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At what point did Revan turn to the DS?

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I guess that we will have to wait until k3 until we know for sure.

Another great idea by the people who brought you beer milkshakes!


"I don't see a problem...then again, SW isn't my life, so what do I know...." - some who makes 27.8 post per day on a SW forum!

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I guess that we will have to wait until k3 until we know for sure.

Wishful thinking that is.

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I do think Revan Like Kreia already have similar Views about the Force.


Revan was thristing for Knowledge and being the best damn Jedi ever. Revan and Kreia became best friends due to their similar nature. Kreia is quite knowledgable and Revan desires to become more knowledgable.

So their relationship became like grandmother(Kreia) and grandchild(Revan).


Kreia is always been proud of Revan. Also she becomes Proud of the Exile too.


I Feel that Kreia and Revan's relationship is closer like Grandmother and grandchild than anything.


To Revan, Kreia is his favorite grandmother.


To Kreia, Revan is her favorite grandchild.

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I always kinda thought it was straight forward to be honest.


He and Malak were light side until the end of the Mandalorian Wars when Revan decided the republic could not protect itself and needed a true leader (in his own opinion).


They then searched out the Star forge which gave them the power needed to take over the sith (the republic sith) and form their army togather to conquer the republic, for its own good (as Kreia says).


Revan then reverts back to Lightside after being captured by the jedi and having his mind wiped.


Dont think Kreia ever lied at all, she just reads alot more into a topic then your normal CRPG NPC. One of the things that made her so interesting.


Where as other NPCs would catagorize Revan good or bad based only on the deeds, Kreia looked beyond the deeds and to what was the thinking behind doing the deeds.


Revans goals were not evil (in a traditional sence) just how he went about obtaining those goals after the Mandalorian wars (his acts) made him evil in everyones eyes.

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Revan never "fell". He became the dark lord out of necessity. And that is something the council will never know. :p  <_<


I expect that Revan really turned to the dark side because Kreia talked him into it - or more likely, foretold what would have occured if he did not. Since manipulating people is what she does/did best, no doubt she manipulated Raven into proving her teachings - that one can never be complete with having studied only one view of teachings. Either that, or she was simply trying to justify the fact that Revan was "good" and sacrificed far more than the Jedi council - thus making them hypocrites. Yeah, she had a point to prove and used Revan to prove it for her :D


In other word it is a DS persons view of how "Noble" Revans fall was. Instead of coming out and say that all the bad things he had to do made him fall, she wraps it up in a more beautifull way. This was probably in hope of making a new Revan in the end.


Think bad habits is bad to brake. :)

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In other word it is a DS persons view of how "Noble" Revans fall was. Instead of coming out and say that all the bad things he had to do made him fall, she wraps it up in a more beautifull way. This was probably in hope of making a new Revan in the end.


Think bad habits is bad to brake. :huh:


I didn't say I believed it - hence the smilies, but you're right. It is a nice way for a DS to sum it up.


I wouldn't trust Kreia's words as far as I could throw her.

HK47: Commentary: It is not possible to destroy the master. It is suggested that you run while my blasters warm, meatbags.

Bastila to Revan: You are easily the vainest, most arrogant man I have ever met!

Canderous to Bastila: Insults? Maybe if your master had trained your lightsaber to be as quick as your tongue you could have escaped those Vulkars, you spoiled little Jedi princess!

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Yeh, Kreia by nature is a liar and manipulator - although as mentioned Obsidian seemed to take it's stories and stuff she said quite seriously, for instance the fact that you couldn't ditch her.


I originally thought that Revan just went to war, discovered signs of the StarForge and through war just became power hungry and became the usual DS All-Mighty Power hungry person, but that Star Map movie on Dantooine did make it weird, so here's what I think now:

> They were part-time DS, :rolleyes: , like say Anakin who is more into becoming a powerful Jedi/person, and ventured to the ruins and found the Dantooine Star Map. They then use the Mandalorian Wars as an excuse to go look for it and then eventually come back as the Sith fleet in K1. In another thread, "True Sith" one I think, there's a line from K1 which can be interpreted as Revan himself being like a Sidious and tempting the Mandalorians to War thus creating the oppurtunity he wanted.


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In another thread, "True Sith" one I think, there's a line from K1 which can be interpreted as Revan himself being like a Sidious and tempting the Mandalorians to War thus creating the oppurtunity he wanted.

I don't remember that line but if what you say is true, it would make things even more interesting. :blink:

Another great idea by the people who brought you beer milkshakes!


"I don't see a problem...then again, SW isn't my life, so what do I know...." - some who makes 27.8 post per day on a SW forum!

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What i really want to know is which did Revan find first, the Star Forge or Malachor V.


K1 says he found the SF and it caused him to 'fall'.

K2 says (or atleast the cronicals) he found M5 ant it corrupted him.


So which is it?


For me it would have to be M5, which i think he found near the begining of the war b4 he and the jedi joined the battle. The SF he found after the war in those few month that they were away.

Another great idea by the people who brought you beer milkshakes!


"I don't see a problem...then again, SW isn't my life, so what do I know...." - some who makes 27.8 post per day on a SW forum!

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