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You don't type "sh" instead of "s" when drunk.

I usually don't typo at all when I'm drunk.



Did anyone see Jarkko Ruutu's hit on Jaromir Jarg in the Czech - Finland game? Nastiest hit I've seen since Stevens hit Lindros' career into a freefall to the bottom. NASTY. N.A.S.T.Y. I am sure you'll see it sooner or later in some weird place on the internet if you haven't seen it already. I have a feeling neither Jarkko nor Jagr will return in this tournament. Unfortunately, that injury Jagr received may also mean he has played his last game for a few weeks. Unlucky, Rangers!


I didn't feel it was an illegal hit though. Sure, it might have been charging. Sure, it might have been "intent to injure", who knows. But he received a boarding penalty and a match penalty (from the otherwise excellent swedish referee!). He will probably be suspended for a number of games.


Actually, while I was looking for a picture of the incident I happened upon a doctor's comment about Jagr. Apparently he didn't get a concussion! Amazing! All he needed were a few stitches to his forehead. Jagr may be a lot tougher than one thinks. Lucky, Rangers (if it's true.. hard to believe right now)!




(The Assault)




Edit: Spelt Ruutu wrong. Added second picture.

Edited by mkreku

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Is this Tuumo Ruutu's brother? Jagre has always been a pretty tough guy, so I'm glad to hear he's ok. There has been some excellent games so far. I'm amazed at the competition level, I just wish Germany could get up there. Switzerland has arrived.

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"Unfortunately, that injury Jagr received may also mean he has played his last game for a few weeks. Unlucky, Rangers!"


Another reason to hate Olympic hockey. He better not miss any NHL time or the Rangers should sue the Olympics for not protecting the athletes better. <>



"I didn't feel it was an illegal hit though. Sure, it might have been charging. Sure, it might have been "intent to injure", who knows. But he received a boarding penalty and a match penalty (from the otherwise excellent swedish referee!). He will probably be suspended for a number of games."


Obviously, it was an illegal hit. I'll take the 'excellent' referree's opinion over yours. :)

Edited by Volourn


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Rangers can't do anything to the Olympics.


The NHL teams agreed to allow their players to compete in the Olympics.


Besides, I think the NHL is the ones on the bad end of that contract they signed with the IIHF back in 1996 to allow NHL players to compete. The NHL has already handicapped teams that have to go through the preliminaries, by not releasing players to compete. As a result, these teams have to make decisions about their Olympic rosters, because if they want to field NHL players, they have to recognize that these players will not be available for the preliminary rounds.


In July 2005, the NHL, NHLPA, and IIHF agreed to continue the arrangement, allowing players to compete in the Olympics. If the owners are too worried about their players getting hurt, they should never have agreed to it.


Some people are speculating that the NHL agreed to it because of the Salt Lake City arrangement in 2002. There wasn't as much owner grumbling then as there is now. Perhaps the main reason why they agreed again is because of Vancouver 2010. Perhaps not surprisingly, deputy NHL Commissioner has heavy reservations about whether or not the NHL involvement in the Olympics will continue past 2010.



Much like most contracts, I feel that if the NHL agrees to allow players to compete, they should be held accountable.



Funny to see Volourn defending the owners though, who "treat the players like slaves and commodities," when it's clear the player can choose not to go if he does not want to.

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Honestly, I was initially ticked off about the Olympics putting the NHL on hold. But now that I've watched a few games, I can say that it really is a special event. Now that there are more than 2 competitive teams, it's a very special tournament. It's also only a problem every 4 years.

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"Rangers can't do anything to the Olympics."





"when it's clear the player can choose not to go if he does not want to."


Yes; but whetehr a player plays or not doens't mean the NHl is going to be played. Plus, the players agree to play in the Olympics... not to take cheap shots that injure them there.



"Much like most contracts, I feel that if the NHL agrees to allow players to compete, they should be held accountable."


Why should the NHL be held accountable? It's up to the Olympic Committee to protect the athletes including the hockey players while at the Olympics; not NHL owners or the league as a whole.



I don't care if Jagr misses the rest of the Olympics. The injury doens't seem *too* seriously so all that matters is he gets healthy for REAL hockey and goes on to win his well earned awards.


That's all that shoiuld matter to REAL hockey fans. Not this FAKE hockey in the Olympics.




Edited by Volourn


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"Rangers can't do anything to the Olympics."



You were the one saying the Rangers' should sue, not me.


Why should the NHL be held accountable? It's up to the Olympic Committee to protect the athletes including the hockey players while at the Olympics; not NHL owners or the league as a whole.


Because it's obvious that, in the middle of a heated competition, it's possible for a player to get injured. It happens all the time in the actual NHL. If they expected players to play like it was an All-Star game, then the NHL and the NHLPA are a bunch of morons.


Besides, the NHL lets players do the same **** in their own league without repercussions. Getting their panties in a bunch would just make them appear like class A hypocrites.


The Owners signed the deal that let the players play. If they wanted to go back on it, why did they RENEW the deal for this Olympics, and into 2010? If the NHL owners feel the threat of injury is too extreme, then don't sign off on contracts that allow NHL players to play in the Olympics.


And anyone that doesn't think the Olympic Hockey is "real hockey," is either just trolling, or has no real concept of the sport of hockey.

Edited by alanschu
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Sweden beat USA earlier today in a close game. I don't understand why Sundin always plays like he's on fire when he's in the national team. I haven't seen this spark in him all season with the Leafs. Lundkvist was great in goal.


Forsberg was a healthy scratch for the first time in his career since 1992. He will play tomorrow against the Slovaks though.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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"Have you been watching the Olympic games Volourn?"


Here and there. The games have been ok at best. Definitely not NHL calibre.



"You were the one saying the Rangers' should sue, not me."


I said they *should* sue; I didn't say they *could* sue. BIG difference. :p



"Besides, the NHL lets players do the same **** in their own league without repercussions."


Oh really? That must explain the fines, suspensions, and the health insurance as well as the round the clock medical care players in the NHL pretty much have. I wonder if the Olympics cover its athletes' medical bills from injuries suffered in Olympic play. If they don't it should espicially if its from a cheap shot from a another athlete that the Olympics allowed to play.


Afterall, the Olympics goes nuts in suspensions - including life time bans - they should dot he same thing for something that's worse - attempting to injure others or severe lack of caring if you do.



"And anyone that doesn't think the Olympic Hockey is "real hockey," is either just trolling, or has no real concept of the sport of hockey."


Nice attempt; but no. REAL hockey = the best hockey in the world. That is the NHL. There's a reason why the best players from outside of NA pretty much all want to come to NA to play in the NHL - it's the best hockey. Not to mention the fact, when players were growing up they all had the same dream - to win the Stanley Cup; not to win Olympic Gold. And, don't give me that PC crap of how they're doing it for the 'ove of their country'. ;)

Edited by Volourn


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And, don't give me that PC crap of how they're doing it for the 'ove of their country'. :p


Hey, some of them actually do do it for the love of their country. When Duceppe brought up the possibility of sending a separate team Quebec to international play, Quebec players pretty much unanimously shot that idea down because they don't dream of playing for Team Quebec, they dream of playing for Team Canada.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Nice attempt; but no. REAL hockey = the best hockey in the world. That is the NHL.

Outside the Olympics and the World Cup of hockey, yes, the NHL is the best hockey.


But you have to remember that there are 30 NHL teams, so the talent is spread pretty thin in most teams. When you look at the top nations in the Olympics, you'll see much better teams than any NHL team, talentwise.


I enjoy Olympic hockey vastly more than I enjoy yet another Columbus Blue Jackets - St. Louis Blues game in the NHL. Especially in the 'playoffs', when B-nations like Italy and Germany aren't involved any longer.




I also love how Canada (with all their stars) have failed to score a goal in two straight games! Finland played an outstanding game and beat the canucks on every level. They outmuscled, outsmarted and outplayed them. And who would have thought Niittym

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I finally saw Ruutus' hit on Jagr. It seemed, for lack of a better term, unneccesary. I don't know if I was more dissapointed by A: Ruutu being allowed to play today, B: Jagr playing for two periods today, or C: Canada getting shut out again.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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"You were the one saying the Rangers' should sue, not me."


I said they *should* sue; I didn't say they *could* sue. BIG difference. :blink:


You can't suggest that someone *should* do something that they are incapable of doing. If you wanted to make it clear, you should include something along the lines of "be able" as in "they should be able to sue." Saying that someone "should" do something, implies that they are able.



"Besides, the NHL lets players do the same **** in their own league without repercussions."


Oh really? That must explain the fines, suspensions, and the health insurance as well as the round the clock medical care players in the NHL pretty much have. I wonder if the Olympics cover its athletes' medical bills from injuries suffered in Olympic play. If they don't it should espicially if its from a cheap shot from a another athlete that the Olympics NHL allowed to play.




In any case, there's plenty of dirty hits that don't get suspensions, fines, or any sort of repercussions. Jarret Stoll got blasted completely from behind head first into the boards. The player was ejected from the game. No fines, no suspensions.


Afterall, the Olympics goes nuts in suspensions - including life time bans - they should dot he same thing for something that's worse - attempting to injure others or severe lack of caring if you do.


LOL, "severe lack of caring." HAHAHA.



"And anyone that doesn't think the Olympic Hockey is "real hockey," is either just trolling, or has no real concept of the sport of hockey."


Nice attempt; but no. REAL hockey = the best hockey in the world. That is the NHL. There's a reason why the best players from outside of NA pretty much all want to come to NA to play in the NHL - it's the best hockey. Not to mention the fact, when players were growing up they all had the same dream - to win the Stanley Cup; not to win Olympic Gold.  And, don't give me that PC crap of how they're doing it for the 'ove of their country'. :rolleyes:


Well, that might be because when they were growing up they were unable to compete for Olympic Gold!. And since you feel it's "PC crap" that they do it for the love of their country, then why are they competing? Perhaps it's because they want to win the Olympic Gold? Did Mario Lemieux play through his injury, to the point where he didn't play another game that season after the Gold Medal game, because he didn't feel like winning an Olympic Gold?


I have yet to meet an athlete that did not have favourable memories about winning an Olympic gold medal. You are talking out of your ass, and just bitter because a player on your team got hurt. Even though the Owners agreed to let him play, as well as himself.

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Peter Forsberg has always been a strong advocate of representing his home country over the NHL. He seems to only play in the NHL because he can use the money they pay him to help his hometown. Of course he wants a Stanley Cup, no one likes to lose, but I think he wolud much rather win Gold for his country.

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Why does Pronger play for the canadians? He sucks on big ice! I've never seen anyone so slow on Olympic ice. How does he survive in the new NHL?


Sakic, Draper and Doan have been good for Canada. 3-2 against the Czech's right now. Great game!

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Pronger is a very good defenseman, but he doesn't play smart in big games. You'll see that in the playoffs.


I don't think Switzerland will beat Canada again. They took the Czech's and the Canadiens by surprise, but they'll be hard pressed to repeat that in the semifinals.

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I read in the paper today that it will hurt the NHL that the US is out so quickly. They say the US fans have no reason to watch the next 4 games. I guess I can see that, but personally I'm way more excited about Team Russia than I ever was about Team USA. Maybe it's because my goalie Nabakov is leading them. I don't even like most of the US players. Roenick was the only real personality, and they left him at home. I heard the US players also had to pay for their own hotels, flights, and food. That seems a bit odd. Maybe it was incentive not to trash their rooms.


I'm also just glad to see good hockey. I don't care what teams are playing. That's the nice thing about the Olympics, I don't really feel like I have a home team I have to root for.

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Good hockey maybe? But, NHL hockey is gooder. Can't wait 'til the end of the month when real hockey starts.


Oh well. At least either Jagr or Lundqvist will likely win gold just like they'll win the SC. :-"


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I'm not so sure either Jagr or Lundkvist will win the gold. The russians have been looking exceptionally strong this year (Ovechkin is unstoppable, but Malkin received a suspension and won't play in the semi's). Finland are undefeated in the tournament so far. If I had to rank them:


1. Finland & Russia (impossible to tell who's stronger)

3. Sweden

4. The Czech's

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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