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Disappearing Tanks!


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What did the US do after that bullcrap?  The damn republicans gave them favored trade status.

uh, hate to tell you but that was originally granted by carter in 1980, 9 years before tianamen.



a measure that was also extended by clinton two years later and was supported by democrats even at the time...


do you really have any idea the nonsense you spout?



comrade taks... just because.

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We do seem to enjoy killing each other and causing violence against other members of our species.  Hell, it has become a form of entertainment for us.  Killing, violence, death, and destruction, may it be real or fakery we are most certainly entertained by it.


We have people cheering in the streets when thousands die.  We open up our arms in trade when defenseless people are massacred.  We enslave our own kind just to make lives of the slavers easier.  Yet, we laugh and are entertained.  What a malicious species we are.



Drop the melodrama please. No sense trying to act deep and introspective when everyone knows you're not.

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Google wants market share in China, so it has to play by Chinese rules.


Why do we accept it?  Well, I hate to quote the West Wing, but I'm afraid I'll have to, since I agree with the standpoint voiced therein: The Chinese are going to have political prisoners sewing soccer balls together with their teeth whether we sell them cheeseburgers or not, so why not sell them cheeseburgers?


There's the concurrent theory that the more exposed a problem nation like China is to worldwide trade, the less possible it is for an oppressive regime to remain oppressive.


I used to think that way too.


Now I'm not so sure.


The problem is that information may not seep through the barriers like I used to assume it would. Government control is very good - especially when it alters the terms of reference - including even the definitions of words. We may find that some of our folks share common interest with some of their folks in keeping some of their and our folks in the dark.

As dark is the absence of light, so evil is the absence of good.

If you would destroy evil, do good.


Evil cannot be perfected. Thank God.

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do you really have any idea the nonsense you spout?

Yeah, because you know sooo much more than everyone else.. :blink:


Stop the BS, it's embarrassing. Either that or explain whatever it is that you know that's so much more enlightened than the rest of us.


Google agreed to this censorship in the last few months. Whatever nonsense you refer to, it's old news. Get with the times.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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'Stealth tanks' actually exist. You cover a tank with fiberoptic cameras that show whatever is on the other side of the tank.


Doesn't work very well in anything other than desert though, and only against people who left their thermal imaging goggles at home.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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do you really have any idea the nonsense you spout?

Yeah, because you know sooo much more than everyone else.. :blink:


Stop the BS, it's embarrassing. Either that or explain whatever it is that you know that's so much more enlightened than the rest of us.


Google agreed to this censorship in the last few months. Whatever nonsense you refer to, it's old news. Get with the times.



Given the context of taks' full post, I find his comment re: Hades to be rather appropriate.

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The problem is that information may not seep through the barriers like I used to assume it would. Government control is very good - especially when it alters the terms of reference - including even the definitions of words. We may find that some of our folks share common interest with some of their folks in keeping some of their and our folks in the dark.

It seems their government control of information is very good, confounding the hopes of internet pioneers. That's assuming we're getting an accurate impression of their technology, rather than the official government spin.


In any case, if we're to justify trade with China it has to be on other grounds than that somehow this contact will promote democracy in China, because it might or might not, there's no way to tell. I accept trade with China because trade promotes economic development on both sides - it's good that China's economy continue to develop because Chinese economic growth has lifted millions of people out of poverty. If we believe in Making Poverty History, we should support trade with China. We don't need to be nice about their human rights record, though.

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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I am no more nonsensical than anyone else around these forums.  I think you guys read too much into my posts and take them way too seriously.

:blink: I am astounded that you said this. You don't take others seriously?

Quit trying to bait other members into a fight. We will not have any of that.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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Yes, lets make light of China rewriting history in order to remove the massacre that occured at that time.  Oh, let us laugh at the hilarity of human suffering that is to be forgotten.


I find the control shown here and altering of information from the facts to be horrible.

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When you find something that overly redeems the human race please come by and tell me about it.  For every Mother Theresa there is 3 Hitlers.  For every Nelson mandala there are several Osama Bin Ladins.  For every martin Luthor King Jr. There are a dozen Jeffrey Dahmers.



I am not in a sarcastic mood, Cattlepookie...  Um, Battleweekie, dammit, Battlekookie.  BLAST!  You know who you are.  :p



Er... that's just the way the media pushes it. There are actually a lot more nice people to the bad ones. But they make worse copy.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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