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Play nice.


If it arrives, it arrives. If it dosnt , well it dosnt. It looks like Obsidian are commited to staying crossplatform for the time being so see that as a bonus.

Edited by ShadowPaladin V1.0
I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Guys, look who you are talking to. Cynical? Yeah, I think I am. not to insult Alan or his source but if I read it on the Internet nd there is no other outside source backing it up then I just assume it is false.

Edited by Judge Hades
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Let's keep this conversation within the guidelines, people. Specifically:

Harassment: We ask that the users of this board treat one another with respect, even when opinions differ. Personal attacks that are intended to cause unwanted attention, embarrassment, or harm will not be tolerated. In addition, Obsidian does not tolerate disrespectful and/or slanderous posts about its competitors, developers and publishers. Such posts will be subject to editing or deleting, with its posters censured or banned.


Thank you.




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The question you shouldbe asking Hades is does BIO have a history of unreleased /vapourware projects? The answer to that is no. Even without alanshu's source it should be releatively safe (as safe as it can be) to say that DA is not vapourware until it's shown to be.

Edited by Volourn


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Oh yes, annonymous sources should be seen as unreproachable and credible.  :blink:



And the fact that Bioware came to my University recruiting interns to work on the project.




The fellow I spoke with was Kevin Barrett. If it wasn't for the fact that an excellent opportunity came for me in late December to start working in January, I was going to apply for this position.


If you'd like, you could try emailing either the Director of the IIP program (Dr. Ryan Hayward) or the coordinator (Britta Nielsen) and ask them if Bioware mentioned recruiting for Dragon Age, though the meet and greet was about 4 months ago, so they may not remember.




In case people are curious if I actually do attend the University, here's my name on the Dean's List:




Allan James Schumacher is me



On a side note, stop being a hypocrite. You were livid when you found out that horses were gone in NWN2. Anything that Bioware shows for Dragon Age now, is going to be assumed by people like you to be in the game. A total damned if they do, damned if they don't scenario. You complain when developers show stuff that eventually gets cut, but then complain because developers are hesitant to show stuff. Dragon Age IS still a long ways away, so don't get too excited. Don't forget that it's basically coming with TWO games in one. The idea is for the multiplayer adventure that ships with the game to be completely different and unique from the single player adventure.

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"Unless Dragon Age is their MMORPG."


It isn't. Who the heck is starting this retarded rumour?


DA is being made in Edmonton. MMORPG in the US.


Not even close to each other.


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If Dragon Age is still such a long ways off then they were indeed stupid to announce it so early in its development. They could have just told their gamers that a PC game is being made and left it at that instead of making a way to early announcement and string their audience along. Frankly it doesn't matter to me if Dragon Age is made or not. I lost all excitement for it over a year ago.


As for releasing content and information, a responsible developer would state only what is going to be in the game with absolute certainty or be right up front about any limitations the game might have. Such as if Feargus and crew said yes there would be horses in the game but they were unridable/unusable in combat when they were first announced that they were in the game then the whole hoopla about unridable horses would be moot because the audience intended for the game would already know all the facts about the horses in the game.


You don't hype. You don't lie. You simply tell it how it is going to be in the game without any embelishment.

Edited by Judge Hades
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You don't hype.  You don't lie.  You simply tell it how it is going to be in the game without any embelishment.


You do know this is Bioware we're talking about, right? They hype is larger than life and I'm sure we could all sit around the campfire trading our fondest memories about it in their past ventures. Dragon Age isn't out yet but it's already a 'blockbuster'. One of the suggested features of Dragon Age was to allow players to 'enslave nations with necromancy' - which by the way is no longer on the game's page.

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What bloody difference is there between "We're making a PC game!!!" and "We're making a PC game, named Dragon Age!!!"? Just suck it up and wait, or boycott. Bioware cares either way.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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If they didn't tell people the name of the game, did not put up the Dragon Age forum, and so forth and so on we wouldn't be going through this discussion now and we wouldn't have Bioware over hyping anouther game to maintain interest for a game that is probably half a decade away if it ever does get released.

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If they didn't tell people the name of the game, did not put up the Dragon Age forum, and so forth and so on we wouldn't be going through this discussion now and we wouldn't have Bioware over hyping anouther game to maintain interest for a game that is probably half a decade away if it ever does get released.

No, you'd have idiot console bashers constantly yelling at Bioware for selling out.


What hype has there been for the game? A website? A closed E3 presentation? You've never seen any footage of the game, all we've been exposed to so far is a few screenshots which represent the engine at best, since the artstyle is apparently going to be very different. The hype come from the stupid media. Go murder them. Bioware is just being a business.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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