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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Wether it's metal, rock, jazz, classical, I think Diamond is absolutely right, music is an emotional experience and it has nothing to do with intelligence.


Wrong, and that only has to show how much you know about jazz or classical, which is propably nothing.


In the words of Aaron Copland, there are tree different levels in the appreciation of music, tree different planes, which are as follows:


1) The sensual plane


2) The expressive plane


3) The sheerly musical plane


The sensual and expressive plane is how most people in the pop world enjoy music. Infact, from a sheerly musical level, popular music is rather simple and straight forward, including metal for the most part, thus it doesn't suprise me that you would think intellect cannot be an important element in the appreciation of music.



Perhaps my intellect appreciates other things besides music like paintings, architecture, writings, history, cinematography? >_<


To know more about something than most people does not make you smarter. Being ignorant does not make one stupid. Staying ignorant, perhaps though.

Edited by astr0creep
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Perhaps my intellect appreciates other things besides music like paintings, architecture, writings, history, cinematography?  :p


I'm sure most here would have no problem understanding and enjoying classical music. It's not that difficoult for the most part, but:


1) It does requite a basic knowledge and understanding


2) It is a function of the intellect as much as anything else


I'm not saying you are too stupid to understand classical music, i'm just implying you propably don't know a whole lot about it to claim intelligence is not an important factor.


To know more about something than most people does not make you smarter.

Being ignorant does not make one stupid. Staying ignorant, perhaps.


You can be ignorant on your own choosing, or you can be ignorant because you are too stupid to learn. >_<

Edited by Lyric Suite
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You can be ignorant on your own choosing, or you can be ignorant because you are too stupid to learn.  >_<



True on both counts.


You can also be ignorant for lack of exposition to certain things in life. Simply not knowing about things. Saying Native Americans in 1492 were stupid because they never saw a mirror before would be somewhat elitist narrowmindedness, no?

Of course, once exposed to, say, Bach, one chooses to learn about the man and his music or not, depending on one's interest in such things. However someone with a shred of common sense would at least try to learn more about Bach, if only to have an informed opinion/interest.

Simply listening to a few notes and saying "oh I hate this classic crap" for example, is a lack of common sense and somewhat of intelligence. And it applies to anything, not just Bach's music.


And I find it strange that you assume so quickly that I know next to nothing about classical and jazz music.

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You can be ignorant on your own choosing, or you can be ignorant because you are too stupid to learn.  :blink:



True on both counts.


You can also be ignorant for lack of exposition to certain things in life. Simply not knowing about things. Saying Native Americans in 1492 were stupid because they never saw a mirror before would be somewhat elitist narrowmindedness, no?

Of course, once exposed to, say, Bach, one chooses to learn about the man and his music or not, depending on one's interest in such things. However someone with a shred of common sense would at least try to learn more about Bach, if only to have an informed opinion/interest.

Simply listening to a few notes and saying "oh I hate this classic crap" for example, is a lack of common sense and somewhat of intelligence. And it applies to anything, not just Bach's music.


True on all accounts.


Of course, are NSync fans ignorant, or are they too stupid to know any better?


And I find it strange that you assume so quickly that I know next to nothing about classical and jazz music.


Well, the last time i made a thread about classical music i was very disappointed by the results, which i had no chance to adress because of the wonderful mods we have here.

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Are we discussing what music makes people better? Wow.


Music is just what you like. There is no "hidden" meaning behind it of intelligence/aggression/creativity etc.

If so why can one find several songs in a genre awfull, but an equal amount good?


Not everybody who listens classical is smart

Not everybody who listens R&B is a gangster/thug

Not everybody who listens death metal is a massmurderer


It really just is to relax... damnit. And what if you get people (like me) who like stuff from ALL genres, but only some of them (when they "listen" good) and can thus not be classified as liking a specific one?




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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