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The suggestion was proposed way back when the contest was just revealed, but was - of course - ignored. After all, how could a no-name unknown compete against already popular modders? It's just a crappy argument about "LOL you know, if they were good, they'd get votes anyway". It doesn't roll that way. How many people do you think played through all 300+ mods? I tried to, but there was so much crap out there I gave up. How much more convenient is it to go "HEY THAT'S ADAM MILLER'S MOD, HE'S IN THE HALL OF FAME, I'LL PLAY HIS MOD"? Voting only works if the voters actually educate themselves on all parties. Due to the sheer scope of the 300+ mods, as well as the lack of anonymity, the contest pretty much set itself up for unfairness and partiality.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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Not necessarily. Even as a popularity contest, it brought out 'popular' modders/writers, which is - in essence - what Bioware wants. They're pretty mainstream, after all; they can use the 'popular' style of writing.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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The whole process is bogged down by the logistics of playing 300+ mods. According to what I read, the panel of judges, and in particular Kevin Bartlett, only played the top ~25 mods as voted by the community. This essentially means that both categories of the contest were "popularity" contests, to a large degree, and we'll never know whether some truly excellent mods were missed.


But how is this different from real life job recruiting, where connections can land you a job over dozens of more qualified people whose resumes sit in the corner of an assitant's office gathering spider webs? The meritocratic ideal is never followed to the letter, and that's just the way the world works.


I surmise that Bioware indeed never expected to receive so many contestant mods, and so set aside only a relatively short amount of time to reviewing them. Hence the necessity of basing perusal on community votes.

There are doors

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Adam Miller deserves to win, as he's probably the most popular mod maker in the NWN community.


Popularity means zip.


It should go to the person who makes the best mod.


Do you live in the real world? Popularity is a huge part of any contest. You are wrong because "who makes the best mod" is subject to opinion. I would much rather be the most popular mod maker than the best modmaker...but the two tend to go hand in hand. Now the contest is only judging one small mod from each person, but you can bet that already being well known in the community will make it easier to get a higher opinion.


Which is exactly the problem. I suspect the concern is that he got votes based on his previous work, rather than the mod submitted.

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If I was trully negative I would be treating them like UbiSoft and EA.  I really hate them.  Not going to buy any game they have a hand in.

You don't have to repeat things you hate in every thread. Just put it in your sig. Saves you a lot of time typing. :)


I'm pretty sure he'd go over the size allowances for sigs in the forum by quite a bit though.



Just because you're a bit thinner than your even fatter mum it doesn't mean you're in excellent physical shape, if you could fit through the door and view the normal people you'd notice that cheeseburger boy. Squid suck.

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