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Anyone quoting rules at DLaunch should be perma-banned. 


She's one of the best things about this forum!



Agreed :blink:


... but i was quoting the rules at Mothman, not her.

I like this part of his sig


2" is too darn small  - Darque


But do you know what it refers too :lol:

:o that was PG-13 rated. i don't think i can handle that...


The only thing that really bugs me about sigs is when a forum isn't equipped, software or setting wise, to restrict stuff - which happens a lot. :blink: Like I've seen people with avatars that are 300kb in size - the forum shrunk their physical dimmensions but not their actual file size. And I still remember the guy here several months ago who had a sig pic that was almost a 1MB.


I may have high speed now, but I remember what it was like not to. Limey. :mellow:

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts

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