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WoW Addresses Gay-Rights Uproar


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So why do message boards employ the same process?


If all the ill-users of English were banned form their favourite game, or even had their levels docked (or even retarded by extra XP requirements), that might help ...

I know they do, but a lot of it is matter of opinion. These forums right here might ban somebody for expressing explicitely bigotted views, such as racism, on these boards. But do you think they'd be overstepping by banning a member for using the term "gay" to describe something negatively? Someone might take offense, but many would not. How are they supposed to know all the time? When would they draw the line?


Also, WoW is a lot larger of an arena than most message boards out there. Hence, it'd be easier for the admins of message boards like these to just hit the ban button every time something like this pops up. It'd be harder for Blizzard to employ the same process. And personally, I think it'd be rather trite of them to ban or punish their members for every little verbal slip that might be considered remotely offensive. Same way with these boards here. I didn't use the word "gay" to describe Shadowstrider naturally. I was trying to make a point. Using slang words like that might offend, and might be a testament to one's own ignorance. But would banning them really help the situation, or change their views in any way?

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It isn't Blizzard's place to suddenly become the "moral educator" on the internet.  Banning everyone who uses the word "gay" negatively for one thing will not solve the problem.  There will always be people doing it.  Then of course you'd have to ban those who say anything even remotely offensive, such as saying things like "retarded" negatively, of saying "Jesus Christ" as a swear word.  Blizzard is not an ethicator, it's a business.  In fact, one could easily say Blizzard shouldn't have to apologize, because it's their game community, and they are free to do what they wish.  And if you think I'm advocating Blizzard to permit people to say horribly offensive things online, I'm not.  I'm saying I think it's stupid and pointless to ban them for trite things such as what we're debating here. 


And I'll say it again, silencing those whom you disagree with will never solve the problem.  That was the lesson of Fahrenheit 451.  A person's views will, in the vast majority of circumstances, not be changed by the policies enforced by a game company.  Blizzard will not cleanse the population of homophobes just by hitting the might "ban" button.  The only way to counter bad ideas is with better ideas.  They are a business, for one thing, not a school.  Maybe in a more ideal world something like this might work, but not so now.

I completely agree with Mothman on this point. This is why it makes sense that a player can form a guild that states they are open and support the gay community. Blizzard can't get rid of discrimination overnight, so they offer a sanctuary. That's why they relented on the issue. Mothman is right, we need a guild like this.

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So why do message boards employ the same process?


If all the ill-users of English were banned form their favourite game, or even had their levels docked (or even retarded by extra XP requirements), that might help ...

I know they do, but a lot of it is matter of opinion. These forums right here might ban somebody for expressing explicitely bigotted views, such as racism, on these boards. But do you think they'd be overstepping by banning a member for using the term "gay" to describe something negatively? Someone might take offense, but many would not. How are they supposed to know all the time? When would they draw the line?


Also, WoW is a lot larger of an arena than most message boards out there. Hence, it'd be easier for the admins of message boards like these to just hit the ban button every time something like this pops up. It'd be harder for Blizzard to employ the same process. And personally, I think it'd be rather trite of them to ban or punish their members for every little verbal slip that might be considered remotely offensive. Same way with these boards here. I didn't use the word "gay" to describe Shadowstrider naturally. I was trying to make a point. Using slang words like that might offend, and might be a testament to one's own ignorance. But would banning them really help the situation, or change their views in any way?

Um, it's not a zero-tolerance policy. Warnings can be given, with explanations ...


I prefer to give the bigots a penalty to XP accretion, maybe a -10% for first offence: that'll get their attention ... :p




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Okay, threatened.


Wrong again, it wasn't the usage of the term 'gay' that sprang Blizzard reaction, it was the whole idea behind the guild, which has no place in the game and therefore is against the rules.


This argument has now officially gone in circles. It has already been explained why this guild was necessary. Blizzard originally agreed with you, but now they have conceded and issued an apology. You have your opinion, we have ours, but unfortunately for you Blizzard has sided with us.

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This argument has now officially gone in circles.  It has already been explained why this guild was necessary.  Blizzard originally agreed with you, but now they have conceded and issued an apology.  You have your opinion, we have ours, but unfortunately for you Blizzard has sided with us.


Yes, it's an unfortunate state of affairs that whiners and cry babies always get their wish in this country, hence the reason why i was against Blizzard approving this sort of thing, bat alas, they have seemed to falter under the pressure, like everybody does.


BTW, what makes you think Blizzard agrees with you? When you enforce an apology out of somebody, don't expect it to be sincere. They are just trying to avoid furthere trouble, it's not their priority to fight against political corrected fascism...

Edited by Lyric Suite
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if they want to ban the guild then fine, just as long as they ban those who use the term negatively right along beside them.


Equal treatment.


Just as long as everyone is treated equally and fairly, I don't give a sh*t if they are sincere or not.

Edited by Judge Hades
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Yes, it's an unfortunate state of affairs that whiners and cry babies always get their wish in this country, hence the reason why i was against Blizzard approving this sort of thing, bat alas, they have seemed to falter under the pressure, like everybody does.


BTW, what makes you think Blizzard agrees with you? When you enforce an apology out of somebody, don't expect it to be sincere. They are just trying to avoid furthere trouble, it's not their priority to fight against political corrected fascism...


Wow, you really make it sound like the entire world is cracking under the pressure of Gay and Lesbian rights. This is a group that faces open discrimination, and this is a very tiny battle towards ending that.


I also never said Blizzard agreed with me. They sided with me. They are a company, there are probably a multitude of opinions within the company. Sincerity is not important in a business decision, only the final outcome.

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I tend to agree with Lyric Suite on this one. Blizzard's apology was most likely to avoid confrontation. The way things are in our country, any move that can be considered homophobic is devoured by the media and the gay/lesbian community and brings all sorts of negative attention.

Edited by Mothman
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It's bigoted to disagree with a lifestyle? Homosexuals are not entitled to any greater consideration or care than any other group, and yet they demand a special status.


Persecuting homosexuals is certainly wrong. Forcing someone to advocate homosexuality is just as wrong. Blizzard's troubles aren't over with this. Now, the precedent is set. They're going to face the same issue, only with other groups, and those problems are going to get worse, not better.


What if a group insists on married status for its members? What if a group insists on heterosexual orientation? What if a group insists on black only members? I

Edited by Eldar

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It's bigoted to disagree with a lifestyle?  Homosexuals are not entitled to any greater consideration or care than any other group, and yet they demand a special status.

Special status? :huh: No, just a place where they can be free from persecution, which is rife in the general community.

Persecuting homosexuals is certainly wrong.  Forcing someone to advocate homosexuality is just as wrong.  Blizzard's troubles aren't over with this.  Now, the precedent is set.  They're going to face the same issue, only with other groups, and those problems are going to get worse, not better.


What if a group insists on married status for its members?  What if a group insists on heterosexual orientation?  What if a group insists on black only members?  I




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At least I can count on you, meta. :Eldar's cute and fluffy smile icon:


I'd wink, but I'm afraid of what others might think.

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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