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USA rules in Soccer (football)


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and while Gromnir has never gotten the whole buttslapping thing  that occurs in football and baseball and so many other sports, we don't think lucius wants to really get going on the gayness issue, doe he?  lockage of thread for that kinda stoopidity is a near certainty.

Bring it, I dare ya... no, I double dare ya Grommie. :o


And no, most Euros only play real football, most don't do American football. It's the whole popularity thing again.



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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oh goodie, we is gonna do the inane reply/quote thing.
And still, you fail to use the quote function. It really helps to make your posts more readable, if you can get past the gromnirspeak thing.



why would that be ironic?  most people really don't know what irony is.  mabe you mean hypocritical?  that might work better.  in any event maybe you should review the thread and sees just how we gots onto a us v. euro trend.  we got all kinds of pre and post conceptions 'bout euros.  did the fullbright thing and got a taste of the euro lifestyle first hand.  and of course our view o' euros is tainted by our rather unique upbringing... we actually gots dual citizenship btw.
So what? Regardless of your experience, it's obvious most of your broadsweep statements are way off track, as it often happens with that kind of assertions. Your "been there, done that" attitude (which here on the internets has zero value) doesn't give you carte blanche to spout random generalizations as gospel.


And yes, Grom. It's an irony because you accuse others of the very flaw you suffer from. But you are right, it's hypocrisy as well. They are not mutually exclusive.



yes, yes, that has become painfully obvious.
See? You're getting the hang of the "inane quote/reply thing".



of course. anything you disagree with is simply trolling on Gromnir's part.  you make a ridiculous sta-tement 'bout how the description of rugby balls and football balls shows  lack of imagination or some other such nonsense and you will continue to actually fight on such an issue.  bad cess mate... Bad form.  "Yeah. I guess there's nothing wrong with giving random objects random names."  see, as you not seem to get much you has missed that the naming of the rugby ball and football is hardly random.  Rugby evolveds from soccer and football evolved from rugby.  to somehow take such naming trends as evidence of anything significant is patently ludicrous... obvious to any, but you will continue to plugs away at a dead issue.  heck, you even got Gromnir to educate you further when it woulda' been in your best interest to simply ignore...
No. It's trolling because you just make an attack on my statement without actually explaining where it fails. But you already know that and are just playing victim. Bad cess mate... bad form.


As for the naming trends, hammers evolved from animal bones used in that fashion in Prehistory. But you don't go to the hardware store and ask for a slamming bone, do you?



you liquor up for training?  no wonder you trips and manages to break things.
Still better than "oringine".



actually our reading comprehension is just fine.  your edits is interesting and all, but football and soccer is two different sports.  you mean one and not the other and it us up to you to clarify at the time of post.  this is an American game developer's board after all.
No, outside the US, football is football, you know, with a ball. If you are going to refer to American football, then it's you who should clarify. I don't care if this is an American or Thai developer, the internets isn't American.


And my edits are only to add or remove the odd punctuation sign, I'm not really adding or removing any content. It's really sad you have to resort to pointing that out.



regardless, we not know what possible significance there could be in preaching how tough martial arts makes you compared to soccer.  is a bit like trying to claim that golf is a better cardio exercise than is bowling.  even if you is right you hasn't really set the bar very high.
You seem to be obsessed with the notion of "appearing tough". I wouldn't find that surprising in a teenager, but I thought you were a grown man. Of course, any physical activity is for wussies, except for American football, which incidentally, is the sport Big Bad Gromnir has performed at the highest level.


I only explained my background because you made an incorrect assumption about it. I didn't imply I did martial arts to become tougher or anything.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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never suggested that you competed.  where you get that?  Not care.  have been to tae kwon do classes more than a handful of times, (though we has more experience with kempo and escrima.)  majority of practices is sans padding.  football and boxing is much different.

For the nth time, I don't know what kind of martial arts you do over there. But when I did it, was it a competition match or a sparring friendly match, you had to wear your protections. Even a badly aimed kick while sparring can result in a broken shin, and if you had actually any idea what you are talking about, you would know that. As a matter of fact, I had my ribs broken while wearing a protective vest, in a friendly sparring match. But being knowledgeable and rational is nowhere near as fun as talking out of your ass, right?



in any event, you can gets knocked unconscious falling off a ladder... such rarities not make ladder climbing an experience comprable to football, just as the occasional fell blow in tae bo is rare.
Indeed. In fact, many more people die yearly because of working accidents than they do due to injuries sustained during American football matches.


Real tough asses, those workmen.



yes.  We can see your point.  involvement in a sport where violent physical contact is inevitable is just plain crazy.  utterly ludicrous, stoopid and insane.




maybe you should reread some of your comments wherein you trys to convince us just how dangerous is tae kwon do.

Ignoring parts of my statements so you can draw a purposefully wrong conclusion? Bad, bad Gromnir.


You see, in martial arts, physical contact is the point of the sport. You may get hit, but the idea is to hit the other. Fair game. Getting hit is not an added bonus for your failures.



see, yet another reason why reply/quote gets some folks into so much trouble.  They forgets their own arguments mere fractions after typing them.  You get so tied into rebutting single snippets that you loo-se hold of any real central point.  Is really tragic when we sees such sloppy posting.

No. Even despite your obvious failure to see it, my discourse is perfectly coherent throughout the thread. Sorry, if you get confused in a debate in which your points are discussed one by one, this ain't the place for you. You might as well ask people to use three word sentences when addressing you.



yeah, we is something of an expert on football.  soccer we has only a passing knowledge of as we played for only a few years and then got bored.  however, we did date a woman for a couple of years who  were a high school soccer coach.  as Gromnir were coaching dbs for local jv high school at the time, Gromnir and the soccer coach often compared notes.  still, we is by no means an expert of soccer.

No, I meant football. With a ball.



in any event, as the gameplay in soccer is far more fluid than it is in football, you necessarily has more opportunity to plan and strategize during the course of a game.  this should be obvious to anybody with even a passing familiarity with both sports.  for you geekling gamers, think of rt (sans pause) v. tb.  the cereberal component in basketball is necessarily less than in football, for much the same reasosn... so don't feel bad little fella.

My God, are you desperate. You are actually using "geeks" in a disparaging manner? You, the guy with 1k+ posts in a game developer board? What's going to be next, a "get a life!"-ish retort?


The thin fa

Edited by 213374U

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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keep in mind that pretty much any kid born in the United States after 1960 has played soccer.  elemntery and high schools always has soccer as part of their required pe (physical education) programs.  is relatively easy to learn basics and it not take much expensive equipment.  almost every American who posts on this board will have played soccer many times in their life. 


now, how many euros can say that they played football, real American football?


HA! Good Fun!


It can be said the same vice versa. I've played it and thougth that it has boring(too many pauses all the time). Many play it during gym class in High School (there's even a proffessional league in Finland) but Football is where the money is, and many leave American Soccer when they start collage.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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For demonstration purposes, let me frame the arguement mathamatically:


Football > Soccer (source: MIT University)


as you can see, by the vary nature of the signs used in the formula, football has to be a better sport than soccer.


I'm sorry for any previous confusion :thumbsup:

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For demonstration purposes, let me frame the arguement mathamatically:


Football > Soccer (source: MIT University)


as you can see, by the vary nature of the signs used in the formula, football has to be a better sport than soccer.


I'm sorry for any previous confusion :thumbsup:




Football > Soccer




'Soccer' == 'Football'




Football > Football




(Using Liebnitz criteria of true and false in logic, usually called Axiom 3.28)


True > True





"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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um....according to Herz...Herzbergs theory of....arithmathicalmultsubtraction you forgot to...carry a one...so, you know, your wrong-ish


Damn :luck:

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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"And yes, Grom. It's an irony because you accuse others of the very flaw you suffer from. "




that ain't irony... even if it were true. it really ain't. is commonly used thus, but it is wrongness. at least try to learn one thing from this thread. this is one of the more common wrong uses of "irony" and "ironic." try to force the def. to work by finessing is not gonna happen. people confuse "incongruous" with "ironic" all the time... and they is wrong each and every time. is a simple mistake and perfectly understandable... 'less you continue to use wrong after you finds out that you has been using improper.


"No. It's trolling because you just make an attack on my statement without actually explaining where it fails. But you already know that and are just playing victim. Bad cess mate... bad form."


and yet we did just give a full and exhaustive explanation and yet you still responds with foolishness... so what did we gain?


in any event, this is another one of your more ridiculous notions. tank-tops is no longer traditional garb of tank crews, and the naming of tanks is actually the result of an intentional misnomer that ain't never been abandonded. wanna go down list of common items that gots names that is either counter-intuitive or simply a matter of tradition. what is an exchequer? how did the name evolve? why we still call it an exchequer? and since we is on the subject o' soccer, why does they call the playing field a "pitch" anyways. never thought to ask til some loon started questioning the origins of words and ascribing some sorta odd signifficance to those with peculiarity of genesis.


"Still better than "oringine"."


nope... and you misquoted us. funny too when one considers that you seemed so confused by our misspelling. you ain't drinking now is you? that might explain a few things. hardly an unreasonable assumption if you drinks booze during training.


"No, outside the US, football is football, you know, with a ball. If you are going to refer to American football, then it's you who should clarify. I don't care if this is an American or Thai developer, the internets isn't American."


actually the term soccer has its origins outside the US. is not solely an American term, and in any event, obsidian is an American corporation (am not sure in what state they has incorporated as it is not unusual for Cali incorporators to choose deleware or nevada as their home o' incorporation. this is an obsidian board wholly owned and maintained with good old American resources.


if some employee of obsidian uses his work internet connection to post and surf kiddie pr0n do you think she/he can avoid American anti-kiddie pr0n penalties with the defense that the internet is NOT American soil?


welcome to the U.S.A. soccer.




is so much crap. we skips ahead and then maybe comes back later.


"You see, in martial arts, physical contact is the point of the sport. You may get hit, but the idea is to hit the other. Fair game. Getting hit is not an added bonus for your failures."


don't be a bigger arse than you is already seeming. of course getting hit is punishment for failure in martial arts. is also just as inevitable that you will be hit in football as in martial arts. the only real difference is that in tae bo you is play fighting.


again, on these portions of your argument wherein you is clearly wrong, the best thing to do is to deemphasize. is just another reason why reply/quote hurts # so bad.


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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btw, just in case # ain't been paying much attention, Gromnir refers to all of you jokers as nerdlings and geeklings... and we hardly exclude self from such categorizing. if you somehow takes offense at a particular appellation then maybe you should look to self, 'cause we ain't bothered by it none.


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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As long as the argument is framed in terms of "toughness," Grom's gonna win this one easily.


Anybody who went to a high school in the U.S. knows that soccer players are skinny guys who are good at tapdancing in cleats and can run around for a long time without getting tired. Football players are good at beating the snot out of stuff (with the exception of the kicker/punter, who tends to be a wannabe soccer player with asthma). They're the guys you want backing you up when there's a throwdown out behind the cafetorium. The only way a soccer player's winning the fight is if it's against a marching band geekling like myself, or by turning it into a footrace a la the Life of Brian (and there ain't too many high schoolers who fall over dead from a cardiac arrest).

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I don't count judged evenst as being sports.. excpet for boxing :thumbsup:

You are still being judged in football, basketball, or baseball though. Referees make mistakes or get bribes and could easily change the outcome of one match. A wrong call in many sports could easily swing the momentum in one team's favor.

Edited by julianw
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that ain't irony... even if it were true.  it really ain't.  is commonly used thus, but it is wrongness.  at least try to learn one thing from this thread.  this is one of the more common wrong uses of "irony" and "ironic."  try to force the def. to work by finessing is not gonna happen.  people confuse "incongruous" with "ironic" all the time... and they is wrong each and every time.  is a simple mistake and perfectly understandable... 'less you continue to use wrong after you finds out that you has been using improper.
From dictionary.com:


Edited by 213374U

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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