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What is a sport?


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Does a sport need to be competitive?


The dictionary defines a sport as physical activity done for pleasure. This is pretty open, as it can then include all sorts of odd activities. But here are some of the odd things I consider sports:









Here are some things I don't consider sports:



Designated hitting in Baseball


Why cheerleading? Because actual cheerleading, not just waving pom poms, is a very difficult physical activity. Wrestling, even if it is staged who wins, is also very difficult physically. Marathons sex sessions are also a sport...and if ESPN agreed I bet they'd raise their ratings.


Golf and bowling takes skill, but it's a very minor physical activity. It takes some skill to play a musical instrument as well, but playing drums isn't a sport.


The big debate here will probably be Pro Wrestling, since it's not really competitive in the same way as all the other activities I listed. There is a routine already mapped out, much like a dance. Personally I think it's definitely a sport, because they still run the risk of serious injury to entertain. I haven't seen many bowlers do the same.

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Golf and bowling takes skill, but it's a very minor physical activity.


Have you ever played golf ?


It might not look particularly "active" but the stress it puts your body certainly makes it physical (as well as the walk around the 18 , unless you ride of course:) )

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Wrestling is not a sport. It's a male soap opera that uses physicality to help gets it story across.


Do you consider what stuntment do a sport? I hope not. That's exactly what wrestlers do (but, ore dangerous as they do it for longer amounts of time).


Everything a wrestler does is pre planned (whether it be the day before ora few minutes before hand).



"Designated hitting in Baseball"


What a siully statement. Of cours,e it isn't a sport. It';s a position in a sport. It surely is a physical activity that actually involves competition.






Both sports.


You seem to eb confusing hard physicla activity = sport while this simply isn't the case.


Sex is not a sport... unless you have some sort of tournament. Heheh.

Edited by Volourn


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By wrestling I assume your refering to the American variety rather than wrestling in general.


I dont think you could consider anything that scripted to be a sport.

Edited by ShadowPaladin V1.0
I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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"By wrestling I assume your refering to the American variety rather than wrestling in general.


I dont think you could consider anything that scripted to be a sport."


Yes, Professional Wrestling not Amatuer/Olympic Wrestling. Of course the latter is actually a sport.



"Sure wrestling can be a sport in the same way as ice skating. A panel of judges could give scores indicating how much they liked the performance."


Nope. Because unlike Figure Skating, a wrestler is reliant on his opponent to make him look good. Wrestler A can do his job; but if Wrestler B fails; they'll both look bad most likely.


That's why it's not a sport. The wrestlers are working together not against eahc other even (and espicially) iof they are beating each other up.


There's a reaosn why over half the program is dedicated to the wrestlers talking and interatcing outside of the ring.


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I would have said that a sport must be


1) Competitive.


2) Must have a fixed set of rules. Which kind of rules out sex, really.


3) The competitors, while having artificial aids, receive little or no competitive benefit from those aids. The focus of the competition is on the human performance of the individual.


I draw the last point to distinguish a game like Axis and Allies from a sports like rugby, although clearly there are degrees of shading involved with for example chess or F1 racing. AD&D can't be a sport because you're using completely artificial proxies. It's a game.


How's that sound?

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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I'm willing to agree that golf is a sport, and I've played golf. I'll play more when I'm an old man :shifty:


I like Walsingham's definition of what a sport is, but I must also point out that the dictionary does not have that as the actual definition. I do agree that competition is an important part of any sport. Competition is what usually drives people to do better. But there are different types of competition.


Actual physical competition is what we typically see in the major sports. People run side by side, or face off over an object.


But what about figure skating, competitive cheerleading, golf, or bowling? You are trying to get a certain score. No one is influencing your score.


Pro Wrestling is unique, but I would still say it's competitive. They compete in order to even get on TV. They have to show that they can do outrageous physical stunts. I guess I'm willing to say it's not a sport, but I still think the athleticism shouldn't be questioned.

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"They compete in order to even get on TV"


The stars of Days of Our Lives, Law and Order, and The Practice do that as well.




"I still think the athleticism shouldn't be questioned."


Who is disputing that? I'm certainly not. Don't forget I like wrestling, and there's no doubt they're athletic. Consideirng they cna do 360s, and can jump off the top rope with someone's head between their legs (lol) and not kill each other says a lot.


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A sport is a compitition where the winner is not predetermined.


So Proffessional wrestling is out

Figure skating is also out (as has been proven in the past many many times, the judges are bias and baring a huge accident have already decided on the victor).


NOW, it you say Proffessional wrestling is fake or not demanding ill call you a moron. Proffessional wrestling (even though its scripted) is one of the HARDEST and most rigerous activities a person can put their body through. Much tougher then baseball, hockey, or even football on a day to day basis.


One could even make the arguement its tougher then MMA and boxing because in those sports you compete once maybe twice a month (rest is training). Todays wrestlers participate 3-4 times a week. In the 70s and 80s they participated 5-6 times a week.


Ric Flair one year had 350 matchs. You do the math. Thats alot of impact and damage on your body no matter how you look at it.


Also, golf is alot more demanding then people give it credit for. I know because I use to golf 2 times a week and then when my back went out it became harder and harder to even swing a club to the point now that I cant even do one hole physically. Sure it uses different muscles and techniques but you still need to be in shape to compete.

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I'm willing to agree that golf is a sport, and I've played golf.  I'll play more when I'm an old man :wub:


I was indoctrinated into the world of golf when I was 15. I'm actually pretty good I just don't have the drive <groan> to play it competatively.


Considering I'd die of boredom just walking the same distance as a golf game it's good exercise which I otherwise wouldnt do.


I also play tennis and badminton with my wife (when she's not pregnent that is).

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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