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That wasn't the point. The point is that players that play on the PK are typically good defenders. They certainly aren't "loser players."


Poor defensive players typically do not play on the PK. That's not to say that failure to play on the PK makes that player a defensive liability. IMO, after years of watching Jagr, his best defensive ability is his dominating offensive ability. Much like a Lemieux or Gretzky.

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"IMO, after years of watching Jagr, his best defensive ability is his dominating offensive ability. Much like a Lemieux or Gretzky."


Again, I never said Jagr was the best defensive player ever.


I said he was good, when he needs to be, at defense. The bottom line when he is on the ice, his teams cores more than the opposition at even strength. As does Thornton of course but not quite at Jagr's level (just barely though b/c of the last 10 games).


I see Jagr backcheck a lot to steal the puck from the opposition. To say Jagr can't play defense is to not know hockey.


P.S. If anyone wnats more proof that the Olympics are evil; just look at what they did to Hasek.



"They certainly aren't "loser players."


They are if they are doing a poor job of killing penalties. LOL

Edited by Volourn


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No one said Jagr can't play defense.


The bottom line when he is on the ice, his teams cores more than the opposition at even strength.


This has much more to do with his offensive ability than his defensive ability. +/- is an awful measurement of defensive ability. Especially when considering an absolute amazing defensive player is not even going to be a plus-player if he has 4 hacks on the same line as him. For all you can tell by looking at +/- is that Jagr is riding the defensive capabilities of Nylander and Rozsival.

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And the Oilers outclassed the Avs tonight in their last game of the season. With back to back wins at home Edmonton managed to hit 20 victories at Rexall place. Which didn't look possible a month ago. Go team!!!


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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It's an outside chance consideirng his struggles of late; but thanks to Cheechoo and Thornton taking the night off and gaining no points in their game tonight; Jagr with a great performance tomorrow against the Hasekless (THANKS OLYMPICS!!!) and win both the scoring and goal scoring titles!




That said, it's an outside chance.


And, *almost* as important if Jagr does that well then the Rangers will win their division outright!!!!


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I was at the Sharks game, and Lucky Luc's wife was about 6 rows in front of me. It was pretty clear who she was, they showed her on the big screen, and his son looks exactly like him. She was hot. It was a very nice display for his final game. It was a bit of a non-game for the Sharks, but clearly they were saving their energy.

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Late to the discussion but:


BOOOOO SHARKS, knocking my 'Nucks out of the playoffs. Well, they can only blame themselves with our 3 star players doing **** all all season. They should start adding clauses to contracts where if a player doesn't perform reasonably well in comparison to their last season, they get a pay cut. Because Naslund, Bert, and Morrison got those big pay raises because they were some of the top players in the league... yet this season they just didn't perform. And now I'm hearing talk of giving Jovo a big raise, yet he seems to end up injured for half the season all the time.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Leafs fire Pat Quinn

>_< Dissapointed, not really surprised though. Someone always takes the blame when a team underachieves. And I think the Leafs did underachieve to a point. They weren't picked to do very well in the "new" NHL this year, but they were supposed to be good enough to at least make the playoffs. Personally I was hoping Ferguson would be the one to go, but oh well.

I took this job because I thought you were just a legend. Just a story. A story to scare little kids. But you're the real deal. The demon who dares to challenge God.

So what the hell do you want? Don't seem to me like you're out to make this stinkin' world a better place. Why you gotta kill all my men? Why you gotta kill me?

Nothing personal. It's just revenge.

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Ok, my upset predictions:


San Jose over Nashville - Ok, not much of a stretch.


Philly over Buffalo - Philly is built for the tough defensive playoffs. The Sabres are an awesome story, but they lack experience.


Colorado over Dallas - This is a stretch. I think Dallas is very capable of losing. Without the shootout, they aren't nearly as good. But the Av's are weak as well. I'm going with them because I think Thibault has recovered from injury and is ready to steal a series.


Montreal over Carolina - Another stretch, but it wouldn't surprise me. Carolina is weak defensively and Montreal is strong. Both are inexperienced.


Anahiem over Calgary - My biggest stretch, but it will be a tough series. The Ducks probably don't have the goaltending, but Giguerre has gotten hot before.


One I'd love to be an upset, but won't happen:


New York over New Jersey - Sorry Volourn! I wish the Rangers had a chance here, but the Devils are too hot and too deep. Good news is Brodeur is getting old.


Sure Thing:


Detroit over Edmonton - Detroit could put me in goal and still dominate most teams. The Oilers just aren't ready.


Ottawa over Tampa - there is a slight chance of an upset. Tampa still has winners and the Senators know how to blow it, but Tampa just doesn't look that good.

Edited by Hurlshot
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