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Origin/meaning of KOTOR names?


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So far, the following explanations seem to be generally accepted:

- Traya: betrayal. A reference to her betrayal of everyone, including Jedi, Sith, and finally the Exile.

- Sion: from Latin scion "heir", in this context, the heir of the Sith legacy and his master Traya.

- Nihilus: from Latin nihil "not anything", cf: nihilism. Perhaps a reference to Nihilus being essentially "an empty shell upon nothing".

- Malak: from Latin mala "jawbone". It should be noted that "mal" is also the beginning of Latin-derived words meaning "evil", like "malefactor", "malice". The latter may have some connection to Malachor V, although BioWare probably did not intend the planet to be what Obsidian made it.

- Visas: from Latin visus "sight".

- Mira: according to Wikipedia, means "aim" in Portuguese, Hebrew and Italian, a reference to her bounty hinting.

- Atton: is speculated to be derived from "atonement", but I find it doubtful that this name has any significance, since Atton Rand was originally planned to be the name of Jaden Korr.

- HK-47: from "Hunter Killer" and AK-47, an automatic rifle. Yes, Obsidian kind of screwed the latter...


Here are my thoughts: Revan is derived from "raven", Canderous from "dangerous", and Bastila from "Bastille". Also, Visas' full name ("Visas Marr") can literally mean "sight impaired" (marred). Yes, I know, I'm going to compete with Ric Olie for the title of Captain Obvious. Still, mentioned it to ease further speculation.

(Also, for some reason I thought that Mira may have something to do with mir, Russian for "peace".)


Do you think this is believable? Do you have any other ideas?

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I think Wikipedia has Mira's name wrong.


It comes from the Slavic word "мир"(mir), which meanes peace.


There are many manes thar start with the particle '"Mir"


The name Mira can be a nickname or in some cases an actual name.

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John Lenon


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By the way HK comes from either Hunter Killer or Henkler & Koch.

The number 47 comes from AK-47.

Нека Силата винаги бъде с теб!


I reject your reality, and substitute it with my own.


Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted.

John Lenon


This thread is a big "hey, f*** you!" to the humanity's intelligence.


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Revan could also be from revenence (sp?; something like that word that I forget how to spell), meaning something like 'to return' or somesuch... This is an ancient topic, but the original is virtually mummified by now, so I'll let you dig up some of the old name ideas yourselves...

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Sikon, what took you so long? You said you were going to make thi thread reality quite a while ago.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Interesting topic on figuring out where they got the names from.

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Darth Traya might have dual meanings with her name, so that it could also mean traitor to someone who has been betrayed by her.

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Some see salvation as an act of God, a few look within for it.



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Darth Traya might have dual meanings with her name, so that it could also mean traitor to someone who has been betrayed by her.

That's what she implied in the game when she talks to the Exile and later on to Atris.

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength

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Isn't that taking it a bit far though?

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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