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If Minnesota picks up two more wins every team in the Northwest divison will have at least thirty.


An uninspired effort for the Oilers tonight. I was too lazy to don teh rally caps. Not that it would have helped.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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That's just dumb. I don't want losers playing for the Cup., I want the *best* players playing for it.


They could just have the Juniors play for it. If we ever lose another season they'll probably just have the CHL play for it.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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I agree. I simply think people should not care about this. Woopity do dah. They gambled.


The *only* time gambling should be immoral in sports is if someone is betting against their own team and purposely loses a game. Why? Because, that's fialing to do their job sin ce your job as an athlete/coach is to to try win.


Otherwise, I don't give one iotta that someone bet on sports.


Heck, most everyone I know bets on something and NOBODY gets hurt.


Unless vioence is involved (like the mob being involved and htreatening to break legs) than the law should come down hard on those using violence.


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They are trying to tie Tochett to organized crime. Gretzky's wife isn't really in legal trouble, the police have already stated that she's more of a witness to the betting than a ringleader. It's the people who organize the betting that are looking at legal troubles.


The NHL has also already stated they won't be involved at all. None of the gambling was done on hockey games.


Still, it definitely looks bad, and the media is going to town. I also read a few very negative artcles about Theodore and Propecia. Geez, give the guy a break, he's losing his hair.

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Well, the usage Propecia is like 0.01% among the common population and 10% among athletes (fictional numbers but in the same area relative to each other). You think that is a coincidence? That substance is on the forbidden list for a reason, no doubt about it.


And now Jagr leads both goals scored and points total. 10 points in the last 4 games.. I'm guessing he'll be quite the opponent in the Olympics.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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That's the thing. Hockey, like basketball, isn't very conducive to performance enhancing drugs. They might help a bit, but hockey players aren't trying to develop raw strength. Baseball players can use it to improve hitting, football players use it to overpower people, sprinters use it to build leg muscles.


But hockey and basketball (and soccer, I suppose) require a combination of dexterity, agility, strength, and endurance. Most performance enhancing drugs boost one but sacrifice another.

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Theos been taking that hair loss preventative crap for like 9 years they said. Im 21 on wends and actually thinking about starting to take that. I got my hair cut the other day and im beginging to see the start of the Feard M receading hair line. Performace enhancing no. he's not taking them. but there are many performance enhancing drugs that not only provide strenght but speed and help improve your reflexs too. do I think that the NHL has alot of this...no. NFL yes. and baseballs a pass time not a sport, ive seen drunk people who are grosly overweight hit homeruns without a problem. Maybe they shoudl stop taking roids and start eating mcdicks?

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Actually, something simple as cocaine does increase your perceived energy limit, which allows you to stress your system 110% throughout a game. Something simple as morphine allows you to break every bone in your ribcage and still continue playing. Common medicinal growth hormones help you get rid of that nasty injury three weeks earlier than normal. A goalie could be taking diet pills (amphetamine) to increase the amount of concentration he can get out of his eyes, brain and muscles.


All those are very common (and crude) drugs that would be usable in the sports of hockey. Multi million dollar athletes can afford far better products than that.




And I am glad Lundkvist is playing so well. But why does he have to be a GOD against The Leafs?! Damnit! And Jagr is killing us. Four goals so far in two games and the second game isn't even over yet!

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I can't bitch about Jagrs' output. Between he and Petr Sykora I've been holding down first place in my hockey pool for a week. At least your team isn't lying down and taking it. Unlike a certain favorite team of mine who totally mailed in a pretty bad performance last night. Plus we lost Marty Reasoner. I guess the great teams find a way to win with players out, and merely good teams lose.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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"And I am glad Lundkvist is playing so well. But why does he have to be a GOD against The Leafs?! Damnit! And Jagr is killing us. Four goals so far in two games and the second game isn't even over yet!"


Hey, don't play Lundqvist! He didn't play Saturday. That was Weekes. And, Friday's game was an 'off day' for Lundqvist as he barely stopped 90% of the shots he faced. :D


Heh. Jagr is kewllll!!! :)


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I for one am extremely dissapointed there wasn't any late games tonight. And the Oilers game is a matinee. And I'm working!! At least I kicked ass in my hockey pool. I'd likes to give mad props to Sergei Gonchar.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Olympic hockey is only a few days away. I can barely wait!


Who do you see as the favourites to win the gold?


Canada are always strong (of course) and should be gold candidates, even if they played the B-team. Annoying, but true. I'm secretly hoping that the Gretzky gambling thingie has rocked the boat a little, but I wouldn't bet my morning breath on it.


The last time the Czech's won the gold, they did it with the gigantic help from two players: Jagr and Hasek. Jagr scored a ton of goals and Hasek made sure noone scored against them. That was (almost) all it took to win the gold that time. Check out Jagr and Hasek this year.. :phear:


The Russians.. what can you say. Impossible to predict where they stand, but they most often turn out to be underachievers. They have the best offensive talent of all teams (imagine Ovechkin, Malkin and Kovalchuk together and you'll crap your pants), but I am unsure about the defense and goaltending.


The Swedes. Underdogs to say the least. We have some talent and a hot goalie, but all our stars are icecold right now. Sundin has scored 1 goal in his last 12 games, Alfredsson has had 0 points in his last 5 games and Forsberg is being a sissy as usual. Sweden doesn't belong on this list but I added them anyhow because I am a biased son-of-a-bitch.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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The Czechs and the Crappy Bigoted Arrogant Kanandians are. US, and Russia with a slight chance. The Swedes simply aren't that good. if Forsberg wasn't injured (he's not a sissy; a sissy is someone who wouldn't tell him that to his fac e ie. you) than maybe I'd believe theyd have a chance as after Jagr, Forsberg would be a MVP Candidate. :)

Edited by Volourn


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Canada is laying the smack down in women's hockey. First the 16-0 win over Italy, then the 12-0 win over Russia. I think we pretty much have that one clinched. Mens hockey I'm not so confident though. Women's hockey isn't that new in Canada, but the rest of the world I think its pretty new, while Mens theres always some stiff competition.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Even though my stoner senses tell me that the czechs will win, my only hope for the Olympics is that none of my Oilers are injured any further during the games.


And speaking of the Oilers, I see big Georges Laraque scored his first goal at home to tie the game with less than two minutes to go. And we're going to overtime so I'm greatful for the single point.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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