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  spiderspag said:
By the way on the Council's accusations that the Exile's "wound" was somehow responsible for Nihulus was simply evidence that they were scared of the fact they had no idea how or why the Exile was able to "cut himself off" from the Force, or what exactly the "wound" was anyway, as well as how he could still weild and feel the Force whilst having it cut off from him. So they just figured it meant something bad.


Yes, but then they were right, too. Katarr being destroyed was not a good thing, and I do think it's reliable when they say they felt the same thing when they condemned the Exile as they did when Nihilus destroyed Katarr. It's something bad, because he has the power to hurt - maybe even kill - the force itself. So while I might not agree with how the masters decided to resolve the matter, there was certainly good reason to be afraid.


  Tel Aviv said:
Jediphile, your posts are always a treat to read. :p


Thanks, I try... :cool:


The only reason they were afraid is because the only Jedi that has ever been able to do such a thing was one who sided with the other team, Revan, and were therefore afraid that such a power could be used against them. If a loyal Jedi had such an ability, it would have been studied and mystified over, not reviled as it was by the vengeful Jedi Council. In the end, the Council wanted a face to put the blame for the defection of so many Jedi to the banner of Revan on, and that face was the only Jedi who returned from the dark ranks to face judgement--- the Exile.

  Xard said:
  Cassus Fett said:


Things that should be included in the storyline:

Missing plot from KOTOR 2, HK Manufacturing Plant  where you and HK-47 manage to persuade HK-51 a to come with you. This should be at the start.


TSLRP is for that


Yeah, but is it canon?




  Coach C said:
Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
  DAWUSS said:
  Xard said:
  Cassus Fett said:


Things that should be included in the storyline:

Missing plot from KOTOR 2, HK Manufacturing Plant  where you and HK-47 manage to persuade HK-51 a to come with you. This should be at the start.


TSLRP is for that


Yeah, but is it canon?


No, it won't be.


It's not something you can play in the game as it was officially released, so it can't be considered as such, even though all the material is based on unused content written by the developers.


Lucasarts would have to declare it canon, and I doubt that will happen. I'd hope they do, though. The content was, at one point, approved by Lucasarts, after all, or else Obsidian could never have considered it in the first place.


The M4-78 project will almost certainly not be canon, since the people working on it will have to create new plots and so that was moved to other places in K2.


But for TSLRP it is at least possible, though probably highly doubtful.


Hey guys I'm new here but have been keeping up with the subject of KOTOR III since the start on various other sites. First I'm very pleased to see some ground finally being made on making this game reality even though nothing has been announced it looks like they're finally moving forward with it. So with that being said I thought I'd share some ideas on what I'd like to see in number 3 I'm sure some of it has already been said but here it goes anyway.


First I think this game should start right were the other one left off or at least right after it. With the death of the Ebon Hawk at the end of the second one of course you'll need a new ship so you'll leave the thorn room boarding a newer and larger ship left in the landing bay of the Sith academy by "The True Sith" years ago.


Then much like Revan did you journey to the Outer Rim or where ever it was "The True Sith" went with the new ships nav computer sending you to your first planet. Once there you search the planet and find that Revan's ship had crashed on landing and stranded him/her on this back water world. So after a little searching as the Exile you finally come face to face with Revan and become his/her apprentice joining forces to find "The True Sith".


At this point you can be either Revan or the Exile for the rest of the game and start to pick up other party members. Through the rest of the game you come to find out that Revan and the exile were destine to join forces as one "Revan" feels the force very strongly and the other "The Exile" is cut off from it. Even maybe that they were destine to be lovers if you have one character male and one female but which ever you find out "The True Sith" have been waiting for years till two men/women/a man and a woman one strong in the force and the other void of it come to lead/destroy them.


Finally for the rest of the game you spend either leading "The True Sith" to conquer the galaxy/fighting them and their new leader.


Anyway that's my basic idea of how the game should be along with some updates to what your choices are in characters, robes, weapons, and stuff like that. Of course if it's done this way you'd have to be able to create both the Revan and Exile characters before the game so you can make them as you did in the first two. You'd also have to have either Carth or Bastilla be with Revan as a party character in this depending on which you were dark or light in the first game.


Well that's it and like I said I'm sure some of what I said has been said before but this is the way I see the 3rd game anyway. Regardless what way they do it I'm glad that it looks like they are doing it like I said and I can't wait to see it!


p.s. Feel free to let me know what you thought of my idea of how the game should be.


This topic seemed to have died a bit...


But then I just thought of one thing that I'd like to see in there, which goes to the point of why you cannot equip a lightsaber and a blaster at the same time.


Why not? It would actually be very useful to have the ability to deflect bolts with your saber while making ranged attacks with your own blaster at the same time.


I'd like to see that in K3, if it's ever made. Granted, I might not use it, since I always go for two lightsabers, but I'd like the option even so, and who knows - if it were there I might even use it. Right now I can't.

  Jediphile said:
This topic seemed to have died a bit...


But then I just thought of one thing that I'd like to see in there, which goes to the point of why you cannot equip a lightsaber and a blaster at the same time.


Why not? It would actually be very useful to have the ability to deflect bolts with your saber while making ranged attacks with your own blaster at the same time.


I'd like to see that in K3, if it's ever made. Granted, I might not use it, since I always go for two lightsabers, but I'd like the option even so, and who knows - if it were there I might even use it. Right now I can't.


What good is that? The deflected bolts go for enemies! No need to shoot them, they shoot themselves!


I think it'd be cool if ranged characters could take cover behind a crate, or peer around corners. It could add like +4 to defense or something. It'd also make for some pretty looking fire fights.

Posted (edited)
  Darth Exile said:
I'm very pleased to see some ground finally being made on making this game reality even though nothing has been announced it looks like they're finally moving forward with it.


I don't really follow anything Kotor related so forgive me for asking but:


Who is moving forward with it? :thumbsup:

Edited by Surreptishus
Posted (edited)

Well there's been a couple websites out there where I've read articles that in which they seem pretty sure that one of the three games Obsidian is working on right now is KOTOR III. But this is the one that really caught my eye!


Obsidian Hiring For KOTR III? - News at Gaming Horizon


It says:

Though it's certainly far from a game announcement, Obsidian Entertainment has posted a job listing for a senior environmental concept artist to work on a new project for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC.


The project is described as an unannounced, third-person action/RPG tile which, as I'm sure you're now realizing, is a perfect description for a possible Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic III. Hopefully Obsidian will make an official statement at this year's E3. You can view other Obsidian job listings (for an "unannounced console RPG") here.


Now before anyone says it I know this doesn't absolutely confirm their making it but for me it just seems like the right time. I mean if they are going to make it for all three systems PC, 360, and PS3 like has been suggested it's now or never. With the PS3 debuting in November and the 360 already out springing this popular of a game for all three forums at say oh E3 would make major news and really build up the hype with a few screenshots. Now like I said I know it's not an announcement or anything it's just my opinion of what I read and what I feel they are going to be.

Edited by Darth Exile

I don't think Obsidian are currently working on Kotor3 . The three projects they are working on are Neverwinter Nights 2, Project new Jersey (NOT a Sequel), and a game with Sega.

Just because you're a bit thinner than your even fatter mum it doesn't mean you're in excellent physical shape, if you could fit through the door and view the normal people you'd notice that cheeseburger boy. Squid suck.


And that sega game is the multiplatform game that article speaks of.

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This was a good articale too.


IGN: Obsidian's Quadruple Set


It says:

January 17, 2006 - Obsidian Entertainment is currently working on three unannounced role-playing games, according to job listing site Creative Heads.


Comprised of former several Black Isle and BioWare creators, Obsidian appears to be expanding with work expressly for next-generation and PC platforms. One game, listed as a third-person action-RPG for Xbox 360 and PS3, is possibly the third in the Knights of the Old Republic series. Neither LucasArts nor Obsidian would confirm a renewal of their work done on Knights of the Old Republic: The Sith Lords. According to a source close to the development team, Obsidian may not have sealed the deal yet for KOTOR 3.


The second role-playing game listed (Obsidian is looking for an entry-level programmer for this title) is an RPG slated for Xbox 360, PS3, and PC. This second RPG is an original intellectual property called Project New Jersey and uses the Unreal 3 Engine, according to Obsidian employees. Along with job postings for Neverwinter Knights 2 (announced in August 2004), Obsidian is also creating an adventure-RPG for Xbox 360 and PS3 (for which it's in search of a senior graphics programmer).


In addition to the Creative Heads listing is Obsidian's own job listings.

Posted (edited)

That's probably why they are hiring/have hired the new people that were mentioned in the first article. Again I'm not saying it's positive proof their making another one I'm just saying it looks good to assume they will/are making the third one. However to be honest if it isn't made this year I doubt it'll ever be made. Up until now I've assumed as I'm sure most people did that they were waiting for the next-gen systems before releasing it but if that's not the case what are they waiting for? With 360 already out and still no word on it you have to assume that if they are still going to make it then it's going to be for all three systems and their waiting on PS3 to launch. Now if they are you probably won't hear about it until E3 because of course that's were a game like this should be announced especially if it's going to be on all three systems this time.

Edited by Darth Exile

No. I worded my reply badly. Obsidian is three team company that hasn

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Well, Pc team pushes NWN 2 out next september so if they start to do Kotor 3 then it

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Posted (edited)

4yrs between games that's way to long by then how many people who liked the first two would even still care about playing another 2yrs has already been too long for a game this popular.

Edited by Darth Exile
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