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I need help to get handmaiden to a jedi

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You need to earn some influence with her, so you'll have to have her in your party for certain events in a variety of places. Then you have to win three duels with her, which you can't do until you hit level 18. After that, just talk to her, talk to Keira, then talk to her again.

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Does anyone actually play the game honestly without cheating?

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i barely cheat, i dont do the invinvible cheat i just spawn cool looking items like revans robes + masks and to work mods - not much point in getting mods, and waiting half the game to get the modified item

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for me, the first time i played i didnt cheat and just tried to understand the story and so on, (i knew that you would have to do it more then once to uncover more secrets like in K1) so the second time i cheated a little :blink: just item spawning n all and ways to perfect myself and party :p

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